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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. When Giants Walked The Earth : A Biography of Led Zeppelin
  2. Well, while I was on my 1 hour break from classes today, I was hanging out at the Music Library of my Uni and look what I found and just had to borrow for a whole month
  3. Now it's time for me to go, The autumn moon lights my way
  4. Wow! It is times like these that I really think "Thank God, I had the sense to learn French in school". That's pretty much the only language I can understand apart from English. Really nice cover of Purple Haze! I'm sure Hendrix would have loved it too! Love the way the bloke whose singing it says "Pardon!". The French version of "'Excuse Me" sounds a bit more dignified! I was wondering whether he might cry out "Sacrebleu!" instead of "Oh Non! Oh Non! Non!". But awesome cover no doubt!
  5. What in the world is stoner rock?! Bloody Hell! All these sub-genres are giving me a headache!
  6. ^Wow! Just frickin' wow! That was so catchy and cheeky! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=137_gmQpkUw&p=C9AA9AEAC860E39B&playnext=1&index=34 The Harmonica seems to be dominating this song!
  7. Swede, I think you might like this : Kinda slow but has a pretty good waltz.
  8. Wow! Really nice purchase there Swede! I loved that one! And the guitar solos! Wow! So fast paced and keeps your feet tapping! Ahhh!!! So frickin' awesome! There should be a radio station in NZ dedicated to music like this! Damn you corporate radio! That's why I avoid the radio! Now that my wretched mid-terms are over, I can start going on Garage rock song hunts again! :yay: I hope and pray that this song you've posted Swede, starts echoing in my head because all that is ecohing in my head right now for some strange reason is the "F*ck You" song from "Rate The Song Above You" thread! God! What's wrong with me?!
  9. LOL! No probs Swede...the funniest part is that Ville Vallo himself doesn't know what the hell to call the music his band plays so he sticks to the pretty vague term "Love Metal"! Lots of debating goes on among HIM fans! LOL! But its some "Metal" alright...I'm pretty confused myself actually! LOL! Whoops!
  10. Here is another Doom Metal sort of sounding track which I like : (the lyrics are pretty beautiful in my opinion) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1IOg2bq-MM P.S When I am in an angry sort of mood, I end up listening to Doom Metal / Love Metal and that really helps! Believe me!
  11. You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones
  12. I see the smiling faces I know I must have left some traces
  13. I love Doom Metal and Thrash Metal! My folks call it "hell music" and "noise"! LOL! Its so sinful! Brings out the devil in me! It feels so good listening to that sort of stuff! These songs can possibly be considered as "Light" Doom Metal or Love Metal (which the band in this context chooses to call it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Tipkv7PX4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep35cSYL0OQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuF7FN9aFwA
  14. The weather sure is rough out here in Auckland. Spring is supposed to have started but all I feel is the cold wind, which blows with such force that you either almost fall over while walking down the street or you go temporarily deaf and you hear a sort of "pop" sound in your ears! And then there is the fuckin' rain which makes the place freezing cold! Just when you think the sun is going to come out, there is an overcast! I really feel sorry for the folks living in "Windy Wellington"! Ugh!
  15. This topic is causing my brain to explode but I just want to share this quote which I found to be pretty interesting (as far as the whole issue of Governments trying to manipulate statistical data for their own gains is concerned). "There are three kinds of lies : lies, damned lies and statistics." - Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review Just my two cents. Sorry to interrupt!
  16. Its Only Rock 'n' Roll - The Rolling Stones
  17. Well, its this one now for the past 10 hours so far and I absolutely love it! The guitar riffs are fuckin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Even if I told my mom a 1000 times how much I love her, it still wouldn't be enough because she got me this today : I've been searching for this album for 5 goddamn years and my mom (the angel) found it and bought it for me today (eventhough, she can't stand Hendrix!) :yay: Gotta love them CD booklets! All images courtesy of my Samsung Corby. My digi cam is out of action at the moment And this is the first couple of "personal pics" I have posted on this very forum!
  19. I absolutely love what I hear! I do love Clapton and all of Cream's works. I am listening "Broke Down" right now. Such a blues rock sound. Chances are that my dad might actually like these guys too! Good stuff that's for sure!
  20. Yep! You got that right! To be honest, if someone asked me right now what my favourite song from "High Visibility" is, (eventhough its just about 48 hours since I bought it) I'll just blink and say I love all of them. True that I mentioned that it was "A Heart Without A Home" but it keeps changing every hour and some how I can't bring myself to decide on just one! All those songs are knock-outs!
  21. Thank you for the vocabulary lesson Your Highness. There. Is that term better than "mate"? and I better mind my apostrophes from now on then eh? Anyway, here is another interesting vocabulary lesson : Definition of AIN'T 1: am not : are not : is not 2: have not : has not 3: do not : does not : did not used in some varieties of Black English Usage Discussion of AIN'T Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore Richard Schickel> <I am telling youthere ain't going to be any blackmail R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases <wellclass it ain't Cleveland Amory> <for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! Andy Rooney> <you ain't seen nothing yet> <that ain't hay> <two out of three ain't bad> <if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs <Ain't She Sweet> <It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American. Examples of AIN'T It's a free country, ain't it?Those people ain't got a clue.Her husband left and she ain't never been the same. Origin of AIN'T contraction of are not First Known Use: 1749 Rhymes with AIN'T faint, feint, paint, plaint, quaint, saint, taint
  22. Are you implying that I am confused? Because I sure as hell aint! Sorry but I didn't feel any sort of anger on reading your post. I felt a bit amused to be honest! I refuse to be provoked and lose my temper cos that aint me! Sorry! If you think I'm confused, religion wise, well alright. I can't stop you there! My parents who happen to be the most important people on this planet to me have accepted me for who I am so why the hell do I need anyone else's approval mate? LOL! And no where did I say that any religion is bad. Sorry mate! Have no intention of wasting my breath and getting into a fight with you about this stuff! Have a good day Rick! See ya! I aint gonna take it any further than this!
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