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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. If anyone here is aware of a Zep tribute band whom makes an honest attempt to recreate a live Zep show--complete with improvs and jams--please let me know. Years ago I remember reading about a certain Zep tribute band who was (apparently) putting on shows where they attempted to re-create TSRTS note for note. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the band, but I'd like to see them if they're still around.
  2. It fascinates me how the English language came to be the world's most dominant language. It is THE language of many different disciplines and fields of endeavor: Commerce, science, pop/rock music, etc, etc. I understand the process by which this took place: Commerce and Colonization, (the sun never sets on the British Empire, etc.) and the preeminence of British popular culture (Beatles, etc.) but it's still remarkable that a small island country perched high up in the North Atlantic produced the world's most dominant language. (much to the annoyance of the French).
  3. Pagefan55

    Golf Talk

    I was also shocked to see Couples up there.
  4. It's a song by Keane called "Silenced By the Night." I have been hearing this song for months everywhere I go--restaurants, stores, malls, etc. Last night, I was having dinner with my girlfriend in a chain restaurant when the song came on again, and I suddenly realized, "Wow! I really like this song!" I asked my girlfriend who does it, and she replied, "I LOVE this song. It's by an English band called Keane." I can't get the lyrics out of my head, "You and I, we're going to rise again!!"
  5. Great pics Zepscoda and Strider. Love the Seal! I've always wanted to explore the Pacific Northwest but haven't gotten there yet.
  6. Pagefan55

    Golf Talk

    I just discovered this thread. I've been playing recreational golf for about 10 years. I'm a 15-18 handicap. (there are two nice 6800 yard courses within a few miles of my house.) About a year ago, my friends and I decided that Woods had less than a 50/50 chance of tying Nicklaus's record--and (obviously) a smaller chance of actually breaking it. At this point, I don't believe Woods will ever tie the record--just a guess.
  7. I know people who have seen the film "Some Kind of Monster" and the reviews from those people have been mixed. I'm not a big Metallica fan, but I like the song, "For Whom The Bell Tolls."
  8. I've seen 4 Zep tribute bands. I don't want to name any names, or hurt any feelings, but all 4 bands were a big musical disappointment. (2 of the bands looked really good, though.) All 4 bands exclusively played the studio versions of the songs--I'd been hoping for a serious attempt to re-create a live performance--and I/we left feeling like we should have just stayed at home and listened to our Zep albums. I've heard some good things about the band "No Quarter," but I've never seen them.
  9. I got my spring cleaning finished last week. It probably took me 3 full days (stretched out over a 6 week long period) to get it all finished. I'm currently attempting--without much success--to get some work done on my computer.
  10. I love your painting, Reswati. There's a great French film festival coming to Richmond next week. It's an annual event which I attended last year. It's remarkable to me that a town like Richmond--a relatively sleepy place--now regularly hosts some of the biggest names in French cinema.
  11. It does seem like a lot of the old "Zeppelin" arenas and stadiums have disappeared--the Seattle Kingdome, Kezar, Three Rivers Stadium, the old Boston Garden, the Atlanta and Tampa stadiums, etc, etc. It's kind of sad.
  12. A friend wants me to go see Journey with them sometime in late Spring/early Summer. I've been told that the new Filipino singer sounds a lot like Steve Perry.
  13. This thread is fascinating...incredible...unbelievable. Mrs. Parker is the epitome of a true Southern lady--she's every bit as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside--supremely kind, gracious, intelligent and talented.
  14. My girlfriend is a big fan of Jewel, the singer, and Jewel's song "Foolish Games" has been stuck in my head for weeks.
  15. My older brother gave me LZ1 as a birthday present when I was 15. Then I watched TSRTS with two friends when I was 17.
  16. Actually, I find all of these rock star/god comparisons to be really intersesting: Zeppelin's most famous biography is called, "Hammer of the Gods," Robert called himself "a Golden God", Clapton was called "God," fans at Doors concerts screamed out to Morrison, "You're god!!" Etc, etc. Some of that era's rock stars--Zeppelin most of all--were uniquely capable of providing their audiences with a mystical, transcendental, hallucinogenic, quasi-religious experience. Therefore, fans came to view these artists/bands as "Gods." In Zeppelin's case, the band was capable of generating such extremely high levels of "magical energy"--energy which was subsequently and repeatedly transferred back and forth between the band and audiences in an ever-escalating upward spiral--that audiences were left feeling mesmerized, enthralled, and euphoric. Because of this, it should be no wonder that this thread addresses the issue of whether Zeppelin were "Gods." Personally, I don't think any human being should ever be worshipped as a god, except Jesus--if one is a Christian.
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