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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 5 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Our 77 style combo of TSRTS / Sick Again just dropped on our  YouTube channel.

    Spread the word....PFoZ isn't fooling around. If we can find a great singer, it will be unrivalled. IMHO, of course. 😏

    I'm telling you George, That IS unrivalled. If you guys could set that up with that monster '77 power sound at venues and remain clear and concise like that - that could not fail. I'd pay a LOT to see that. I'd fly to Sydney if u played the Opera House as I reckon it could be billed as a "premier" gig. Of course, you'll have to hook a brother up with tickets. ;)

    The only other comment I want to make is I don't know how you are going to find a singer when the band is so on. It has to be one in a million. I hope you do. I think it could remain without though to be honest.

    Oh, and that is the PERFECT end to my day.

  2. 16 hours ago, The Rover said:

    Here's more steam, this time from Colorado, the Durango & Silverton Mine Train...




    That area is so picturesque/beautiful and with a steam train going through it must be magical.

  3. 1 hour ago, porgie66 said:

    I've been enjoying revisiting the Classic Albums documentary series and it sucks that one was never done... on Zep 2 or 4... or whatever. Having all the band members with sound engineers commenting on the making of an album would be a treasure. We might get answers to questions like this from the source. Such a shame they didn't do one. It's not too late though.  

    The fact they never did should be taken advantage of. Someone should approach Jimmy with this as an idea and beat it into him until accepted. A series where the albums are dissected and explored in the same manor. The boys commenting and engineers/producers also chiming in. It would be fking GREAT. There was no better rock outfit in the '70's. Led Zeppelin deserves a great in depth series on the albums.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sue Dounim said:

    to our knowledge, the soundboards that Jimmy was robbed of were the 1973 and 1980 soundboards, the stuff EVSD has turned out apparently come from a different source

    Aaaaah, thanks Sue, wasn't aware of that!

  5. Didn't Jimmy say he was robbed of all his soundboards? (or a LOT of them). I thought this is where they come from. So someone is either drip feeding EV/others the tapes, or EV got them as a package deal and are drip feeding us poor slobs. - but all from the theft from Jimmy.

    And what about obvious holy grail shows? I cannot believe EV or others would knowingly be holding onto really coveted shows for this long. It would make no business/economic sense to not have released them to a larger pool of potential buyers. Surely anything now to be released is going to make EV/others less money than they would have in recent years??? This is a guess. F_cked if I know but does anyone think different?

    I wonder where the LA '77 SB's are.....

  6. 4 hours ago, zepscoda said:

    Trampled was my favorite moment of 1980

    This was the real stand out by a country mile. It was the closest they connected to their past live glory in a sense. WLL also had it's moments more than anything else. I still occasionally will give a 1980 show a go, but there is a lot of skipping I will admit.

  7. 3 hours ago, PeaceFrogYum said:

    Almost 40" of snow and a low of -1. We broke all snowfall records here. I believe I have done two weeks worth of workouts over the course of yesterday & today in regard to shoveling snow. I am sore in places I forgot I still had.

    So Hell froze over finally? :hysterical:

  8. 13 hours ago, confounded_bridge said:

    No, not  at  all. Actually, the  Seattle  video  is  the  source  of  negativity  for  the  1977  tour. All  the  bad  rumors  come  from  people  who  listen  to  this  show  and  then  comment  how  bad  is  Jimmy's  playing, or  how  bad  is  Plant's  voice. The  Seattle  show  should  never  be  considered  a  good  (or  even  fair)  representation  of  the  1977  tour, simply  because  Plant's  voice  is  destroyed, like  it  was  in  1975. The  only  1977  shows  featuring  a  hoarse  Plant  are  Seattle  and  Tempe. In  my  opinion, the  best  representation  of  the  tour  is  the  Cleveland  4-28-77  show. A  mind  blowing  show, just  a  small  step  above  the  L.A.  shows.

    I think it's the perfect example exactly because it is so average - with pieces of genius. I think it is a "fair" representation in so far as it reflects what a lot of that tour was. INCONSISTENT. Not because it was particularly good or bad. I will caveat - I have not heard ALL of the '77 boots available - so my opinion being ill informed is possibly valid.

  9. 1 minute ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Those frustrated, forced, "out of ideas" bends and runs he does on the second SA solo literally sound like a kid who's been playing for a year jamming to a Led Zeppelin song.

    I agree. But I don't see that as sloppy as much as nothing was going anywhere as he seemed completely uninspired. He was not into it enough to take anything anywhere so it was all fill.

    LA and NY for sure are great. Taken overall - '77 was hit and miss. 1980 was more of that. But until the end, there were always those diamonds....

  10. 12 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Plant made this comment right after "Sick Again", which featured some seriously sloppy playing by Page.

    I'm surprised by this opinion. I think there is no doubt he is very reserved, but I thought it was fine. He was tired as fuck it seems to me and I imagined Plants comment to be from maybe for a few hours prior to the gig Jimmy was simply fucked from the previous hard partying - however long being off chops, and he was crashing hard, and had this gig to do - so the expectation was he would be sleep walking through it. Able to play, but half dead in need of SLEEP. The first two songs I thought lacked a LOT of enthusiasm and usual amount of adventure within the guitar breaks, but were otherwise delivered quite nicely.

    Seriously sloppy? I don't hear that. I'm no guitarist or purist or perfectionist - I know he was not note perfect, but the remaster for me made me think if you were at this concert, based on TSRTS and SA - you'd be pumped as fuck. I thought it sounded fine.

    OTHAFA - now that would bring you back down, there shines a sleeping Page.

    Anyway, to each their own.

    I also think this is a perfect representation of the '77 tour overall. Pagey recovering from being off chops (or too off chops during the gig?) and while displaying moments of greatness was often struggling - or uninspired/not focused - Plant getting a bit of strength back in the voice, but not quite there yet, Bonzo peaking like he was on really good gear and matching or outshining Page, and the great set list but way over indulgent (which at times worked - mostly didn't).

    I can't wait to hear the rest of it.

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