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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. I've seen JPJ in an interview somewhere where he says they were chuffed about the EU 1980 tour and felt like they were just beginning to build back up into something. I can't source that, but I am sure SAJ or others know the one.

    So it seems there was still the feeling of comradery  among them and that they were happy with what was developing. But I still think (speculate) without Peter Grant getting his shit together and Jimmy also cleaning up, there were significant dangers to their health, and no question to their legacy had they proceeded with a US tour.

  2. 2 hours ago, kipper said:

    Well.... I would NEVER go to India. Not because I have an issue with the people or their culture---- but in terms of protecting my health--- or in anticaption of what may happen if you have an accident and need to go to the hospital, there are MANY countries I would not travel to. The closest country to me on that list is Mexico. NOPE--- won't go. Not even for a few hours in TJ. No reason to go to a 3rd world nation---- maybe no reason to go to many 1st world nations too, but I digress.

    If we were in a 'lifeboat' situation and our survival depended on eating Fido--- then that is one thing. In fact Fido would just be eaten FIRST.... and the whoever is the next to die would be eaten next.  But we do not live in that kind of situation, and while we human are in fact omnivores--- have sharp cuspid teeth same a canines and tigers for tearing and eating flesh--- we still aren't living during the receding ice age so no reason apart from a dire situation for survival to eat dogs, cats, monkeys, bats--- or many other animals.

    Dogs aren't more intelligent than some other animals, but over the last 20,000 years we humans have developed along side of dogs and we sort of have a human/canine relationship. It wasn't cows and chickens who were are "early warning system" helping us to be alerted for other threats, both four legged and two legged threats. And it wasn't pigs and sheep who helped us hunt for game. Because clearly at the point we had pigs and sheep we didn't need to hunt as much--- and it was of course the domesticated canine that helped us to herd and protect those sheep, cattle, and even protect our poultry. 

    In the end a dog or cat is still just another form of protein. But the same is true of humans-- and we DON'T eat humans either. Not saying dogs are humans, but the fucking part of the damn Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese cultures that make it okay to eat dogs and cats is just a sign that those are less developed cultures.  And if you look into it, eating dogs isn't even an ancient tradition in China anyway, it is much more recent. Much of it is just GREED as there is a billion dollar industry in China for exotic and wild animal meat. That and some odd Chinese "voodoo" / "traditional Chinese medicine" belief that eating these animals increases your stature and "luck". Which can also be said about the market for rare and often endagerd species like Bengal Tiger paws and other parts in the Chinese apothecary trade.

    China needs to change a lot if they want to be accepted by the rest of the free world. They have done a good job of bull shitting the world for a long time, and now is the time we need to pull back the curtain and expose this damn commie country for the evil place it is.

    I have no problem with eating meat and I do. My argument is not a vegan argument.

    I agree with practically all of this. Kipper, is that really you? 🤣

    I'll still murder a good steak though. No matter what. It is more the health and welfar of the animal in question. Put them on a farm, protect them from their natural often grizzly deaths at the hands of predators, then slaughter (humanely, not the way most Middle Eastern countries and others do) and use the animal. It's somewhat about respect.

  3. 9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    I think there have been two new sources with much better sound quality to appear recently, you should definitely check out the link posted earlier in this thread.  3-12 is an all-time great show.

    Would one of you kind folk have a link to this boot?

  4. I don't mind the OTHAFA studio solo. It fits the softer tone of the song on the LP, just as the heavy stretched out solo is a MONSTER live. Especially 3rd track in in '75. By the end of it people must've known they were witnessing the GOAT.

    It's similar to Thank You (and No Quarter for that matter) in that the studio version is just a different beast than live. I don't think they don't fit though. 

  5. On 4/4/2020 at 2:37 AM, kipper said:

    or believe this highly infectious virus is a hoax or something.

    Gee, I wonder where anyone would get that notion from?

    On 4/4/2020 at 2:37 AM, kipper said:

    Years ago I read that in Singapore you could get 6 months in jail and a good whipping for spitting on the ground.  We in western cultures could use some of that stern enforcement to get stupid people to follow the program.

    Yes, I think the west would be well served to bring some public floggings into it's culture for some of the more idiotic behaviours like wanton vandalism and other really shit social behaviours. Make the price to pay patently not worth it.

    On 4/4/2020 at 3:37 AM, PeaceFrogYum said:

    These church people are just the dumbest out there. Now though I am agnostic for the most part I do believe in a god or primus moblius of some sort and understand people turning to faith in this time of need. However, you do not need to surround yourself with 3k people, laying hands on each other in a confined space for two hours to express that and find comfort in your faith. If there is a god, it would want you to use common sense and keep your distance. Remember, churches do not have a magic antenna directly to god, you can do that all by yourself in your own home.

    That aside the real serious holy rollers (of all beliefs) are really something else thinking they can pray the disease away inside a church with thousands. All they are doing is turning themselves into a giant test cohort for virus vector.

    The Hitch said it best. Religion actually does poison everything. NOTHING in this world is improved by the introduction of religion to it. No situation, no discussion or position on morals or values or ethics, nothing. And I'm with you PFY, there seems to be something more to this existance (or beyond it) - more than meets our meagre eyes in my view. The various "Churches" are just institutions like any other. They exist to serve themselves and to ensure they profit and survive. Nothing to do with an individuals relationship to the devine - just a perversion of that concept. Nothing more.

  6. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    Are you implying that if Bonham had not died that they would have kicked Jimmy out of the band?

    Gone as in died from an OD is how I read it. And I tend to agree that that scenario was a real possibility. A US tour? Exactly what they did not need given Page and Bonhams - and even Grant's challenges. Even if they all made it through, I can imagine Plant walking away after a US tour that was around the same quality as the 1980 European one. That is to say, very uneven to be polite.

  7. 12 hours ago, Page Les Paul said:

    Can anyone supply me with a link to download this show? I tried to use one that was provided by Led Zeppelin Boots on YouTube but it does not seem to work. Specifically looking for the Winston remaster. Thanks in advance!

    PM sent.

  8. The '80's boots listened to as a whole show are just so much harder than even a good '77 full show. A lot has been said, so I'll only offer the idea that Jimmy's personal challenges shall we say were more evident in the set list decisions than his playing (and they definitely were evident there as well). So Plant wanted to cut the waffle. I still think Jimmy was too distracted to really build a good setlist that flowed and offered something new given Plant's stated parameters for a tour. Why not revisit tracks not played live (or almost never played live)? There are plenty of shorter (no waffle) gems to choose from. And it could still be done with a forward looking mindset.

    There are diamonds from 1980. Some are as bright as anything else. But these are generally single tracks on a particular show. Even the best overall 1980 show has significant challenges listening to it as a whole show. It just did not flow as well as other tours.

    I am not a hater of the 1980 period. Badgeholder Still makes a GREAT point. It is still an important part of the story. I am glad it is there for those fantastic diamonds! Some of those tracks I play to death.

  9. The saucepan (Orions Belt) is now directly overhead early in the evening sky. About to be gone for the winter and is always missed. It reminds me that summer is over, winter lays around the corner. Nothing like seeing it in late spring for the first time. The promise of summer, and Christmas, and holidays!


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