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Posts posted by IpMan

  1. It is much easier to be intense when your guitarist is banging out simple power chords and leaving the heavy lifting to the rhythm section. Can't exactly windmill a guitar when you are busting out complex arpeggio's and hybrid picking.

    The jam thing is just silly IMO, Zeppelin improvised whole passages during songs, played 45 min versions of D&C & NQ...different every night I might add. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not but at least Zeppelin could not be accused of playing a three or four hour jam set of meandering nonsense like the Dead. If that's your thing, great, but I prefer at least some structure to a song. Also, one of my favorite jam masters is Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree (now a solo artist), you should check him out.

    Robert Plant was not authentic? What exactly does that mean? Does one have to screw every married woman in the Delta, leech off dozens more, and then die from poisoning after some cuckold had enough of your shit? Does that make one an authentic bluesman? I have seen 12 year old white girls on The Voice and other programming who could deliver the shit out of serious blues, so, how do you explain that? How exactly did they achieve their authenticity? What about Adele? What about Annie Lennox?

    Lyrically, Robert improved greatly over the years and Zeppelin did bring up profound subject matter: That's the Way, Battle of Evermore, The Rain Song, Dancing Days (if you understand the symbology Robert uses), and Night Flight to name a few. Presence & ITTOD, several songs are very lyrically deep and complex and Robert's use of symbolism is quite good. However, I will concede Townsend was a much better overall composer in regard to the concept album structure, and his lyrics were political and very intelligent in general. But for every Won't Get Fooled again, you get silly tunes like Squeeze Box & Happy Jack. Sometimes an artist just wants to have some fun.

    As has been mentioned, this really is an apples to oranges comparison. A much better comparison between bands would be The Who vs. Rush or Zep vs. Deep Purple or Black Sabbath. After all, one would not compare Yes to The Ramones yet by trying to compare The Who to Zep it really is not much different.

    So, The Who vs. Rush: Townsend's liberal, anti-establishment concepts vs. Peart's Ayn Rand philosophical opera's? Or a how about Meat Loaf? Anyone like some Meat Loaf??? If so and you are ready for some Paradise by the Dashboard Light, I suggest you pull out or suffer the consequences :hysterical:

  2. 57 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    LP Man:

    "Yes, why is it always seem to be the good ones, or people who went through years of shit and got their life together, on the verge of act 2 and BAM! Dead. I mean let's at least mix it up a bit. How about waking up to breaking news: Putin died last night due to an un-diagnosed ghost hemorrhoid which exploded in his ass and led to death by exsanguination. Or: This just in, Donald Trump, while trying to grab a pussy, slipped and fell on a deli slicer which resulted in his losing his fingers. Then, the slicer fell on the Donald's neck which resulted in permanent loss of speech. But no, instead we get Bowie, Prince, Michael, Fisher, Reynolds, etc going off to box city while the nasty bastards just keep on keeping on. Pol Pot was 73 when he died in his sleep, so much for karma."


    This previous post of yours would seem to contradict your current statement.


    Actually, it does not since my original post was obviously in jest unless there are reports of anyone, ever dying from an exploding hemorrhoid, or, an individual who has never done a lick of manual labor in their life having their fingers sliced off in a meat slicer. Further, I do not wish any of these assholes dead...disabled, meh, possibly but dead, no.


  3. 50 minutes ago, kipper said:

    ipman who cares what her personality is her sister was hacked up by these savages who we all want to see dead.  It is almost like you get hung up on silly side things when the point was most people wish manson dead. This evil man even has a swastica on his face he would have done just like Hitler if he had the chance to. I dont care if ms Tate is christian or not, that has noting to do with anything.

    Speak for yourself, I do not wish to see Manson or anyone else dead. Manson and Family are locked up safe and secure and since their incarceration in late 1969 have not killed anyone. IMO, problem solved. You should be happy Manson is alive and locked up, because when he does die, evil as he is, his soul will likely possess a 3' tall child's doll and cause all sorts of mayhem.

  4. 1 hour ago, Badgeholder Still said:

    I wouldn't judge her until I walked in her shoes. Not until a random band of loose nuts stabbed my pregnant sister to death and used her blood to write on the walls. Then have the promise of the death penalty pulled out from under me and live to see the graphic photos of her death scene available and shared on the internet.  All the while waking up from dreams and nightmares from which there's no escape.  No, I wouldn't judge her actions and thirst for revenge until I walked in those shoes. But if it helps you sleep better, feel free.

    Don't know what being a Christian has to do with anything. They've proven themselves to be among the most judgmental of anybody in the history of the planet.

    Funerals are for the living and "R.I.P." is a really just a self serving gesture.  It's meaningless to someone who's dead.  Remembering someone when they die is at  the most, thoughtful.  Insisting on how others remember the dead is just weird.

    Ya know, the two of us rarely agree but I must admit, your post is excellent and well presented. I appreciate your point of view.

  5. 5 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    ....as a Christian myself, I see no hypocrisy whatsoever.  When he was given the death sentence for the crime, it should have been carried out so justice could be served.  It wasn't.  Now as a Christian, she doesn't want a person to just die for her own vindictive reasons.

    I will shed no tears when Charlie does passes away but I wish I had Debra's strength of conviction regarding revenge.


    You obviously have never seen the numerous interviews with Ms. Tate in regard to the subject because when she attends the parole hearings she has a very different take and frequently states they should be dead. She is a hypocrite, she is also an insensitive twat who refuses to respect the wishes of both her family and the families of the other victims. She has been forcibly removed from several parole hearings she has tried to attend which had to do with the LaBianca killers. This woman is a disgusting parasite and is in no way christian insofar as the philosophy represents.

    It speaks volumes when your own family disowns you and wants nothing to do with you.

    RIP Jill Saward, a true champion for victims everywhere.

  6. 1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

    For those wishing Charlie Manson to die:


    The late Sharon Tate's younger sister does not have hate in her heart toward Charles Manson and his followers for their grisly murders in Los Angeles decades ago, but she does believe he should already be dead. 

    In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, a day after Manson was transported to the hospital from Califnornia's Corcoran State Prison because he is reportedly severely ill, Debra Tate said she is not sure how she will feel when the infamous cult leader finally dies, but for now, she is not wishing it to happen. 

    "He has got a gastrointestinal problem, but I was not given the impression it is fatal. But because of his advanced age, anything can become a problem," Tate told THR of the 82-year-old. "I know people wish him ill ... but because of my Christian upbringing, I don't wish ill will on any of these people."

    California State Prison officials have been mum on any update concerning whether Manson was transferred to a hospital or why, but they did confirm he is still alive. As for why any prisoner would be taken off site to a hospital, Terry Thornton, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections, told THR, "Under the Eighth Amendment, we are required to provide prisoners with adequate medical care." 

    Manson is serving nine life sentences for his part in the 1969 Manson Family murders, which included the murder of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others. Manson and his convicted followers were spared execution when a U.S. Supreme Court ruling temporarily banned the death penalty in 1972.

    Debra Tate continues to find that decision unacceptable. 

    "I agree that all of these people should have gotten the death penalty and things should have been taken care of in the proper manner back then," she tells THR. "My only agenda now is to make sure they remain incarcerated until their time of death because they are a danger to the public. They are sociopathic, and that's not anything that goes away."



    So on the one hand, due to her "christian values" she does not wish them dead. On the other hand though, she finds the repeal of the death penalty "unacceptable." Ok, which is it?

    You really need to read up on Debra Tate, the woman is a compete nutter who was disowned by her own family due to her making money off the death of her sister. The LaBianca Family and everyone else involved in this heinous crime cannot stand her and have taken legal action against her.

    Charlie Manson is a piece of shit, but Debra Tate needs to shut the hell up and go away permanently. She has been nursing off the Manson teet for almost 50 years and I am sure she will continue until the whole family is dead. Or as Mr. Peter Grant said, "As long as there is money to be made off of..."

  7. 5 hours ago, kipper said:

    his "actions" were that he raped a little girl Ipman. Trump never raped anyone so get over it. now that 2017 is here we need to let the politics of 2016 RIP too

    You cannot possibly make that claim, you have no idea what Trump has or has not done in his life anymore than he knows every nasty detail of yours.

    Res is right...RIP to common sense as it is clearly dead and moldering.

  8. 4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    You had suggested my friend Vladimir die. All in the past.

    For those who survive it, 2017 is going to be an amazing year, believe me. 


    Whoops, sorry Steve, I had no idea Vlad the Impaler was a personal friend. Can you please post a list of all the dictators and despots you happen to drink tea with from time to time so I know who not to offend.

    Much obliged and Happy New Year

  9. 19 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Well, he should have thought that before suggesting my friend be the one to die.


    I never suggested anyone die, that would be a horrible thing to wish for. Further, my post was in jest and I would think that was obvious from the tone as the likelihood of Mr. Trump getting anywhere near anything which would require manual labor is beyond ridiculous.

    Have to agree with you on one point Steve... Kate Jackson was / is smoking hot. She was my favorite Angel.


    RIP 2016, here is to hoping 2017 is an amazing year, the best year, I know years and I will tell you, 2017...amazing!!!

  10. 15 hours ago, apantherfrommd said:

    Peace means peace. I agree. Happy New Year Jules!




    No preference to get in the middle of this. IpMan, why not try allegations in the "Conspiracy Theory" thread. Allegations = hypotheses = theories. Scientific analysis. So long as it's neither a fight, nor personal attack... So much that could be discussed. For this thread, let those that pass in 2017, truly rest in peace. It is the "great equalizer" that binds us all. One rough year of my life to come in 2017. Best to U both.


    You are quite right, thanks for that my friend. However I am sure anything potentially negative about anyone Steve likes and or admires will result not in educated debate but personal attack. Good thing is I find Steve's attacks pretty funny to be honest. Then again I am just a silly son of a bitch ya know.

    Woof, Woof.

  11. 22 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    That son of a bitch keeps inferring my good friend is a child rapist, so you have got some nerve telling me to show some respect.

    Gee Steve, I am really sorry if I hurt your feelings, however I was just stating a fact, Trump has indeed been accused of raping a 13 year old girl. I never said your good and moral pillar of a friend raped anyone, I just stated a true fact that he has been accused.

    If it makes you feel better, since Mr. Trump is a good friend of yours you can have him call a drone strike on this here son of a bitch on January 20th.

    Now, please excuse me Steve, I must go and change the water dish for my mother...oh, and she is barking at the door again. Damn it !!!


    Ps. Do they still have those dispensaries in downtown Tokyo that sell the used panties from HS girls? I figured if anyone would know...

  12. 16 hours ago, kipper said:

    Or how about somebody takes a lamp or something heavy to the current guy before he does even more damage? Is that what you want to see happen too?

    And in case you were not aware Bowie raped a little girl many years ago. Good people don't rape little girls Ipman.  Are you having a bad day Ipman, why would you say what you just said otherwise?

    Putin is no Pol Pot and Donald Trump never raped a little girl.

    First, Obama has never tweeted insane rants at 3am nor has he joked about sexual assault, unlike Trump thus the comment. 

    Yes I am aware of Bowie's actions with Lori Mattox and I agree that was messed up.

    Putin has been personally responsible for hundreds of deaths of dissidents. Regarding Trump raping a little girl, well, that one is still up for debate since it has been claimed.


    Now, for hopefully the final rest in peace of 2016 is...2016. I hope 2016 rots in hell for all the shit it has brought. Talk about a low-point in American history. November 8th 2016 will be remembered as the ultimate Kurt Vonnegut moment.

    2016...good riddance !!!

  13. 1 minute ago, Stryder1978 said:

    It was revealed today that Rashaan Salaam, former Colorado running back and Heisman trophy winner, died on 5 December of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.  The family refused to allow the coroner to do an autopsy to see if he suffered from brain trauma due to his football playing.

    That's weird, you would think the family would want to know, sad.

  14. 7 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    May you live to 100, and may the last voice you hear be Donald J. Trump's.


    That would be my luck:

    "I am Donald Trump, I am Death, I am here to take your soul...Bwahahahahahaha..." Yep, that sounds about right.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    RIGGGHHT...nothing at all political in that statement.  Just TRY to stick to the topic please....or go take your crayons and go your safe zone.

    Ha, wherever I am at is a safe zone, I am a serious badass my friend. When my time comes the Grim Reaper is gonna have one hell of a fight on it's hands.

  16. 3 minutes ago, craigled said:

    So much awful news about right now. My thoughts are will them and their families. Scared of listening the news each day, Right now.

    Indeed, I cannot wait for this infernal year to end...just horrible.


  17. 1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:


    Pretty low turning tragic loss of life into a political statement.  The left know no shame..............

    Nothing political at all in my post, just pointing out how dictators (Putin, Pol Pot) and social ingrates (Trump...even his supporters cannot argue this point) seem to live long, blessed lives while good people who contribute positive things tend to die young. I guess Billy Joel was right, only the good die young. My maternal grandmother lived to 93, my mom said heaven did not want her and the devil was afraid she would take over.

    Just an observation, too bad you viewed a simple observation through a political lens.

  18. 4 hours ago, Nutrocker said:

    What makes me nervous is that we still have two days left in this horrible year for celebrity deaths to go...isn't the Grim Reaper tired yet?! Fuckin' hell!

    Mind ya, I am fully aware that the Reaper's work is only going to accelerate over the next few years, but it's never the ones you expect to go that go, know what I mean? Of all the prominent people who died this year I think the only one that really wasn't a shock to me was bleedin' Castro...

    Yes, why is it always seem to be the good ones, or people who went through years of shit and got their life together, on the verge of act 2 and BAM! Dead. I mean let's at least mix it up a bit. How about waking up to breaking news: Putin died last night due to an un-diagnosed ghost hemorrhoid which exploded in his ass and led to death by exsanguination. Or: This just in, Donald Trump, while trying to grab a pussy, slipped and fell on a deli slicer which resulted in his losing his fingers. Then, the slicer fell on the Donald's neck which resulted in permanent loss of speech. But no, instead we get Bowie, Prince, Michael, Fisher, Reynolds, etc going off to box city while the nasty bastards just keep on keeping on. Pol Pot was 73 when he died in his sleep, so much for karma.

  19. Fiona Apple, Tori Amos (check out the live version of Professional Widow), and one of the most underrated vocalists, Melanie. Check out Lay It Down, it's definitely a 60's love child tune but damn her vocals will melt your face off (in a good way). 

    Fun Fact: Zeppelin performed a gig or two with Melanie in 69' at festival gigs.


  20. 1 hour ago, corduroyg said:

    musically this is an original led zep song right? the robert johnson version sounds nothing like it. only the lyrics are similar. 

    was it recorded in front of an audience? such a great song, whyd they only play it that 1 time?? 

    Pretty much, the lyrics are a combination of the original TRB, Terraplane Blues, and Killing Floor. The guitar is overdubbed as you can hear the solo and a rhythm guitar so I assume Jimmy played the rhythm part live and overdubbed the solo later. This is the likely reason they never played it live again as it was for one of the BBC specials.

  21. 21 hours ago, BledZabbath said:

    Who's Rey's parents?

    We don't like to talk about that...its a family thing, something about an underage Princess or something getting knocked up by a milk man with midi-chlorines, a tattoo, and a seriously bad attitude.

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