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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 3 hours ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    Wasn't there an announcement about streaming? What a let down the whole thing has been. Sad.  

    Yeah. The optimistic me says they are cleaning up a variety of concerts in prep for streaming and it's taking time. Strange they announce streaming with no follow up info/Announcements for so long.

    The realistic me considers the almost non existent 50th content of real interest. 

  2. Went to visit my brother on HMAS Melbourne today as it was in town. We were taken out to the ship then spent the morning onboard as they sailed into dock for the weekend.....

    Shots along the Brisbane river include an American fuel resupply ship and a Japanese supply ship which participated in military exercises off the QLD coast....










  3. :goodpost:


    56 minutes ago, The Rover said:

    If there is a blemish on Zeppelin, it is that they were not able to, by circumstances, or, even on purpose, to film more of their concerts, and to film them in the studio. Other supergroups were able to achieve this. Who knows what live recording plans might have been nixed by the abrupt stoppages of the '75, '77 and '80 Tours.

  4. 7 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    ^^ Hard to be unbiased, I love A & C, but have never watched Dean and Jerry Lewis together. In fact, if I had to be totally honest, I never thought much of Deano or the Ratpack; I watched some movie they did called Four For Texas and afterwards thought "thank gawd, the Three Stooges were in the movie.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Jerry Lewis either; haven't seen much of him or anything he's done in the funny department & at this rate, if I haven't watched him or an act like Hope & Crosby, I think I never will....




    Artists and Models is brilliant. If you ever give them a go - that's an absolute cracker. And it has Shirley McClain in it to boot!

  5. Just now, reids said:

    I hope they re-release the content of the DVD in blu-ray/digital combo format with any bonus footage unused upon initial release & any unearthed footage discovered since,

    I don't. I hope they release EC as a stand alone expanded DVD. Then maybe Knebworth too in a Later Years box set with some worked up SB's from Copenhagen (if Jimmy has them) and a few gems from the 1980 tour. But now I'm really clutching at straws....

    But I will never give up hope for surprises.

  6. 1 hour ago, reids said:

    Most likely any known footage by immediate circle of friends, family, etc would have been used for the Led Zeppelin dvd set released in 2003.

    I'd say it's just as likely there is footage but it was not suitable for the feel, or narration of the DVD - but perfectly suited to a doco format. But if I was a betting man, my money would not be on it. Still, you never know...

  7. 6 hours ago, Blaize86 said:

    It would be quite difficult to do a quality information based Doc on the band since there is very little if no stage or off stage footage existing.

    Does the band itself and immediate family have an archive of personal footage from side of stage? Didn't a lot of family get jobs and go on the '77 tour? There may well be unknown film that until now has had no reason to be made public (from the point of view of the owner(s) of the footage). Maybe a doco with the bands participation would unearth quite a few unknown gems.

    You just don't know.

  8. How far along is the tech? Sooner or later the meta data of the sound / frequencies should allow for a reconstruction, or synthetic recreation of a soundboard that is far superior than the original. i imagine voice would present the greatest challenge. But if you had billions, and access to the best tech and people as well as details of all of the original equipment used, soundstage, amps, the venue, instrumentation, and sampled each note and beat, individually recreated with applied atmosphere (what it should have sounded like), then applied powerful software to tracks that generated output that is a clean reconstruction (as much as possible) - you could potentially create authentic sounding (but arguably fake to a large extent) copy that could be many times cleaner than whatever source is used.

    But again, how far along is the tech? Sooner or later, "deep fake" kind of recreations of SB's will be a reality. There is no doubt. Someone will write the code. Some studio will apply this initially to historically significant stuff to recreate scratchy recordings of important historical moments. Then it will just be out there to be used.

    One day, Mike Millards recordings will be full multi-track sounding shows as good as you can imagine - or very, very close. One day.

    Back to reality - Go for it Gibsonfan159! Good idea.

  9. I like a few of them, but some are meh.... 

    STB does pretty good reactions. He has decided to go through the entire Zep catalogue which I find interesting.

    No Life Shaq is a funny fucker. Good reactions to Zep.

    It is fun to me to see young people who have not heard most of the great '70's rock-n-roll giving it a go and being completely blown away by the fact that the musicality is so front and centre - and so good. Some of them seem genuinely amazed/delighted at songs that have a minute or more intro piece before the song and singer gets underway (so to speak). Zep and other bands like Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent, even artists like Boz Scaggs reactions are like they are discovering a divine music they can't believe exists and can't believe they have not heard before or missed out on. To me it says a LOT about how the current generation are missing - and long for - a more substantive music experience. Not the disposable pop rubbish that seems to make up the mainstream offerings now. Who will remember the current crop of artists in 10 or 20 years from now? Most (like +95%) will be long forgotten.

  10. Robert seems genuinely humble with the comments about being a wedding singer in front of an epic band. I do hope he realises how he is equal part to the rest in creating the pure magic that emerged. From early on with his killer strong blues delivery matching and at time driving what Jimmy was doing all the way to the end with beautiful lyrics delivered perfectly.

    Equal with all.

  11. 9 hours ago, Jimmy11 said:

    The way the Metallica deluxe editions are set is so cool. Makes me dream of all the Zep albums being done like that. Here’s my list: 

    Zep 1-  69’ both Filmore shows

    Zep 2- RAH 70

    Zep 3- Blueberry Hill

    IV- Osaka 71’ (9/29)

    HOTH- a full MSG show(no watering down) or Seattle 73’

    PS- Earls Court (best versions of songs from each night into a couple discs)

    Prescence- LA Forum 77’ 

    ITTOD- Knebworth 79’ 

    Coda- Outtakes or demos

    It should have been done for the 50TH!!! :wall: Missed opportunity for sure.

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