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the chase

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Everything posted by the chase

  1. I have on tape a version of No Quarter with a lot more of the synthesizer and theremin effects.. Same version different mix.. Also a version of Hat's off to Roy Harper with different lyrics...
  2. NBA officiating for the most part is a F**KING DISGRACE!!!!!!!!! across the board... 3 technicals in 8 minutes for complete bullshit!!! good for Jeff Van Gundy... un-biased coverage. thank you for your time Chris "the chase" Not much I can say about the 2nd Half ... Miami looked pretty awesome.,...
  3. Looking sharp Rick.... But your Celtics shirt must have been in the wash.
  4. That's the point. This "preacher" also has the legal right to say what he feels... You have the right or even the moral obligation to call him out on it. I'm just glad someone for whatever reason filmed and posted his rant.. Exactly
  5. I'll second that.. Very nicely put.
  6. Some responses to Pastor Worley
  7. Her 15 minutes are just about over... nice job.. Her husband must be ready to drive his car into a f**king brick wall. yes... only Hitler had the ability to brainwash and control millions... This goofball's impact will be minimal. There are pockets of bigots everywhere in the world. But yes it's worse in some areas of the US than others.
  8. Jeff Beck ... any day of the week 1) He's much more experimental. 2) I like his songs better. 3) I like his solos better. 4) Beck is very respectful towards Page... this matters a great deal to me.. the three of them are linked. Page is very respectful towards Beck and Clapton... Beck is very respectful towards Page and Clapton... Clapton is respectful towards Jeff Beck.. I'd love to be proven wrong here.,, but I've never heard Clapton say anything complimentary towards Jimmy. 5) Most of Eric Clapton's material bores me to tears. I think Clapton has a great voice though.. but guitar wise out of the 3 ... for me Eric Clapton is a distant 3rd.
  9. maybe ... maybe not. Rondo is the best point guard in the league.. I wouldn't count out The Celtics... "Bury those cockroaches"? Have you been watching Scarface lately Rick?
  10. Who's to Blame The Chase / Shadow in the City Over Now Emerald Eyes Whisper a Prayer for the Dying
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-N_SqtFerjg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMYWB8CZxv8&feature=player_detailpage
  12. A great series.... Hat's off to the Sixers.. if they passed Boston tonight .... I would have rooted for them. A very smart man..... This was a hard game to watch.... I'm very proud of the dinosaur ass Boston Celtics... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNb7o6x7hEU&feature=player_detailpage
  13. w/The Beatles John - I am The Walrus, Dear Prudence Paul - Penny Lane, The Fool On The Hill, George - Something, I Me Mine Ringo - With a Little Help From My Friends. Solo ... John - Watching the Wheels Go Round and Round Paul - Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five George - Isn't It A Pity Ringo - It Don't Come Easy
  14. http://www.youtube.c...e&v=WpPdLb69-qk ARS So into you excellent stuff... It's funny ....I was just re-reading through this thread and it was my friend Kevin, who is an unbelievable musician, that got me into them.. There were so many great bands and songs in the 70's that some were taken for granted back then... I hear them now and there's a whole new greater appreciation.. smooth, excellent music and drumming...
  15. I guess I'm used to it.... Aerosmith on American Idol doesn't bother me too much... Perry has to eat his words though.. after comparing the show to the Ninja Turtles.. Don't forget, they were also in Sgt Pepper back in 1978.. possibly the biggest insult ever to The Beatles... Aerosmith were the only decent thing in that piece of garbage.. Steven Tyler is now doing Burger King commercials... Queen are giving, selling songs to Lays Potato Chip Commercials .... with a song their fallen singer wrote no less ... Even Zeppelin did it once with the Cadillac commercial... Peter Gabriel.... They're all pretty much doing it... It's the world we now live in... I just hope the new Aerosmith album doesn't stink.. I miss Frank Zappa..
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaIXGJA7Eig&feature=player_detailpage zero camera time for Brad and Tom... as usual
  17. Not bad .. it sounds like Eat The Rich and Love in An Elevator combined. I also hear The Wanton Song.. like nutrocker mentioned.. Look at the bright side... If it's the most commercial song on the album, it could be killer.. I thought Van Halen's newest single Tattoo was terrible.. but the rest of the album was great.. It's Very clean sounding... which worries me a little.. I was hoping that with Jack Douglas Producing, it would be back the old Aero Rat sound..raw
  18. http://www.youtube.c...e&v=JP8kp_hAQf0
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l7VWjEAFCM&feature=player_detailpage
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zC0C94t9mc&feature=player_detailpage
  21. Thanks Ady!!! THAT WAS GREAT!!! I'm still at work crunching numbers and I listened to the whole show in the background. Geezer Butler sounds incredible..
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