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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Games without Frontiers - Peter Gabriel
  2. Little Children - Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas....OK so I have a couple of albums from when I was a kid !!!
  3. This can be very funny if you think about it..... for example: If Robyn Givens had Married Alan B*stard, would that make her a Robyn B*stard,!!! well you get the drift. How many can we all think of rather than chewing each other out.
  4. It's a sunny morning in Liverpool, exactly the opposite of the weather forecasters said at 5.25am, so nice I took the dog for a long walk and he only had one shit,( yes, I cleared it up after him) as he can't put it into a bag yet.
  5. I don't really understand what you all expect of him? Do you want him to go back to the 60s like Robert did. I for one don't. I saw Robert in Liverpool with the Band of Joy. My wife enjoyed it more than I did, it was in a pokey little theatre (Liverpool Olympia), I was expecting some of his solo classics "Slow Dancer" and stuff like that,, in fact for the money it cost, I thought I was ripped off, and to be honest I was really disappointed. I hope they don't reform as he will probably only do songs of his choosing.They will charge the Earth then go back to their mansions, until the money gets a bit low. Then they will probably release the o2 concert on DVD. Now don't get me wrong I am an ardent fan of all of them, but unfortunately the feeling isn't reciprocated. Which really is a shame for us all, as they really don't realise the vastness of the worldwide following that they have. I remember an interview with Bonzo where he was slagging off Britain saying that nobody over here cared about them, That was the fucking Media,NOT, THEIR FANS IN THE U.K. Sorry if you disagree with this but this is how I feel !!!!!!
  6. This is actually a lot harder than I thout it would be, still I suppose the brain can only recall so many things, so that's me shafted, the answer to my question was; Frank Zapper & The Mothers - Mother People. Now for a simple one to help all of us along. " I can't help about the state I'm in, I can't sing I aint pretty, and my legs are thin"
  7. Beautiful Dreamer - Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas
  8. Thanks fisshead, I'll have to check out some guitar stores unfortunately I can only think of one in Liverpool, and they "overhauled " and I use the term very loosely my Zenta electric which I purchased in 1975, and it still crackles when I adjust the volume control.....What a waste of £30.00.
  9. Erm you've just given your own answer, I'm confused, was that the answer to the question above, if it was.... sorry you're wrong.
  10. I hope the eventual outcome is suitable to the both of you. Best wishes.
  11. Fuck!!!!!!, Germany beat Holland, I thought Holland were one of the favourites, never mind
  12. A while ago the bloke who came to do my yearly gas appliances check, noticed my guitars, and started playing, he was good. Anyway he gave me a CD of his band .....The Kid From Argentina.......I've just listened to it properly.... unfortunately... for the first time last night.....Fucking Crap.......Sorry mate.
  13. My daughter is not in college today, she has her last A level exam tomorrow, so it's headphones time........I'm listening to Harry Chapin Live, it's virtually the same set that he did when I saw him on Southport Theatre, really good.
  14. Sorry Major Major I've been racking my brains, sounds like something Thom Yorke would write, Here's one just for you............. "Do you think that I'm Crazy, Out of my mind, Do you think that I creep in the night and sleep in a phone booth"
  15. At last one topic we can all agree on, Love with no questions asked between parents and children.
  16. I tend to think of The Rain Song when I'm feeling down. I hum other songs depending on the mood I'm in at that moment.
  17. I only have six bowie albums and my favourite is Aladdin Sane, and Drive in Saturday is the best track on it, my favourite Bowie track is - China Girl.
  18. Jonothan King would agree with you, when he introduced them to the music world he called them a Bee Gees pastiche, I agree their first album was hard listening at first, and flopped, probably as King said ....being called From Genesis to Revelation, it was put with all the religious albums. I personally think that "Suppers Ready" is the best Genesis track made.
  19. (Hey, did you happen to see) the most beautiful girl in the world - Charlie Rich
  20. Brown shoes don't make it - Zappa & Mothers
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