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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. I know I'm no oil painting, but have you any recent photographs of these two?? For the younger females to look at as they probably have never seen them.
  2. Thanks Strider, do you think that (from under that shroud of anonymity), you could give me their address, as you are obviously aware of their website: are they helping you with your use of English, "snarkyness is a new one on me.........There you go just what you wanted ! a bit of sarcasm, an opinion and a bit of criticism
  3. At last it's sunny here in Liverpool, the dog keeps coming in to get cool. It's not exactly hot but he has a coaton and he's moulting like hell. I lrave the door to the garden open for him but every time he hears the kids next door playing he goes beserk running around in circles.Still they say it's a dogs life.. He has a great life. sleeps, eats, walks and shits.Sleeps being his main pastime, he hates the rain so he's in and out today he doesn't lay in the shade he lays in the sun.
  4. This is turning into a file on the worst British tabloid headlines, I mean these are so bad even the Sun wouldn't print them, unless each one was a lie
  5. Just got around to seeing this one, nice one Jahfin, up to your usual sarcastic standard I see..It is noticed that your choice of equipment (and I do believe that it's yours) is exactly the same as your opinions, absolutely fucking crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It looks like a record obliterator to me.
  6. I don't know if there has been a thread about this. In my opinion Peter Gabriel is in my top 10 male vocalists. What is your opinion on this?
  7. Jahfin if that is your opinion of people on this forum why don't you get the fuck off it and go onto your other boards, anyway the only good thing I have seen of yours on this forum is Johnny Cash on your avatar. Erm excuse me isn't he deceased as well.
  8. Yes Im agree.......Will he get his money back if it is "a tie"
  9. Thank you..... I hope it is a long long time before they move on.
  10. What now my love - Frank Sinatra
  11. I sincerely hope you get everything back that the arseholes pinched, the only thing is what will the courts do??.....nothing,,,,, as Steely Dan once sang Go back Jack do it again.
  12. Welcome to the Forum........it's not just Zep, write about any subject you like.
  13. Wost two days of my life were both in 2009 when my parents died, my Mum died just before my Dads birthday and my Dad died in November just before my Mums birthday. They were both 84, and had been together since they were 16, married for 64 years, only sperated for three years (my Dad was in the Royal Navy in the 2nd world war). I watched both of them die, the feeling of complete hopelessness will live with me for the rest of my life. Unfortunately these occasions make the good time fade into insignificance for me. I still think of them each day, yet when I visit the grave I just stand there and can't think of anything to say.
  14. In a broken dream - Python Lee Jackson with Rod Stewart
  15. Thanks for them' the albums I was given are on cassette and there are no titles for any of the songs on them , so I just made up my own, eg, Hey Santa Claus, Rootin in the Yute,Do you fuck on first date,and I was there I ought to know.... with the classic line "and the mayor of Hiroshima said What the fuck was that" plus many others.
  16. Sky Sports News there is nothing else on until later this afternoon..... Euro 2012 and Canadian F1 Grand Prix
  17. Lets face it the man is a fuckwit, then again Mel Gibson got away with it !!
  18. How about "The Canyons Of Your Mind" - The Bonzo Dog Dooh Dah Band
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