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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. http://www.hrw.org/americas/ecuador
  2. Rebecca? Many that live deserve death.And some that die deserve life.Can you give it to them?
  3. I'm not sure if I'd heard of it or not. It's been ages since I last watched Red Dawn (a movie that holds a certain fondness for me as well) but the first thing to come to mind is the golden age of the VCR and just how many movies I rented back in the 80's. For whatever reason I wasn't much of a movie goer past The Dark Crystal (1982). However, when I purchased my first VCR circa the mid-80's I rented a shitload of movies. Part of it was just to catch up on what I'd missed, the rest was just the plain convenience of it. I don't think I attended another movie at a theatre until Batman came out in '89 which was soon followed by Jurassic Park (1993) by which time I'd become a regular movie goer again. It's funny to think about it now but I recall a time when it was feared that the advent of VHS recorders/players would kill the movie industry (at least as far as attendance). The television industry was also concerned but just look at how much that has changed. For me, there's always going to be a move I either can't wait to see on DVD or that lends itself better to the big screen. You can have the best home theatre set up on the planet but nothing tops seeing a movie in an actual theatre (at least for me) >Since you seldom elaborate beyond an emoticon or vaguely worded responses I'm not sure if you mean remakes in general or if you mean this one specifically but if it's the latter, it's really hard for me to make a judgement call on an entire movie based just on a 2:32 trailer. It's technically not a remake but I had similar reservations about Rise of the Planet of the Apes last summer. Nothing will ever top the first three original movies (especially the first one in the series) but at least Rise of the Planet Apes was a worthy successor, unlike Tim Burton's "reimagining" of Planet of the Apes. He did an outstanding job special effects-wise with the apes but beyond that, that movie was pretty fucking atrocious.< Now tell me,which remakes/reboots and bullshit were better than the originals?Let's stick with the 20th&21st century's for now,...which version of the 10 Commandments is your favorite?King Kong? Red Dawn is NOT a remake?The villains have changed but not the premise? Shall we go on?
  4. Anjin-san


    Tattoos are over 4,000 years old.
  5. The Justice Department announced Monday that it has resolved a long-running dispute with Gibson Guitar over questionable fingerboard shipments -- in a case that became a political flashpoint last year as defenders of the storied guitar-maker claimed the government crackdown went too far. According to the department, Gibson entered a "criminal enforcement agreement" resolving the investigation. The federal government will not charge Gibson, but the company has apparently agreed to pay a $300,000 penalty, pay $50,000 to a federal conservation fund and withdraw claims to the valuable fingerboards that were seized in a series of federal raids. "This criminal enforcement agreement goes a long way in demonstrating the government's commitment to protecting the world's natural resources," U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin said in a statement. Gibson has not yet issued a statement on the agreement.
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