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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. You aint seen nothing yet - Bachman Turner Overdrive
  2. Roll away the stone - Mott The Hoople
  3. Mountain - Nantucket Sleighride
  4. It just makes this one more interesting, I was baptised a Roman Catholic, but as I got older I realised that the bible did,t make sense, and the school that I went to would punish us if we din't go to mass on Sunday......The lasttime I attended a mass it was in Latin, and I will never go again
  5. May I just say that this is my favourite topic on the website, we each write on the site every day yet we don't really know anything about each other. Another good thing is that nobody puts anybody down and that is good. We all have our own misgivings and we all have made mistakes, but I think it's good to know something about the people we communicate with, one of my favourite jobs swas in a fruit & veg shop in Perranporth Cornwall, I did it for 2 years and I met some amazing people including a couple of "White witches" their words not mine, one of them sat down one day and did me a life reading.As one who does not believe in such things, I was absolutely fascinated she told me so many things about myself that she could not possibly have guessed or generalised, I'm waiting to see if what she said about my future turns out to be true.
  6. You're welcome .Glad I could bring a smile to your face
  7. Now I agree... That is a funny cartoon, and religion when taken too seriously deserves to be mocked, it is not the be all and end all. I once told a priest a joke and he was mortified, I wouldn't mind but it was not rude it was funny......Here it is; Saint Peter is on duty at the pearly gates one day, Jesus comes along shuffling his feet, and Peter asks him what is the matter.Jesus says that he is bored so Peter suggests that he takes over from him for a while. It's still quiet when an old man appears at the gates. Jesus asks if he can help him, the old man says that he is looking for his son. Jesus tells him that there are millions of sons and daughters etc inside the gates and he asks was there anything special about him. The old man sighs and says not really, but he did have holes in his hands and holes in his feet where the nails went in. Jesus is taken aback and shouts "Father" to which the old man answered "Pinocchio"????????????????
  8. DAS, you must be one of the few people in the Western World who has never heard of the "Life of Brian"
  9. You know my name - The Beatles
  10. Did you object to the "Life Of Brian" was that offensive, not at all it was and still is absolutely hilarious, and voted the funniest film of all time.
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