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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. What a blazing guitar solo! And what a terrific bass line and thunderous percussion!
  2. Julie!!!!!! Oh my gosh! It's so wonderful to hear from you! It's been way too long. Boy, have I missed you! Do stop by and post more, pretty please? Hope you and your family are doing great. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!
  3. Thank you, CP!! Hehehe! I guess you've heard about India's infamous demonetization drive, then? My plan is to deposit the check into my account and then, use plastic money! And CP, thanks for the splendid idea!! I'm going to allocate 50% to spending and 50% to saving. I mean, it's my first time earning a living and I am a huge music lover at heart! Gosh! I have so many albums to buy, which I put off purchasing for years!! I am just so excited! I can't stand it!
  4. Awww...Debbie! That is so sweet of you! I know exactly what you mean by the importance of saving up for the future. I have allocated 30% of my pay check to music shopping and 70% of it goes to my savings account!
  5. Another thing that made me happy was receiving my first pay check. This happened 4 days ago. Time to go shopping for music albums! I have so much to buy!
  6. These past two weeks have been rough. The deadlines are insane and the work load is horrific. I even had to work on New Year's Eve and New Year's. For 5 straight days, I not only took my work home but worked till 5 AM. Work was like a 9 AM to 5 AM job! Anyway, today, I came back home from work at 9 PM. I was exhausted but my day was made, when I found that a package had arrived for me, containing a very special album I had an Amazon gift card that was just lying around. Glad I put it to good use!
  7. As the old saying goes, nice things for nice people!
  8. On a side note, nice to see some Rush related posts!! My copy of Signals will be arriving tomorrow. Can't wait to give it a spin after work!
  9. Cheers, Morgan! I love video game music! It sounds too cool for school!
  10. Thank you so much, Debbie! Here's to a brighter and more optimistic year!
  11. Happy New Year, everyone!! Let's rock!!! My first song in 2017!!!
  12. One last corny joke for this year
  13. Hey Sath! Please do check this out. It's really cool, IMO. I have a feeling that this will be right up your alley too!
  14. *Sigh! Got off work about half an hour ago. Checked my personal email and ran into this 'news'. Shocked and saddened! RIP George Michael! Damn, 2016! It never ends, does it?!
  15. Instead of confining myself to the usual sickeningly sweet and 'happy' Christmas movies, I decided to turn up the heat, this year with this: They don't call it high school for nothing!
  16. Chinese Takeaway. After living on Curd and Apple juice for the past three days, I had a craving for Hakka noodles and seasonal vegetables, served with a hot garlic sauce. This was something even my poor mom could enjoy. Edited to add: Here's something for my American friends, who might be wondering what the difference is, between curd and yoghurt: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/How-is-yogurt-different-from-curd/articleshow/46702468.cms
  17. Thanks, Debbie! My family and I visited the doctor today and things seem to be getting better. Sucks to be ill during Christmas, but I am hoping that the New Year will be pleasant and uneventful. Hope you and your family are having a lovely and memorable Christmas!
  18. Thank you so much, CP! Wishing you and Mrs. CP, a Merry Christmas! Hope you're having a great holiday season! The symptoms have eased since yesterday. In fact, I'm actually craving for some Chinese take away for dinner tonight. I was scared to eat anything, all this time. Been living on curd and apple juice, since Friday. I'm also happy to report that my mom is on the mend.
  19. LOL! I wish, Strider! What really disturbs me is that we still haven't narrowed down the food source of this beastly infection, but my mom and I suspect that it is one of the veggies that she and I use to make the salad we have, every night! Ugh! No more salad (at least for a little while!). I am just thrilled to report that my mom is on the mend. I was really worried about her. The poor thing couldn't even have a sip of water without feeling nauseous! Thanks for the lovely sentiment, Strider! I really appreciate it! Hope you have a joyous Christmas with your family!
  20. Thanks, mate! Sorry about your brother not visiting! Hope you and the rest of your family have a wonderful Christmas!
  21. Trying to cheer myself and my dad up with some silly comedy after a rough week....
  22. Thank you so very much, Andy! Hugs to you too! Hope you and your loved ones have a happy, healthy and peaceful holiday season! Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks again for the wonderful sentiment! I really appreciate it!
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