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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. Um...I like "Do It Again". Pretty typical huh?

  2. Believe it or not I have "Good Times, Bad Times" stuck in my head. I don't know why? But I am enjoying it for who knows how long it's going to last.
  3. Hey! Sorry it took me forever to respond. Yah SD is a great group. I do like them quite a bit.

  4. I agree. Immigrant song is aggressive and totally makes it's point. Ramble On is sort of.....yawn..
  5. Playing guitar according to Jimmy Page is like making love. I mean if you have watched "It Might Get Loud" in the beginning he says, "you caress it like a woman" he's talking about the guitar in general.
  6. It's funny because Mary said she really liked the song but yet she needs the lyrics when she sings it. If it were me, I wouldn't need anything because I know that song by heart. Just giving my opinion. Oh yah, the first like....6 seconds of that video were actually worth watching. IMO
  7. Aw this sucks. It's not that I was going to go it's just that I was hoping to catch it online. I haven't been on here (the forums) in awhile and just now read this. Sorry for my delay. I still LOVE JIMMY!!!
  8. Just thought I would see how your doing. I hope everything is great! Take care!

  9. Tornadoes are no joke. You don't mess with mother nature that's for sure. I understand people wanting to take pictures but you have to be very careful. Especially with 200+ mph winds. I remember we used to live on top of this huge holler and (before I was born) an F5 went through there back in the sixties I think. Took a neighbor's house and just threw it around like a rag doll. Nobody was hurt thank God. My dad lived less than a mile from where this happened so he got eye witness accounts and such. My dad is one of ten kids so you can imagine the storm shelter being packed! It stormed here last night. More lightning than anything. Lot's of mud puddles now. Ugh...I do not like mud.
  10. Well another tornado touched down in Arkansas last night. I don't know why I am keeping track. I have a feeling this spring isn't going to be good.... Tornado in Arkansas
  11. Yes. Besides all the nasty weather, Spring is my favorite season. All the dogwood's bloom around Easter, the little Easter lillies bloom and are so pretty! I just love flowers. I also like to see really pretty green grass. But I know my dad would disagree. He has to mow it!
  12. Wow that is one bad tornado. We have a very little community called Zena. I think it is pronounced the same way as Xenia. Well back in 1999, we had a really bad tornado. I actually think it went down in history. With winds in excess of 200+ mph.
  13. When I was little I was petrified of tornadoes. Because the only thing going through your head is...I'm gonna die. Now that I understand about how they form and what not, I respect mother nature a little more than when I was younger. I mean it's a no-brainer that when a tornado warning is issued for your location, you take cover. Which is why I think it would be a great investment to get a safe room installed. But I am debating what kind and which type. Anyways, I am ready for spring weather I just hope the tornadoes stay away. But you never know.
  14. I also like IHRA Drag Racing. Ashley Forces' little sisters race TF Dragsters too. Courtney Force Brittany Force And Mrs. Ashley Force - Hood The Force Family I am not too big on John Force but he is a great driver. Don't get me wrong. But I like seeing the girls win sometimes.
  15. I love Willy's Coupe! Here is a good video. They are not racing, but you get to see the pro-mod cars close up. This isn't my video but I found it very inspiring.
  16. No prob! I will post more pics soon. I have to go to town for a little bit but I WILL be back.
  17. I don't know about you guys but I love the smell of Alcohol (fuel they use for dragsters etc) and VHT (Stuff they put on the track to make traction) I would so wear that if it was perfume!!! Now I thought I would post some eye candy for you and for me.. This is my favorite driver's TF Dragster. Mr. Larry Dixon Now some PRO-MODS!!! And my dream car, a 66-67 (I need to ask my dad) Chevy Nova Oh yah, I love cars that are BLOWN. I think that is the only way to race. I am against nitrous. And my favorite exhibition car.............the COOL BUS! That my friend is a blown bus.
  18. Yes my favorite women drivers of NHRA Drag Racing would have to be: Shirley Muldowney (TF), Hilary Will (TF), Ashley Force (FC), and Melanie Troxel (FC) and Angelle Sampey (Pro-Stock Motorcycle). What happened to PS Motorcycle?
  19. So, I was on google earlier, and I was searching for Storm Shelters. We have wanted one for years but never got around to it. I live in Oklahoma which is smack dab in Tornado Alley. Oklahoma is known for tornado activity and I plan to be ready for it. I was watching the Noon News and Oklahoma has already seen it's first tornado for 2010. It wasn't near me but it was pretty long lived. Anyways, other than the severe weather, I think I am ready for spring. Here is a link to the tornado that touched down today: Tornado Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
  20. Exactly. I saw Eric and Roger just a few nights ago and Roger was amazing. Eric, kept pretty quiet. I don't know if he wasn't in the talking mood or he didn't feel good....who knows. Eric seems likable on TV, magazines. But is he really?
  21. I sure did. Roger was amazing! Eric was too. Thanks.
  22. awesome. i love pro-mods. they have to be my favorite class.
  23. Top 5 Artists; 1. Led (duh) 2. Jefferson Airplane 3. Eric Clapton 4. Fleetwood Mac 5. Heart
  24. Oh hell yeah! I was born with Chevy/Drag Racing in my blood. I remember my dad starting his '56 Chevy Bel-Air and the whole house sounded like it was going to cave in! It's pure awesomeness!! I totally give credit to the guys and girls who race. I don't think I could handle the G-Force like they do. I usually go to Mo-Kan or Tulsa Raceway Park. I prefer Mo-Kan b/c you can go to the pits and talk to the car owners. Major plus!
  25. Welcome to the forum! This is by far the best forum I have ever been on and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon..
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