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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Well, I was 12 when I got to hear Led Zep for the very first time. I was on my way to the dentist. I was absolutely terrified because I thought I was in for a couple of fillings! Ouch! So, anyway, my dad who was driving me, was nice enough to put some music on just to cheer me up! When "Black Dog" came on, I just forgot about my tooth, the dentist and all my other fears! I was so transfixed at the wonderful music that was playing. I was in a bit of a trance to be honest because of this very unique and beautiful sound! Being a 12 year old kid, I couldn't quite figure out the lyrics but that voice, those guitar notes! Gosh! This was truly something new and exciting indeed for me at the time and I looked at the car stereo (after the song ended) in absolute awe thinking that it was truly the most divine object in the world! My days of being a Zep Head were officially just beginning!
  2. I heard about this, this morning through the queenzone.com newsletter! Sounds very interesting! This is one of those movies which I have to see. I know it is a bit too early to assume anything but I truly hope that this movie gets released in the form of a DVD! Sacha truly has some big shoes to fill in my opinion! I'm really looking forward to its release!
  3. Those are truly fantastic purchases there! "Abbey Road" is a gem (my favourite songs are "You Never Give Me Your Money", "Come Together", "Because" and "Oh Darling" and after "The Dark Side of The Moon", "Obscured By Clouds" is my second favourite album by Pink Floyd of all time! All I can say is "Congratulations and enjoy".
  4. You Can't Beat A Nice Tall Glass of Gin and Orange Juice To Warm You Up on a Cold Day In fact, I'm having one right now and yeah its a Saturday night! Wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I just have to post this next song! I was trying so hard to resist it but I couldn't any longer! LOL! Its my mom's favourite tune by "The Ventures". Well, her grandmother (my great grandmother) (bless her soul) (she would have been 107 years old if she was alive today) who also loved "The Ventures" taught my mom to play the "Come September" tune on her old piano when she was a kid and that's how my mom fell in love with "The Ventures" in the first place. And I can pretty much say that my great grandmother was an old groovy cat! And she was a bit of a "Hare Krishna Hare Ram" supporter as well! She even loved a couple of Jimmy Hendrix tunes like "Little Miss Strange" and "You've Got Me Floating" and she loved bands like "The Seekers" and "The Carpenters"! She could even play a couple of Jethro Tull tunes using her flute! And she knew how to play the sitar too! That's something which neither I nor my mom learnt! I guess with relatives like these, I can safely say that my love for psychedelic music is hereditary! She was such an interesting person but I sadly didn't get to know her very well! I can only rely on my mom's childhood memories and old photographs! Anyway here it is :
  6. I couldn't agree more! Its absolutely a beautiful thing finding these unknown gems. I can't even begin to describe the sense of accomplishment I felt when I found stuff by "The Yellow Payges", "Bohemian Vendetta", "The Sparkles" etc. After going through this thread (by the way, this happens to be my favourite thread on the board!) carefully page by page, I have got into so many bands in this genre lately. I actually got my first exposure to this genre at the age 4 and to be honest, I didn't even know it! It might be "old" music to some people since it originated in the 50s and 60s but to me, it sounds brand new and absolutely divine! I just enjoyed myself going on a garage rock song hunt yesterday and my mind literally opened up to all sorts of sounds! I will never cease to love this sort of music. And what's so funny is that my mom was like "you are into this "old" stuff?" and my reply was "Yes! If you focus on just the "sell-out" bands, you will have a rather narrow view of rock 'n' roll in general, I'm afraid!". And I have indeed learnt 2 very valuable lessons these past couple of weeks : "There is so much music to be heard but sadly so little time" and "There is so much more to rock 'n' roll apart from Queen, Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd and other highly publicised bands. You just have to open up your heart, soul and mind to "new" music and just plain explore and prepared to be wowed!".
  7. You can't beat a good cat nap on a nice warm bed on a cold and rainy afternoon
  8. Just a couple more before I hit the hay! Yeah, yeah...I know I'm obsessed! Get over it! This next song will rock any one's fuckin' socks off!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItKwJYBoWL8 The riffs are just plain crazy! Another one! LOL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko2WbrME2-8&feature=related
  9. Why thank you Swede and you're very welcome! Glad you love the stuff I posted! I am pretty much in the process of discovering at the moment and its really a great feeling to find this sort of stuff! And thank you for starting this thread in the first place! I wouldn't have re-discovered this genre if it wasn't for this thread! And believe me, I would have missed out on an awful lot! The Yellow Payges are so damn obscure! In fact, if you actually are lucky enough to find one of their 45s, my advice is, just hold on to it for dear life! Keep it in a steel safe or something under lock and key! It will be such a rare find! Wow! Your band covers "Aint No Friend Of Mine"? Wow! That's awesome! And yep! Its absolutely perfect for an encore! Have you guys released your own version of that song as a single or something? That would be fab! That song will never get old!
  10. I really love this one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxG4OUmg2Fs&feature=related Only the 60s can come up with a song as groovy as this next one: A very obscure garage beauty :
  11. This song really made me ummmm dizzy! Another good one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_FQ4e8OHOk&feature=rec-LGOUT-exp_rn-1r-10-HM A very very very strange song but great The lyrics are really funny and you can hear a lot of organ sounds here! I think its the vox continental...I am not too sure though..
  12. A bit of "brainwashing" coming our way man! DISCLAMIER : The vid contains some really psychedelic patterns which might make you a bit dizzy if you look too closely at it! It sure as hell did that for me but the song is great nevertheless so its so worth getting dizzy! LOL! And who can possibility forget "The Ugly Duckings" eh?
  13. You bet, Swede! I truly had the best time ever last night going on a 60s garage rock song hunt! And thanks for recommending that box set! Sounds like a very interesting collection of songs! That's going to be my next purchase! And "Ain't No Friend of Mine" is such a rebellious track! That's why its so cool! And have you heard of "The Yellow Payges"? They have some pretty cool songs too! And I was actually thinking of posting "I had too much to dream last night". Awesome song! I love the intro with the "shaky" sort of guitar sound! What I really love about this genre is the fact that the song structures seem to be so simple and yet sound so catchy that you find yourself humming the tune every now and then during the day and if you get really fed up with your current music collection, 60s garage rock is ALWAYS there to fall back on no matter what! You never ever get tired of it and it will never ever go out of style! Its timeless!
  14. The exact same thing happens to my mom and me! For instance, when we are halfway down the street, my mom will suddenly ask me if the cooking range has been turned off!
  15. Well, these songs were pretty much my first exposure to the 60s garage rock genre. I heard these instrumental songs for the first time when I was just 4 years old (back in 1991) and 19 years on, I still love it! It was on my mom's greatest instrumental hits cassette tape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83uAqm3hAKI The thing about songs like these is that they are full of energy from the word go, and keep you tapping your feet from start to finnish and succeed in putting you in such a good mood!
  16. My last one (for now!) This is IMO, one of the best versions of the song "The Very Last Day", courtesty of "The Grasshoppers"
  17. Here are some more 60s garage stuff! Its pretty kick-ass and "in your face". That's what makes it so fuckin' awesome!!! The second song really reminds me of "Rip This Joint" by The Rolling Stones!
  18. Those lyrics sound pretty cool to me though! Wow!
  19. A nice collection of songs by "The Yellow Payges"!!! My absolute fav is "The Two of Us" I absolutely dig the technique with which the wha wha pedal is used! LOL! AAAHHHH!!! The 60s rule!!!! Such an obscure band but so awesome nevertheless!!! P.S Swede, I'm sure you've heard of these guys!
  20. Swede, you HAVE to see "Shine A Light". I really recommend it! You are in for one big treat my friend! Honestly, it is just the thing for die-hard Rolling Stones fans like us (especially since the Stones are your favourite band of all time! ) I really loved "Love Comes Love Dies". The melody reminded me of "Paint It Black" only a little more mellow combined with beautiful lyrics! The singer's voice was so nice and gentle like in the song "Tears Go By". Just lovely! And Rainbow Chaser was really nice too! It in fact reminded me of a really nice combination of "The Last Time" and a bit of "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__tLohXYbO8
  21. LOL! Thanks for the news Danny! First Paris Hilton and now George Michael?! Woah! We are in for some nice juicy gossip folks! Fasten your seat belts! Its gonna be a long but interesting ride!
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