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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. It amazes me that even though in the interview Myles said it was never going to be called "Led Zeppelin" yet that's exactly how it's referred to in the headline. I also found it odd that any thread with a mention of Myles stepping in for Plant on here was pulled back when this was news. What good was that supposed to do exactly? It obviously wasn't very secret if it had leaked to the press.
  2. If you want to start a separate thread about the use of "Xmas" by all means feel free to do so.
  3. From RollingStone.com: Video: Ron Wood, Mick Taylor Unite for Benefit Show Current, former Rolling Stones members come together to save landmark London venue By Andy Greene Ron Wood, Mick Taylor and Dick Taylor never played in the Rolling Stones at the same time, but Wednesday night they joined forces to try and save London's legendary 100 Club. Open since 1942, the tiny venue has hosted Louis Armstrong, The Sex Pistols and Oasis, among many others. In the early 1960s the Rolling Stones played many of their earliest gigs at the club, but in recent years the club has struggled to pay the rent. Now, it may close unless it finds a sponsor. "Are you ready to save the 100 Club?" Wood asked the screaming crowd as he took the stage. At the benefit Dick Taylor (the Stones' original bassist, who later formed The Pretty Things) jammed with late 1960s/early 1970s guitarist Mick Taylor and his replacement Ron Wood. The three Stones had never before shared a stage and have rarely played together in any capacity. Their set included staples of early 1960s 100 Club gigs, including "Spoonful" and "Shaking All Over." (Watch the video above for their performance of "Fancy Pants.") It's great to see Mick Taylor back in the fold; he had been out of the limelight for a very long time, though the band did recently bring him back to the studio to record new guitar overdubs on Exile On Main St. outtakes. Plus, with Mick and Keith feuding again there's no telling when the Stones are going to reform.
  4. Oops, didn't realize these clips had also been taken down (by MTV no less).
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_dyjhlNd9s&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj0kMvg-jhg&feature=player_embedded
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipUE2TVKSYI&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGoO_0bS7g&feature=player_embedded
  7. It's very similar to their previous album, Almost Acoustic (which just got reissued) if not a bit more lively. I'm a huge fan of Garcia's acoustic forays whether it be with the Dead, Old & In the Way, David Grisman, etc. so if you like that sort of thing this record should be right up your alley.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCieoJNW5lQ&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XflhqGCwktM&feature=player_embedded
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlkV3PG3J4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB0xVxtApFI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snCOLR-bVSc&feature=player_embedded
  10. Nah, it's Xmas. I've never bowed to political correctness and don't plan on starting now.
  11. I'm admittedly not real big on Xmas music except on Xmas day but I do like this one:
  12. I wasn't aware this forum needed "brightening up", silvermedalist been in here posting again?
  13. I'm not saying it wasn't an amazing time to grow up in, it most certainly was but so is the present. I guess that's the main thought I'm trying to convey. I have no desire to have grown up in any other time period than the one I did. I may be among the precious few since record stores have all but died off but I still get to go there to pick up new albums on the day they're released. I also never saw Zeppelin in concert. Sure, it would have been great if I had but I'm also perfectly OK with the fact that I didn't. People tend to complain that all of today's music sucks and they go on and on about Justin Bieber and whatnot. What they tend to forget is that the airwaves were also full of teen idols during the time period we grew up in. There's also lots of good music out there and even more ways than ever before to find it but so many don't even make the effort to seek it out because bitching about it is easier. I guess it just depends on how hard you want to look or if you even want to bother looking at all. It's most definitely there but it's not going to be handed to you on a silver platter, the same was true back in the 60s and 70s, that's where the romanticization of those eras comes in. Yeah, we had AOR (Album Oriented Rock) radio back then but now we have things like XM's Deep Tracks channel which is far superior to any album rock station I ever heard and I've listened to my fair share of 'em, believe me.
  14. This is also worth a listen when you get a chance, it's Gimme Shelter deconstructed.
  15. If you haven't seen them on their current tour I highly recommend it. I got burnt out on them for a while myself but they're in fine form these days. Better to go out on a high note...
  16. This was a nice little find on Record Store Day:
  17. Cool site to keep your eye on, he always has some great music. Aquarium Drunkard also has a show on XM/Sirius that's well worth tuning into.
  18. If you've spent any time at all around here (particularly this section of the board), you'd notice how so many want to hear nothing but Zeppelin soundalikes or bands that were heavily influenced by Zeppelin so the whole "where's the next Zeppelin?" thing gets old very quick. It's as though they're the only band that exists to some people so that's where I was coming from with my comments. I've been well aware of Petty since the 70s and have even seen him in concert. I don't hate him, I just don't care for the majority of his music. I think Mike Campbell is a great guitarist but I'm still not a Heartbreakers fan. If you want to sample some new music keep an eye on the Current Music Recommendations thread. It's a very refreshing breath of fresh air as it shows not everyone here is interested in Zeppelin rehashes.
  19. He was a chimp first. There was also the Bonzo Doo Dah Band (aka The Bonzo Dog Band): Not everything revolves around Led Zeppelin.
  20. Is the fact that you find these two Petty tracks "Zeppelin-ish" supposed to somehow make his music more attractive to us? If so, it would take a lot more than that to win me over to the Petty camp. I admire him and listen to his radio show on XM pretty regularly but have never really been much of a fan. I've just never been able to get past his voice which pretty much grates on my very last nerve.
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