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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Woah boy! You've pretty much summarised what exactly was going through my head (word for word) this whole time about this sick issue! The only difference is that I didn't have the guts to post it but you did! Hats-off to you mate!
  2. Some info about the band *courtesty of itunes : A Brief Biography What the MC5 and Stooges were to the '60s, what Sonic's Rendezvous Band and Radio Birdman were to the '70s, and what the Celibate Rifles were to the '80s — that's what Sweden's Hellacopters were to the '90s. Young, strapping, and rocking out to almost cartoon-like proportions, the Hellacopters have made quite a name for themselves in Europe and Australia. And a deal with Sub Pop had them targeting the States. The rock — fast, extremely hard, and loud beyond reason — has gotten the band noticed by several of their seminal influences, such as Scott Morgan, who has performed with them many times as well as collaborated on a single for the aforementioned Sub Pop label, and also the Dictators, with whom they have done several European tours. Releases include 1998's Super S****y to the Max! and its 1999 follow-up, Grande Rock. The Hellacopters also teamed with Gluecifer for a 1999 split release, Respect the Rock America. White Trash Soul appeared in early 2001, followed by the European release of High Visibility. That record wouldn't see American soil for a whole year (while it was a major-label release at home, it appeared on the independent Gearhead imprint in the States), while they garnered awards in their home country. Universal opted to release the band's next full-length set, 2002's By the Grace of God, on both sides of the ocean, while fans who were having trouble keeping up with their many singles and compilation tracks got relief with two odds-and-sods compilations, Cream of the Crap! and Cream of the Crap!, Vol. 2. Despite being filled with old-fashioned rock & roll, the band's 2005 release was titled Rock & Roll Is Dead. ~ Geoff Ginsberg, Rovi *Will be adding some stuff about each album too in a while!
  3. Its their authentic 70s sound which attracted me to their music in the first place! Very few bands can effectively pull that off these days! Good stuff for sure! I love "The Doors"
  4. Hi David! Welcome to the forum! I'm from New Zealand by the way, so does that count?
  5. I keep bringing this thread up again because I am such a "Graveyard" fanatic! LOL! Anyway, my "Graveyard" CD arrived yesterday (Saturday, 18th September) at 9:47 AM! LOL! I had just woken up and my mom gave me this package which suspiciously had the shape of a CD case! And I knew that, this was it! I have played that CD 18 times through the itunes software! If only my digi cam was working, I will take a photo of my itunes play list! LOL!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWRIoaWy1ko&p=D853CB6AB1D2C736&playnext=1&index=17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdfRdVnqhgk Pure genius!
  7. Hmmm...thinking about it, I think my next album is going to be "Super Shitty To The Max" because 1) I like the title and not to mention the album cover and 2) They say it has this thrash metal sound to it! Sounds like my kind of music!
  8. Yep! I really do love it! And can't wait to get into the rest of the catalogue! And Swede, what was your first album and your fav album and what's your fav song? Posting a few more so that the folks around here get more exposed This last track sort of reminds me of the NZ band "The D4".
  9. Eventhough I am trying so hard not to be against any religion, I absolutely love your post! Especially the last couple of lines!
  10. This is my fav song from "High Visibility" The guitar riffs just about blow your mind!!! This track had me rockin' : Will be back with more later!
  11. After going through 75 pages of discussions about a variety of music genres and artists, there is just one thread mentioning "The Hellacopters". I find that a real shame! They are a band which any fan of rock music in general can get into!! I decided to step in and give you guys a bit of a preview! They broke up in 2008 but they were IMHO, a force to be reckoned with! I bought my first album just yesterday. It was "High Visibility". It is the best $11 I have spent in ages!!!
  12. Well, my mom gets very irritated with "The Rolling Stones". She calls them "music played with pots and pans!". She has also termed Jimi Hendrix's guitar playing techniques as "meaningless noise which makes her ear drums go pop!" Sheesh! I really don't know what in the world she would think of all the Garage bands and Gothic rock bands I've got into recently! LOL! And then there's my dad! I do love bands like ABBA (yes, I am into a bit of disco music too! ) and the Beegees! My dad terms that music as "cutesey pie" and "girlie" and oh boy! while my mom and I adore "The Ventures" my dad classifies them "a soppy old band meant for old men!". My dad says that I should lay off bands like "The Ventures" and stick to stuff like "The Who" and Zep which he terms as macho music! To this my mom replied : "Take Your Macho Shit and Shove It Up Your Ass!". Yep! This is how my folks argue! Its like a football match at times and I am the refree! LOL! And then there are my Uni friends all into shit like Maroon 5, Muse and Kings of Leon. Some buggers hate Led Zep and roll their eyes and term them as "old" music. Oh well! Their fuckin' loss!
  13. Electro, you have to pick up Axis! It is just beyond this world awesome! Look out for tracks like "If 6 Was 9", "Spanish Castle Magic", "Little Wing", "Castles Made of Sand", "Bold As Love" and "Little Miss Lover". Those are the highlights! 39 minutes of pure bliss!
  14. Well, this discussion is getting pretty ugly to me. I'll just give my two cents. I think its too little too late for any apologies now! The damage has already been done and quite frankly, after all the hell those victims suffered, those wounds would probably never heal! What really made me upset was all this denial, and the literal "sweeping of the issue under the rug". And I aint against any religion because no one should ever fault another person's belief system...believe me...I should know...I do not follow any religion (yes I am an atheist)...I have my own belief system and quite frankly there is nothing wrong with that! I just don't like all the hypocrisy and "can't do anything wrong" and "holier than though" sort of attitude which some have sadly chosen to adopt!
  15. Alright, I got your point Rick but Hendrix to me will always remain the greatest! Anyway, I just want to know what your first Hendrix album was and what is your absolute fav? I pretty much got into Hendrix when I was 14 although I heard Purple Haze for the first time when I was 6! My fav album by The Experience is "Are You Experienced" because IMO, that's the most psychedelic sounding (to me that is!)
  16. A Kick Ass Album by "The Hellacopters" This is my first purchase from "The Hellacopters" catalogue!!!! So worth the NZ $11! This album left me screaming and wanting more!!!!! It just rocks your socks off from start to finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. LOL! Of course I know about Jimmy Page! That's precisely why I'm here Rick! I'm a Zep Head too remember?
  18. Hi there...from where I come from, it was the 18th of September. FYI, Auckland is 11 and half hours ahead of the EU, 12 and a half hours ahead of the UK and I think about nearly 21 hours ahead of the US! Pretty big difference in time zones there mate! Anyway, I would like to correct myself when I said Hendrix is one of the greatest guitars to walk the earth. Correction : He is the GREATEST guitarist ever. Period. No one could and will never ever be on par with Hendrix, IMHO. It is just not possible! Here are some more of my favs : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad2EPO_y0ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUg7xl4kKUw&p=AB32A8B5775936D4&playnext=1&index=45 After hearing the song "Third Stone From The Sun", I pretty much asked myself this..."how many guitarists actually perfected the technique of depicting the landing of aliens on planet earth using their guitar?"....Only Hendrix could pull off such a thing! Doesn't that tell you something? I truly believe that not even blokes like Jimmy Page, Pete Townsend and Eric Clapton can possibly beat Hendrix!
  19. Hey Emma! You actually have Swede to thank and not me! He is an expert on these things, IMO! I got into this genre because of him! Yep! I've heard of "Thee Mighty Caesars" I think they rose from the ashes of a band called "The Milkshakes" or something? LOL! They are like an 80s garage punk sort of band right? And the song which I do like by them is "Cowboys Are Square". I dig the lyrics! So cool! Hope you enjoy this, Emm! And hey, I'll be fuckin' damned if I let this thread die man! Seriously! I'll be bumping it pretty often with some more good songs which I hope to find! I guess I am truly on a mission here! LOL!
  20. This New Zealand band "The D4" was part of the "Garage Rock" revival movement! They will definitely rock your socks-off! Sadly, they broke up but they were fuckin' awesome!!! The best part of it all is that they are from my hometown!!! :D They have this punk sort of sound which is pretty loud and raw! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uopgfdTMVFo&feature=related
  21. Make that 40 years! Jimi was far ahead of his time! Hats-off to one of the greatest guitarists ever to set foot on planet earth! IMHO, his death is one of the BIGGEST loses suffered by the music industry! May he keep rockin' on in Heaven! Love you and God Bless you Jimi! You truly were one of a kind! Thank you for everything! The guitar will not be what it is today if it weren't for Jimi! I really can't begin to imagine what in the world he would have come up with given today's advanced technology! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY3W2aVzrlo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn5rcymTLxo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8qLMQFTt00&feature=fvsr
  22. I forgot to add "Out On The Tiles" to my list! Brilliant song but so underrated!
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