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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/japans-toho-produce-new-godzilla-754751
  2. Little Johnny lives on a farm. One morning he comes down and tells his mom he wants breakfast. She reminds her son he can't have breakfast until he feeds the animals. Angry because his breakfast is delayed, Johnny proceeds to go outside and kick the chicken, then he goes over and kicks the pig, and then runs over and kicks the cow. Then he rushes back in for breakfast. He tells his mom OK.....time for breakfast. Mom informs Johnny she was looking out the window and saw what he did. "You kicked the chicken, so no eggs. You then kicked the pig, so no bacon. Then you went over and kicked the cow, so no milk. No breakfast at all for you young man." Just then Johnny's father walks into the room and kicks the cat out of his way. Johnny looks at his mom with a smile on his face and says, "You want to tell dad or should I?"
  3. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30129848
  4. Charges dropped: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29947289
  5. I avoided Clapton/Baker BS on YouTube. Rather hear that snare and right foot.
  6. Thanks Paul.You make this place a great to be!
  7. Your lucky I like you!Shoot, it's the other way around!
  8. None of Jimi's music is used in this film.Fail!
  9. RIP 'Jaws' http://bostonherald.com/entertainment/movies/movie_news/2014/09/james_bond_villain_richard_kiel_dies_at_74
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