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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Well, any thriller by Alfred Hitchcock! Yikes! My mom adores his work! She also loved "The Exorcist"
  2. A beautiful track by the ultimate super group "Blind Faith" Today was the first time I heard this and I just started crying! So beautiful!
  3. A very interesting topic! I collect coins and currency notes from all over the world because my dad is a Marine Engineer who pretty much sails the world and brings back bags full of coins from a variety of countries! I have coins which are over 30 years old! A very interesting hobby! I also collect stampss! My dad got me into that too and his grandfather's stamp collection has been passed down through the generations! A bit fragile but well preserved nevertheless!
  4. I am so proud of myself for purchasing this in CD format (the bonus track version!)! BLIND FAITH!!!!!! This album is a must have for any music collection! Fantastic that's for sure! True, the album cover is a bit explicit but it's all about the music and not the album cover! My mom really freaked out when I brought this album home today! LOL! Truly one of the best blues rock album I've listened to in a while! Beautiful! A bit about the album (courtesy of itunes) : Blind Faith's first and last album, more than 30 years old and counting, remains one of the jewels of the Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, and Ginger Baker catalogs, despite the crash-and-burn history of the band itself, which scarcely lasted six months. As much a follow-up to Traffic's self-titled second album as it is to Cream's final output, it merges the soulful blues of the former with the heavy riffing and outsized song lengths of the latter for a very compelling sound unique to this band.
  5. Joker's Wild are really cool! I couldn't believe that Joker's Wild featured David Gilmour! LOL! So you have "All I See Is You" on vinyl? Wow! So cool! That song ALWAYS makes me want to dance! So catchy! I discovered "The Treytones" and "The Puddin' Heads" just about a day ago after joining last.fm! I was hooked! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxM5dfT7kQM&feature=related
  6. Here are some really obscure Garage rock beauties! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nPs9GqBmC0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6UWYzCkDUc&feature=related
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDNvANLMDR4 And now for some Garage rock humour! BTW, this track ("Can Your Monkey Do The Dog?") had me groovin' all weekend! It's now my guilty pleasure! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZllvmvpJB0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob9detK01aM&feature=related
  8. BUMP!!!!!!! Hi thread! I missed you so much! I just have to post these Garage rock songs or my mind will just explode!!!! Check out the ladies in the first vid! Gosh! Those are swingin' chicks indeed! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK33l-ihZWw This vid kinda freaked me out but the song is good!
  9. Well, I can only ask Robert this : "Could you please make an appearance on any talk show and once and for all put to rest all the rumours, gossip and endless speculation about a possible Zep reunion so that fans will quit bickering among themselves and debating for hours on end and just come face to face with the facts?!"
  10. Well, after Led Zeppelin, Queen is my second favourite band of all time. Queen was actually the first proper rock 'n' roll band I got into. I heard my first Queen song (Seven Seas of Rhye) at the age 5 (in 1992). As far as answering the question whether Queen is underrated or overrated, I would say their work in the 1970s (especially albums like Queen I, Queen II, Sheer Heart Attack, A Day At The Races and Jazz) are quite underrated. I love Queen (mostly for their work in the 70s!) because to me, what set them apart from other bands was the fact that they did the pretty crazy thing of combining rock and opera. With the kind of vocal abilities Freddie had in the 1970s and the fact that they were so flamboyant, made me think that listening to a Queen album is pretty much like going to a Pantomine and to a Rock concert at the same time. It is indeed the best of both worlds. I heartily disagree with the person who said that Queen was more focussed on being flamboyant than actually creating music which was worth listening to. Go and listen to tracks like "Lily of The Valley", "In Lap of The Gods : Revisited", "Nevermore" and "White Queen : As It Began". Where's the flamboyancy there? And whatever anyone on this forum might say, Freddie Mercury is by far one of the best vocalists out there. I don't think anyone could in the 70s tackle those opera-based rock songs like he could, IMO! The man could do rock, opera (I mean real opera music) and tons of other stuff! A real versatile vocalist! I don't think anyone can beat Freddie in terms of his vocal abilities in the 70s! Now, eventhough I am a Queen fan, that does not mean that I am a fan of all of their work. I was absolutely put-off by their work during the 80s. The 1980s was the decade during which Queen officially lost their individuality by completely abandoning their progressive rock tendencies and becoming this arena rock band. I think the saying "if you have seen one band, you have pretty much seen them all" applies to Queen's work during the 1980s. But I still like albums like "The Game" and "A Kind of Magic". And the 1990s album "Innuendo" is a master-piece in my opinion! Queen truly showed some great potential of making a comeback there but a sad turn of events unfortunately prevented them from doing so! All in all, for me, Queen's 80s work remains overrated! It kept people away from exploring their work during the early 70s (1973, 1974, 1975 and 1976) and really getting a feel of what Queen TRULY sounded like! And as for "We Will Rock You", that song, just fuckin gets on my nerves! It's been beaten to death more number of times than "Stairway To Heaven"! And I have to say that the major difference between bands like Queen and Led Zeppelin is the fact that Zep maintained their individuality and unique style till the very end! Queen on the other hand foolishly abandoned it during the 80s! Queen for me are also strategists in a way, because if it hadn't been for their change in music style in the 80s, they would have been forgotten a long time ago, I guess due to their excessive flamboyancy, campiness and possible lack of mass appeal!
  11. Well, both these songs have been playing in my head throughout the day for the past 4 days! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkZvub7YgzA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFhoEA6w5MQ
  12. Thanks Magic! Yep! It sure does! It gives you this warm feeling deep down! And Magic, it's so awesome that you are donating to the Salvation Army (or Sally as it is called here!). Somehow, I've always wanted to myself!
  13. Well, the last concert I attended was on the 26th of February this year where a band going by the name "Midnight Youth" were playing. It was a free concert for 1st year students at the University of Auckland but hell, I had to attend just out of curiousity! LOL! It was pretty fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoZ7zyhgrR4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntZfh5GqbkM&feature=player_embedded
  14. The fact that I was able to donate NZ $5 today to "The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation" and get a pink ribbon and wear it all day at Uni to show my support for such a worthy cause!
  15. Hmmm...this song always gets me somehow!
  16. An old childhood favourite! It's just beautiful, in my opinion! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwCt0YQPn7g&feature=fvsr Brings back some really awesome childhood memories. I was about 9 when I first heard this song!
  17. I can pretty much listen to these albums for hours on end without getting bored! I love them so much!
  18. You sure did Page! :D AC/DC seems to be a pretty rockin' group! I have no idea why in the world I didn't check'em out earlier! Oh well! Better late than never, I guess! Anyway, thanks for the recommendation! Cheers! :D

  19. Absolutely spot on Danny! In fact, if I recall, that song was included in my second post in this thread! So beautiful and truly timeless!
  20. Yep! Absolutely! The guitar riffs are super and the song is really foot-tapping stuff! The bloke who sings it really reminds me of Ian Gillan on tracks like "Space Truckin"! I think I can safely say that "Ballbreaker" is my new favourite song! :D

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