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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Personally, I have mixed feelings about this. A part of me is extremely happy that there is actually going to be an episode dedicated to Zep because kids who are exposed to all the mainstream stuff out there, will get exposed to the music of Zep which is really a good thing! And this hopefully, will give rise to an entirely new generation of fans! But on the downside, I have never been fascinated by Glee! I really do not get all the hype surrounding it. It is just another show on T.V. Nothing to write home about.
  2. Hey Aeon! I'm back! :D I just took a brief break from the forums for a while because I got really upset with some of the folks around here! I did not like the way I was spoken to and treated and I felt really bad for Magic but she'll be returning to thankfully very soon! :D

  3. It turns out that no rescue operations can be carried out until tomorrow! Gosh! This is just so damn frustrating!
  4. Well, growing up, Bewitched was one of my favourite comedy shows too! Good stuff that's for sure! Speaking of Bewitched, here's the lady who played Samantha's mom, Endora! Gosh! So pretty and elegant!
  5. Well, goodbye sweetie! :( It was wonderful getting to know you on here so well! It's sad that you had to quit this forum because of a few idiots who just couldn't keep their mouths shut! Oh well! It's sad but it is for the best, I guess! You deserve so much better! Thank goodness there are other ways of staying in touch though! ;)

  6. Thank you so much for the clips! I really enjoyed that! Robert was hilarious! That interview certainly brightened up my day!
  7. For those of you who like the classic American comedy show "Bewitched", you'll find this lady to be very attractive indeed!
  8. LOL! No probs Aeon! :D *HUGS

  9. Well, eventhough, I am in a state of shock and really hurting right now, I have to say that I really admire you for coming up with something so wise like that!
  10. Hi Aeon. I am not quite sure what you mean by misbehaving exactly...I do hope I didn't do anything out of lline or something!

  11. Yep! You're damn right we are going to stay in touch! I may not be able to talk to her ever again on here but luckily, there are other ways outside this forum thankfully!
  12. Thanks to both of you, I have to say goodbye to one of the nicest people I've ever known in my life! I will never get a chance to talk to Magic on here ever again! She was so sweet, kind and stood by me even in the toughest times of my personal life! She wasn't to me just another member! She was a friend! A damn good friend! My eyes are full of tears as I type this out! Your posts pretty much caused her so much hurt and anguish! Thank you so much! I hope you are proud of yourselves for what you've done!! Thankfully, there are other ways of saying in touch outside this damn forum!
  13. Ooh! Love this one too!! And Page looks gorgeous here!! And the "wanted : dead or alive" part, cracked me up!
  14. Amen to that Magic! I 100% agree with every thing you said! I couldn't have put it better myself!! You pretty much expressed my every thought and feeling in your post! Thank you! A very very sensible take on things, if I do say so myself!
  15. Hi Page!! I pretty much became an AC/DC fan thanks to you! Yep! You read that right! And thanks for your really helpful advice! I'm going to take it word for word!
  16. I was listening to this song after quite a while and listening to it, reminded me why I love it so much! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad2EPO_y0ps
  17. You're very welcome! :D Like I said before, you are really talented! Thank you for sharing those paintings! They really put a smile on my face! :D

  18. Hi tdc! Thank you for starting a thread on classical music! My mom actually got me into classical music! Some of my favourite composers are : Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven, to name a few.
  19. Big Harry Potter fan here! Really looking forward to seeing the latest movie sometime! I do prefer the books to the movies but the movies do have their own charm to them too!
  20. Rover and Ally, I'm with you guys! I am (in order to celebrate the release of "The Beatles" catalogue on itunes) listening to "Abbey Road" right now!
  21. Thank you for the tip! I think I'll start checking out albums from the Bon Scott era first!
  22. Banning grasphinx was a very unfair thing to do, in my opinion. Yes, she was a bit eccentric and rather strange and posted a lot of mumbo-jumbo, especially in the psychics thread, but I do not think she did that much to offend anyone nor cause any sort of harm / conspiracy. Believe me, I've seen far ruder posts on other threads in other sections of this very forum (especially in the "other bands / music" section where the so-called "culprits" responsible for "derailing" threads and creating fights and misunderstandings, are still logging in and posting as usual, as if nothing ever happened!!!!), during my time here, if I'm being very blunt. Banning her is taking things a bit too far. Just my two cents.
  23. Well, I do think this is pretty cool! It is rather strange looking!
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