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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 5 hours ago, Paganini said:

    Hey “moron”  you have any proof of that.? .if so post it and if not shut the fuck up !

    Are you really going to attempt to justify your original snide post? How do you know what the man does or does not do to help others? Are you a close friend? No? Then (with respect) STFU bro....

  2. The Bronc's had one good win - albeit against an understrength Doggies. But a win just the same. They should account for the Tigers this weekend too, but then onto the Storm... ugh...

  3. Great read right down to the info on the stolen tapes. Probably nothing new here for most, but I was unsure if "stolen" meant just "copied" or physically stolen. I guess they are gonesky. That is a real tragedy for Jimmy and hella fucked up. While we are clearly the better for that in that Jimmy had no intention of releasing any of it, it is practically a record of his core life's work, and for that reason cannot be condoned - even while we all savour the releases.

    And for me it begs the question...

    Just where the fuck are those tapes now??????? Not to mention, does anyone think they will show up some day? Or have been discreetly returned to Jimmy as he must have known the individuals that lifted them in the first place, but has always been discreet himself.

  4. On 7/11/2020 at 12:58 AM, chillumpuffer said:

    If he sold ALL of these to anyone who has no sense whatsoever, it comes to this:

    4 Pictures x 75 @ £1600 each ( OK let's assume the framed pictures are sold) £480,000 quid. OK I understand he has to sign them, which must have interrupted his game of Scrabble or whatever he gets up to with his missus for a while. Frame them and print them but...…….???

    Beats working eh man?

    One can only hope that money goes into a project to release some of the live stuff he has on tape. With current technology - and as has been proven even in this forum by clever remasters and fan releases, a LOT is possible. So good luck to him banking the coin. I just hope it goes into developing something with actual MUSIC.

  5. 10 hours ago, kipper said:

    So if I go into a pub in  the U.K. and ask for "a pint of the black stuff" (Guinness) they won't think me a silly American?  😁

    Here in in the U.S. most of what I see with products labeled in metric is just a ploy to confuse the consumers and make them think the higher number means MORE product than what they used get for the same price when it was listed as ounces, pints, quarts, or gallons. 

    So I guess you are right. Americans need to learn metric not to use it, but to understand how companies are  using it to fool them with packaging and volume/weight reductions.

    Meanwhile I know what a pint of beer is supposed to be, and I know how much wine 750ml is so I'm good to go.  😋

    Another problem that's easy to solve, but you don't as companies can continue to deceive. Here we label products to a baseline unit measure. it's legislated. So you can directly compare products that have differing volumes and still easily see which one is better value.

    I swear, you guys have a unique way of making everything that can be easy complicated and open to manipulate/exploit/corrupt. Everything.

    Funnily enough, we can't seem to agree on beer here! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Aust_Beer_Glass 

    Each state is different in what it offers and look at you funny if you ask for the wrong glass. :wall:

  6. 21 hours ago, kipper said:

    I can honestly tell you that Americans from my generation really only knew one metric to standard conversion and that was that a "key" was 2.2 lbs.   Hehehehe

    "Comin' in to Los Angeleeeeze, bringin' in a couple of keys...."

    So when you blokes are describing 'Mr Johnson', do you say it inches or in centimeters?



    ego dictates we use inches with the usual "generous" estimate assigned. :hysterical:

  7. 9 hours ago, kipper said:

    John Wayne stood 6 foot 4 inches tall. Saying it as "193.04 cm" just sounds dumb.

    We use both to be totally honest. Yeah, cm's to describe height is nuffy. And inches can be handy, but not if you are being exact with measurements.

    Overall, metric is undeniably better and easier. You know 1 litre of water = 1 kilo in weight, so everything is neatly ties in too.


    Anyway, another ridiculously nice spring type day here in the middle of winter. Haven't had much rain this winter even though it was predicted.  22c but in the sun it felt much warmer. Nights are too damn cold though. Come on Spring!!!! Me thinks summers are going to get unbearable in the coming years.....

  8. Magnificent winters day, rode up Mount Tamborine for lunch with the family. People EVERYWHERE and very difficult to get a seat for lunch anywhere as cafe's are still limiting dining. But we managed to get some mad hot dogs. Low 20's, sunny and beautiful. Great Sunday weather.

  9. Bronco's are a horror show. Too painful to watch now. Last night the Roosters and the Storm put on the game of the decade. What a finish!!!! I encourage y'all to watch highlights. (search youtube "nrl roosters storm highlights")

  10. 12 hours ago, John M said:

    Saw this a few years ago, then it got blocked.  Now the audio is back.  They leave the guitar in for the intro to establish the song, then the guitar is pretty well muted so you can focus on the incredible bass and drums. 


    What a great example of just why they were untouchable. Every layer in the song was so crazy good. Nothing just to "fill out" the music, everything is genius.

  11. 5 hours ago, Jukkin said:

    "How happy would all Zep fans be if they had the fantasy sequence footage replaced with the actual playing,"

    <cough!> In For A Quick Garden <cough!>

    A long way from perfect but a decent attempt.

    I think I have read in here how there is not the footage available to make that possible. Wasn't a lot of footage either botched (at time of filming, which is why they needed to do stage stuff to fill in some missing pieces) and also destroyed? I am sure there is not footage in cans that could present '73 MSG in all it's glory (again, from what others in here have commented in the past).

    I've also never heard of anyone associated with the production companies, the Zeppelin camp, Warner, or anyone ever talking about unused potential footage. Maybe someone in a Zeppelin book has spoken about it????

    IF Page has all the footage and it is simply a matter of copyright and legal stuff - or a will to do something with it, that would be the second greatest tragedy of Led Zeppelin. But I don't believe that to be the case.

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