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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 2 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Thank you for putting this more are tick you lately than my attempt, it's basically what I was trying to say. 

    p.s. that's how autocorrect spelled it, and I'm just going to leave it at that. 😄


    I honestly don't recall seeing your post - it looks like I lifted it! LOL... maybe I was a bit tired and out of it and I subconsciously re-hashed it. But yeah, wouldn't quite work.

    Now I know how Zep felt with some of the copyright suits??? 🤣

  2. While there is no doubting Led Zeppelins music stands the test of time - no question - it is entirely another thing to consider their songs not released or disclosed until this time. They were of their time like we all are. it doesn't translate in that way. They were speaking to and in communion with - a late '60's and '70's scene/crowd/reality.

    STH - not sure how that would go. Probably a novelty to most in this time without much more to it. But Stairway is not and does not stand alone. The body of work that came before - and even after - changes STH and how it is perceived given that other work.

    So lets say Led Zeppelin 1 was released now. Now that would hold more attention. There is no denying it is an absolute cracker of a debut album. I have little doubt it would command quite a bit of attention - BUT - it would stand out as WAY different to anything else like it at the moment where as in 1960 there was more of a natural rock/folk/blues sound, it was a time coming off the Beatles phenomena, the Stones were prominent, there was a LOT more going on. A lot more meat on the musical bones of that era. So I think it is good enough that success would be guaranteed and maybe the ripples of that success would re-ignite some pub/garage bands interest in the Blues that influenced so many of the early rock bands.

    But no. None of it would likely be as "epic". How could it be? It is uprooted from that time.

  3. 1 hour ago, The Rover said:

    It would be a more interesting list to see what studio versions fans prefer over a good well recorded live version.

    I *Do Not* / *Will not* listen to the studio versions of:

    No Quarter

    SIBLY? Maaaaan that's HARSH. made me LOL...

    Each to their own.

    In this vein...

    The studio HMMT is equal to the live ones even though the live ones are so damn good. I think the original studio version is absolutely genius. Closing out the first album with this is so EPIC - and to think this was their first LP!

    I also think SIBLY is equal to the live ones with the exception of a few of the '73 ones with the wild intro's. The BBC Sessions version is equal to the MSG version. It is quite unique.

    Black Country Woman - Studio for sure. Even if they played it in full - Studio wins hands down.

  4. This is something I created for my 2560x1440 screen at home. Essentially I just added more black filler to get the resolution correct as I am far from an artist. Still, I love it. Very minimal.

    I'd really love a collection of LZ wallpapers at this resolution. There really aren't that many out there.


  5. On 2/12/2020 at 7:16 PM, Fat Albert 72 said:

    Over 2/3 of it and with footage, it’s stunning.

    Absolutely!!!! Should be a stand alone release. As for '80 - it is so inconsistent it will never happen - at least while Jimmy is in control. The Copenhagen warm up gigs could potentially make for a release covering their latter years. If Jimmy has really good SB's - they should be worked on in the best studio's with the best software to create something. - But I highly doubt that would happen either unfortunately. Realistically I think the best we can hope for is a FULL RAH, EC, and/or Knebworth release (take your pick) - maybe done as a final "remaster expanded release" of Led Zeppelin DVD like everything else has been (extra DVD and possibly some bonus CD's) - or potentially whatever was recovered from Bath. Given the time that has transpired - even considering how "Zeppelin time" operates - I think anything more "live" is almost at the "no chance" point.

    It really looks like this is the end game in that respect.

  6. I'd suggest if you are looking to gain inspiration from Led Zeppelin and are discovering just how great their songs are, as you are just now discovering them - you actually spring for the Led Zeppelin DVD. Well worth the 30 bucks or so. It contains early, middle, and late concert footage - all pro shot and multi-tracked. A good selection of songs on there and an entire very early concert in the extras. Can't go wrong. It is a great DVD to own.

    Youtube is also your friend.

  7. 13 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    From 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 to💧⛈🌧💧💧

    a week straight for us in Brissie - next week the same. Good that it cooled down though. I was so sick of +35c days and nights that were just too hot to sleep. And so many fires are now done due to the rain which is great.

  8. On 2/6/2020 at 5:34 PM, Nutrocker said:

    Amazing that, in spite of the many variations, 1st gen source tapes, etc that have popped up over the years since, Winston's version of the June 21 show -at least fifteen years old by now- is still considered the best version. Winston's got the touch, no question about that...it's the only version I've ever needed!

    It's clearly a better version (from all other I have heard at least) from Bonzo's insane opening. I'd say it's still incremental - but very noticeable and worth seeking out.

  9. On 1/31/2020 at 11:14 PM, HolySoldierFan said:

    I’m new to the forum and Zeppelin boots. Been listening to the band for years and love the two official Live releases. I set out to find a good 1977 Soundboard just because I wanted to hear The Presence Material live. In the last 2 days I listened to most of Texas Hurricane and The MSG show— both soundboard. Have to say, I really enjoyed them, warts and all. 

    Are there really people that prefer an audience recording to soundboard? I mean, I listened to “Listen To This Eddie” about a year or so ago and while I was totally impressed with the energy of the performance, the sound was completely underwhelming— it sounded like, well... an audience recording! A pretty good one at that, but audience nonetheless. Noisy, lacking dynamic lows and highs. Midrangey— nothing that I could extract a track or two to place on a party mix for my Zep-loving friends.

    I hope someone finds a board recording from that show someday. I believe Jimmy looked for one while compiling material for the DVD release a few years back and didn’t find much?

    can anyone point me in the right direction for where I might find Zep Boots? Please share. I listened on YouTube.

    There are a few sites worth checking out - I'll PM you. With Listen To This Eddie - I find an amazing difference between listening through speakers and listening with headphones. Night and day difference. Good headphones at a good volume can really put you there. Close your eyes and you can really pick up what it's like being a few rows back from the stage. The best LTTE is a Winston remaster - which I find a noticeable improvement over other sources/versions.

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