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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. We Americans do have a strange need to let people driving behind us to know our views/beliefs/likes and dislikes. Myself included :
  2. Cool to hear him play Going to California! Thanks man!
  3. I agree, these 2 bands were on a different level than all of their contemporaries. Particularly the Beatles with their songwriting and studio experimentation and obviously Zeppelins live performances were out of this world.
  4. Thanks for bumping this thread Pagefan55, I was about to start one just like it! (Explains all my posts lol)
  5. Paul McCartney Reissue Includes John Bonham/Wings Collaboration http://www.billboard.com/articles/6191130/paul-mccartney-reissue-unreleased-john-bonham
  6. haha nice man hadn't seen that one before. I'm getting nostalgic for the 90's and moshing lol.
  7. That's one of my favorites, definitely my favorite George song!
  8. Scary and hilarious at the same time (kinda like Les/Primus!) Here's a fitting review from Amazon: A dark, clever tale of two brothers, a fishing trip, drugs, and murder, this novel skillfully combines classic motifs of epic struggle and intelligent layers of imagery, reminiscent of The Old Man and the Sea, and the raw, tweaked perspective of a Hunter S. Thompson novel. I whizzed through these as well:
  9. As a few others said, ICQYB from 1970 Albert Hall is phenomenal. One of my very favorite Zep performances.
  10. The miniature ones seem to be popular, that's where I first had one. The wrapper is different for those, I bet some people have had them without realizing.
  11. 11 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Beatles, Even If You're A Superfan http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/05/beatles-things-you-didnt-know_n_5648410.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 Let's see, I knew 2,4,5,7, and 10
  12. 2004 Toyota Corolla bitches! Check out the rear bumper :
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