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the chase

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Everything posted by the chase

  1. Kashmir was played in 1975. So wasn't Trampled Underfoot, IMTOD, and Sick Again. The Song Remains The Same was footage from their 1973 tour.. not 1975.
  2. He has the right to take it easy if he chooses to. He owes us nothing.... I've stopped waiting for anything new at this point... If something does happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  3. 1 The Godfather 1 and 2 (they go so well together, counting them as 1) 2 Goodfellas 3 King Kong (1933) 4 The Sting 5 Jaws plus a handful of favorites. Ed Wood Pulp Fiction Modern Times Planet Of The Apes (1968) Get Shorty Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind Magnolia The Fugitive Ben Hur Ray Boogie Nights
  4. I'll be 49 in March - I've been a diehard fan since I was 12 (1975). I've been a member here since 2001 and have always used the same name. I took a break from posting anything for a few years, I would check in once in a while though. I started visiting again more often this past March-April. I never got to see the band. They last played Boston in 1973. I did see Robert 4 times, Jimmy 3 times and JPJ twice...
  5. Almost as surprising as someone thinking they can improve Carouselambra by chopping it up... to each his own I guess....
  6. Gene has always said they wanted to be the "Heavy Metal Beatles" with 4 distinct personalities.
  7. Wow... is it just me or did this thread lose about 3 pages worth of garbage...? Back on track...... I don't like Sammy Hagar all that much ....That tequilia guzzling, crappy lyricist, tell all book writing, abducted by Aliens, ..... jealous that he's not in Van Halen ..... 80 million dollar beach bum... Chickenfoot singer ..... great voice though. Merry Christmas all .. especially to Deborah.
  8. sounds very promising. i woinder who will fill out the rest of the band.
  9. I thought the contrast in styles worked really well.... You have Jack White who wouldn't use The Edge's effects rack if you put a gun to his head, He'd rather play a 20 dollar guitar he found at a Flea Market over the nicest Les Paul.... Then you have The Edge whose sound is completely processed and lives for effects ... and makes no bones about it. ... and Jimmy Page who is somewhere in the middle... the Jack of all trades. Mutual respect for what they have in common ..... and their differences.. The Edge sounded very out of place on IMTOD though....
  10. Bono can certainly come across as being full of himself... But he's also a Great Humanitarian, He knows how to use use his celebrity power to do very important things.. He's in the same league as John Lennon and Elton John in that regard..
  11. At exactly the same second I read this thread title, I looked up at the TV screen and Jon Bon Jovi was right there on an Advil commercial. The timing was uncanny. "singer, songwriter, philanthropist, father". Yes that's the order he called them off.... (Kind of like when Darien Taylor on Wall Street listed "World Peace" right after a "Perfect Canary Diamond" on her list of wants.) There's others I dislike more .... in fact I don't really even dislike Mr Jovi all that much... but I don't think I'd cross the street to see him perform. But he's Patriots Coach Bill Belichick's friend so he can't be all that bad. Let's see who else... Marilyn Manson made a complete idiot out of himself on That Metal Show last night. "Time to bring Satan back" yeah whatever. Why don't you shut the F**** up and let Biff Byford talk for half a minute. Not a big Ginger Baker fan... great influential drummer and all that, but a complete horses ass who rated John Bonham a 3-4 on a a scale of 1-10... Ratt's Steven Pearcy drives me nuts... But it's rather impressive how someone with such a monotone mediocre voice can make a living in music for so long. That's enough for now.
  12. That is wonderful news. Very well deserved. He's had the most varied musical career of any professional musican I can think of.. Congratulations John Paul.
  13. I agree completely. In The Evening remnds me of Who's to Blame from DW2. I also hear Robert's influence all over this album.... Much more than anybody else..... and rightfully so. He had alot going on in his life at the time. Life changing events.
  14. But you stated your personal reasons as being Fact. That was my only issue. It doesn't matter to me if you love or hate In Through The Out Door.
  15. That would mean "The Bodyguard Soundtrack" and "Millenium" by The Backstreet Boys are "better" than any Led Zeppelin album! They've sold more copies then any individual Zeppelin album.
  16. That's fine and you're not wrong... But neither is the person who loves just ITTOD. How can anyone say they're wrong? If they like it ... they like it. If they don't ... they don't. I used to care... I used to get in arguments over who was a better band or drummer or guitarist or whatever. Now if someone doesn't like what I like, I couldn't care less.,
  17. I'll second that. I love Poor Tom, Walter's Walk and Darlene. In fact, I love the whole album. I also love that Jimmy made sure the Drums were at the forefront in all of the mixes. They sound like a battering ram... even more than usual.
  18. ok ..... and Robert's. John Paul Jones wasn't at the final mixing and mastering though ...JImmy was.
  19. Jimmy Page is listed as the Producer of In Through The Out Door .... not John Paul Jones. Was it Jimmy's decision to leave off Darlene and include Hot Dog?? Page is probably the most influential Producer in the history of hard rock. John Paul Jones is no slouch either.
  20. No. But I can name a few that I like better. I like Wish You Were Here much better than The Wall too. Lot's of people like The Wall ....
  21. Kenny Aaronoff is touring with CF at Chad's recommendation..They're close friends.. Chad played on the 2nd album. He's back with RHCP's. I'd love to see Jimmy and Chad play together. Watch that video... He's pulverizing ALS. Chad's a power house and he's rock solid.
  22. Sorry dude .... that's your opinion... It's not my favorite Zeppelin album either, but I know plenty of people, my older brother for one, that it is their favorite.
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