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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Awww...grasphinx...I wasn't talking about you! That was just my idea of a joke you know? Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea or anything!
  2. My definition of a "psychic" : I'm sure most of you will recognise her from the Harry Potter series! She seems to be as nutty as a fruit cake to me!
  3. Found this on the "Keith Richards" thread! Courtesy of "redrum"
  4. Redrum, that was just too awesome!!! I think this deserves to be included in the "Make Me Laugh" thread!!! So awesome!!
  5. Hmmm...personally, nothing shocks me and unless there is concrete scientific proof showing conclusive evidence about the so called "after life" nonsense, I won't believe it! I don't believe in ghosts, spirits or whatever other nonsense is supposedly "out there"! I define "ghosts" and "spirits" as just "unsettled energy".
  6. Really really cool looking album covers there! Love the whole lot posted on here! Well, this one really makes me smile!
  7. I'm currently listening to my latest purchase and I'm loving it!
  8. Magic, I nearly fell of my chair when I saw how Danny had so cheekily put Keith's face beside the face of that horrendous looking alien type creature (whatever it's called!) Yikes! LOL! :D

  9. I'm a pretty big fan of Derren Brown! He uses logic and psychology which is really cool!
  10. My mom believes in psychics and the after life! She is pretty obsessed in shows like "A Haunting" and "psychic private eyes". I on the other hand classify myself as a skeptic! My dad is a skeptic too! I believe in the extremely harsh but true saying "Once you're dead, you're dead! There is no way in hell you can communicate with someone in the "living word" if you have pretty much ceased to exist!". I do detest psychics who tend to exploit people by giving them a false sense of hope when they actually have the nerve to pretend that they are actually communicating with the loved one of the person concerned! Psychics so smartly without the knowledege of the person concerned, manage to somehow extract extremely personal information about the concerned person's loved one and try to pass it off as the information they received thanks to their "psychic abilities"! What a bunch of bullshit! Psychics are pretty much one of the biggest con-artists on the planet, if you ask me!
  11. Just how do you solve a problem like Maria?
  12. I can't believe I took this long to purchase this lovely album
  13. LOL! I wasn't being serious! I love Keith too but I do find this thread to be incredibly funny!
  14. Magic, when you log in, please please please check out the thread "IS KEITH RICHARDS REALLY THE GRAND NAGUS?". LOL! It's hilarious! :D Danny started it! LOL! :D

  15. BUMP!! A beautiful classic! Here's one where the lyrics are pretty depressing!
  16. 60's Garage Punk anyone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY4mQ399HcU&feature=related Here's a nice one by "The Plagues" I think these little tunes I posted makes up for the fact that I really went off topic on this thread, I hope?
  17. I'm pretty much on a "60's Garage Rock" song rampage tonight! So brace yourself!
  18. One more by "The Eyes"! Sorry, it's just that I love them so much! And here's a track with attitude!
  19. Ever heard of "The Eyes"? The name sounds hilarious but there is good 60's Garage Punk to be heard! That's for sure!!
  20. Christ! This thread needs to be steered back in the right direction! Jeez! It's music time!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTIa6LMwm20&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEtVaKB5-zY
  21. It Won't Take Long - The Rolling Stones
  22. I have been "THUNDERSTRUCK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: Love AC/DC! They rock!!!
  23. Woohoo!!! Man! The resemblance is quite uncanny!!! :hysterical: I don't care tuppence if I'm "attacked" for my remarks!! This is just way too funny!
  24. Well, I wouldn't call this a meal but rather a snack I do tend to indulge in junk food sometimes!
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