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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I've enjoyed all of your travel photos, Zepscoda. Your children are adorable.
  2. ....or trillions of other universes, all expanding like small balloons and sometimes bumping into each other, lol. It's a mind-boggling concept: Our universe (and others) expanding into a void of absolute nothingness, and in so doing creating the fabric of space-time.
  3. I would have liked to have seen the Concorde and the SR-71 -- I never saw either.
  4. An interesting documentary about Benjamin Franklin.
  5. No, unfortunately I missed it. I've just been reading through this thread, and it reminds me of a conversation I once had with my astronomy professor at university. He tried to explain to me that the universe is similar to an inflatable balloon that is constantly being blown up. Each galaxy-cluster is a point on the balloon's surface, and as the balloon (universe) continues to expand ever-further outward, the galaxy-clusters, in turn, continue to simultaneously move both further outwards and further apart from each other. Also, as the matter and energy in the universe continues to expand outward, it creates it's own space-time. This is the "edge" of the universe, beyond which there is nothing at all -- not even empty space.
  6. Little Secrets -- Passion Pit
  7. Pretty Little Angel Eyes -- Curtis Lee
  8. I've got yard work to attend to, as well as some house cleaning, today. I'm hoping to to watch some college football too, particularly the Auburn-Ole Miss game.
  9. The Truth Dwells In Your Head -- Heretic Soul
  10. You're right, Charles. You're correct about the speed too -- I stand corrected.
  11. I think lots of parents in my area are encouraging their kids to attend Halloween parties rather than to go trick-or treating -- perhaps for safety reasons. A lot of kids who came to my door tonight were not from my neighborhood -- numerous car-loads of kids were driven in from distant areas.
  12. I received about 40 trick or treaters this evening -- I was happy with the turn-out.
  13. I miss the Concorde as well -- she was a classic aircraft. Today, another company is developing a new supersonic passenger plane which utilizes cutting-edge technology and will reportedly be able to fly at about Mach 3 -- nearly twice the speed of the Concorde. The company plans to have the plane operational by 2025-2030.
  14. I can see your pics, Marlam -- they look great..
  15. Street Fighting Man -- The Rolling Stones
  16. Tomorrow is Halloween -- Happy Halloween!
  17. Positive vibes coming from Richmond, too.
  18. Great pic -- I love her refined look.
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