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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 8 hours ago, PeaceFrogYum said:

    The common stupidity of the masses is truly distressing.

    And the political desire to cater for (or specifically cater to) the wilfully stupid is misguided and detrimental to advancing the common good. Of course, there are probably votes in pandering to dumb-asses as recent trends confirm.

  2. ^That looks harsh Walter. Good luck guys.

    Locally, we are facing 36 (97) on Friday now. 11 (52) above average. The news is starting to warn this is a taste of what is expected for Spring. Most of the state along with New South Wales is in severe drought. Water restrictions might once again rear their ugly heads.

    Map of Australia with a big nasty read patch all over northern NSW, southern QLD, west SA, hugging coast WA, patch middle NT

  3. 7 minutes ago, PeaceFrogYum said:

    I believe this happens to everyone who drives normal and not like either a geezer or a madman. The lights are timed so that if you hit one, if you proceed at or close to the posted speed you will in turn hit most or all. Now if you can rip-ass down the road around 15+ mph over the speed limit, you will have much better odds at making the lights. Unfortunately you will also increase your odds of running afoul of "da man" and getting popped for speeding.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


    There is a stretch of road on the way to my work that is exactly this. If I don't hammer it on the bike to the second set, it goes red on approach - every time. So for that stretch, I just keep a careful eye out and open her up. It's annoying.

  4. Chilli, unfortunately I abandoned Cricket decades ago. Lost interest. As a kid it was great when England and the West indies legends toured - and One Day matches were the big new exciting thing. I outgrew it long ago, so no f_cks given from this non-tragic.

    So good luck! I hope you go well (but go the Aussies!)

  5. On 8/24/2019 at 10:45 AM, PeaceFrogYum said:

    I personally don't care what anyone either believes or does not believe, but if someone tries to push their bullshit on me I will expose them for the shitbird idiot they truly are.

    This is where shit is starting to really unravel and break down. The seeming inability of people to have a good deep conversation about something each with a different perspective or even belief - but able to keep it respectful. It is mostly due to conversations now happening in here instead of in person (I suspect) and the inability to even accept someone has a different view - and that is not WRONG, it is just A DIFFERENT VIEW.

    Arguing facts is a completely different bucket of shit.

  6. 2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    ...I can't believe the Jeffery Epstein mysterious death hasn't made this thread yet!

    The more we know about that gulag the more it seems like no conspiracy. You know it must be rough when the leader of one of the most violent Mexican drug cartels ever complains how it is like torture. Coupled with cronic/dangerous staff shortages and corner cutting staff that are just exhausted and there is not much need for conspiracy.

    BUT - having such an important prisoner try to top himself only a week or so before and NOT being on suicide watch needs explaining. And there were allegedly quite a few wealthy and powerful people he could have destroyed. The question is: had he already sung to the authorities? Is what he disclosed in the hands of a few that can be compromised???

  7. 9 hours ago, anniemouse said:

    I cannot imagine a band daring to do what the Beatles did or Zeppelin. In the Beatles case growing from a pop band into a trippy band arguing with journalist about drugs and all sorts of other aspects while Zep barely acknowledged the traditional media. Its not that they would  not happen but it would not be allowed. They would have either been dropped or destroyed by the press.

    I can. It is possible that sooner or later some very talented kids will be lucky enough to be born in the same area and cross paths. They will not only have the immense musical skills but a shared love of blues/psychedelic rock and deep appreciation of '70's rock and the underpinning blues from earlier times. And if they possess the work ethic and hunger to produce really good original music based on the music they obsess about on they'll go. Just writing and playing. They will not give any fucks about why they can't do anything - they will get together and create and play. And if they are lucky enough that everything aligns just right for them and they happen upon a manager that really works for them - then why not a resurgence of great rock music? It could happen. One band that kills it live and quickly gains a huge reputation on a scale like any of the really big past names (Zep, Floyd, Queen, etc, etc) could easily spark interest in '70's style rock and how good it is. And if the public has all but forgotten about it - it may well be like a bushfire taking off when the bush is long dry from the drought.

    Sooner or later I see this as being inevitable.

    Sorry - nothing to do with law suit - except that if the suit is successful it may well kill any chance of my ponderings even being possible.

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