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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Actually I was hoping for someone to start up a new thread. I also would like to thank Jafhin for his response about Frank Sinatra, his songs bring back great memories from my childhood, and to be honest I'm not arsed if I don't get responses to this thread, let someone start one where we can share happy memories or help each other get over sad things that have blighted our lives.
  2. You diaappoint me MM. That was John Bonham commenting on the treatment given to Led Zeppelin when they toured America.
  3. As it says above just once can someone start a thread where nobody immediately slags it off. We know that we all have different tastes in music, I for example have over 20 Frank Sinatra albums, that doesn't make me a follower of schmuck music, they were left to me when my Dad died and I can remember him in every track, we all have varying tastes in everything that goes on in this world, whether it be war, famine, drought, drugs, alcohol,and all the other bad things that go on in this world. Why can't someone start a positive thread about the good things that go on in life, and even the pitfalls, which we all have. The sad events which blight us all. We have all been through them and we can maybe help each other out......Just a thought.......
  4. So What is in your Beatles/Solo recordings collection? For those of you who burnt them they do not count.
  5. "You get all these letters in the music papers, saying that Led Zeppelin aren't playing and recording anymore because they are too busy buying country mansions and Rolls Royces...........Im still living in the same house as I was when we first started, so is Robert, Nobody's changed that much. In the beginning, nobody could say a bad word about us, but now it appears that evrybody is looking for a way in which to knock us."
  6. Sadly I'm watching Disneys Christmas Carol with the voice of Jim Carrey. It is really like the one with Alistair Sim as Scrooge, he even sounds the same.
  7. In that case what's the point in taking a picture? A picture is supposed to be natural, not tarted up afterwards to make up for the photographers incompetence. If you want a perfect picture ....buy a postcard, they even make the sea at Blackpool look Blue.
  8. Baby you're a rich man - The Beatles
  9. All I know is that I was born on Mothering Sunday March 20th 1955 and that my star sign is Pisces
  10. You aint seen nothing yet - Bachman Turner Overdrive
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