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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. The sound of Kelly's voice in this next song sends chills down my spine! Just beautiful! It's a slow tune but emotional! This next song is very cheesy but good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PP1HEFlkdY
  2. IMO, I don't think that list is cheesy at all! I do think there are some truly lovely songs there which pretty much strikes a chord in my heart everytime I listen to them!
  3. Well, I don't fancy the version by Robbie Williams at all! LOL! Each to his own mate!
  4. Whenever I listen to these songs, I start crying! Yes! I love ABBA and I am proud of it and no I am not insane! To me, they are Swedish Pop Royalty! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OygYNCBJTpA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFHbwikzNds EDITED TO ADD : These beautiful, timeless songs were practically murdered in the musical "Ma Ma Mia"
  5. (cont) receiving end of the moderator's wrath when I have on 4 occassions received particularly rude emails from one of the moderators where in one, she actually called me "an immature cow"..yes! Those were her exact words! I haven't been on that damn site in 2 years! And it feels good! :P Forums are supposed to be fun (in a good way) and not melodramatic 24X7!

  6. I know what you mean! It sounds absolutely ridiculous! I was a member of a forum dedicated to certain soap operas like "Days Of Our Lives" and "General Hospital" (yes! I do like watching soaps sometimes :P) So anyway, I have seen the so-called veteran posters complaining to the mods about off-topic posts and believe it or not, I too have been at the

  7. Well, I can't leave just yet without posting what is one of the most beautiful songs released in 2010 IMHO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViLem58Xjh4 Right! That wraps it up! Goodnight folks!
  8. Oh and the version of Rudolf : The Red Nosed Reindeer I have for a ringtone, is the one by "The Ventures" That's the coolest version in my opinion! Truly rockin! Anyway, back to the topic : Kinda cheesy but beautiful! Cried the first time I heard it!
  9. Magic, Swede, it really feels so awesome to have really sweet online friends like you guys! Thank you! You truly don't know how much your posts mean to me! Now I am definitely not changing that ringtone! :D
  10. Thank you Magic! I have always been attached to that ringtone to be honest! Wow! I can't believe I am almost 23 years old! I feel like such a kid sometimes! And I edited that post because I was a bit embarassed for revealing something like that but what the heck, I'm going to re-edit it again! And yep! "Tears In Heaven" gets to me too! I'm so sorry about your Uncle!
  11. I truly cannot believe no one (who has posted in this thread so far) has even thought of posting this! So beautiful! This song really tends to have this rather calmning effect on me!
  12. I know! It really tends to brigten up your day doesn't it? I ummm....have "Rudolf : The Red Nose Reindeer" as my ringtone! :blush: LOL!
  13. What a beautiful song! Don't blame you for having this as your ringtone!
  14. Here's yet another one by Kelly Clarkson! Yes! This one gets me too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svxP2LjBg_4&ob=av2e Just listen to the lyrics and you'll see what I mean!! And the vid is pretty explosive!
  15. It's all about lies and pretending to be someone you are not! Beautiful message! This is truly a wake-up call! Just fuckin' brilliant!!!!!!!!
  16. Of course not! The original by "The Pretenders" is just top notch! :tears:
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fztSmSou4Xg&ob=av2n
  18. And then there is this beauty by "Pink Floyd" And here is a classic! I don't really fancy very slow tunes but this is different! And here is a rather fiery one!
  19. Those are my sentiments exactly! I have come across some truly beautiful ballads like "Because of You", "Who Wants To Live Forever" and "When You Believe". These songs are not sad! But the lyrics, the singer's tone, the passion with which the lyrics are conveyed is what gets me teary eyed! And that's a good thing in my book!
  20. If doesn't make you laugh, then nothing will! DISCLAIMER : Not meant for kids under 18 years of age
  21. Sweetie, please check your profile ASAP! I think that should clear things up! Cheers!
  22. You are one of the nicest people I have met on this forum! Just a thought! Cheers! :D


  23. Somehow, this version of the song "Angels" has made me into a wreck! Just check out the way this incredible 19 year old kid sings it! What emotion and feeling! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUlp-Abl0n4&feature=fvsr Here's another one! I swear! This kid is incredible!
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