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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. The Rush 'unofficial' releases that I ordered more than a month ago, are FINALLY on the way!!
  2. Going out tonight with my parents, for drinks and dinner to my favourite restaurant cum brewery here in Bangalore - The Big Pitcher, to celebrate their 36th Wedding Anniversary. http://www.bigpitcher.co.in/
  3. That's wonderful! Congratulations and all the very best to your daughter, Craig! University is such an important and exciting phase! You truly get to find yourself and discover what you would love to do!
  4. Damn! The last time I listened to this, was when I was a kid at University! Man! How time flies!
  5. Damn! The voice and the tone sure sound familiar!
  6. Made my day!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic stuff, you guys!!
  7. At the risk of repeating myself, "nice things for lovely people!"
  8. Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin
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