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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. The F in Friday stands for Fun! I'm so happy it's the weekend. It's been a long week and I had fun spending the evening with those I love. High quality company. As all things in life, it's not about quantity, it's about quality. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  2. I'm sorry to hear of your loss SozoZoso. Thank you for posting a picture of you with your grandmother. I sense she was a very sweet, loving, joyous woman. May she rest in peace.
  3. Great post. A lot to think about there geekfreak. I think the mistake the youth make is that we take youth for granted. Wouldn't you agree? I think we should all cease the day at any age but so few of us understand the concept... Good luck at the doctors, please keep us posted!
  4. My thoughts exactly Maaike! That's a great picture. Doesn't he just make you want to rub your hand against his stubble?
  5. That's not so bad. I say if you're body craves it don't deprive yourself. One isn't going to hurt you.
  6. Very funny! Thank you for posting it!
  7. Enjoy your mini-vacation Charles J. White.
  8. Here is a new hottie of Jimmy ladies. Enjoy! I can't figure out how to post the picture. Someone?? http://instagram.com/p/rkaIhEBvQs/?modal=true
  9. It's great stuff. Im glad you like it. I will keep my eyes open for Lush Coalface. Thanks!
  10. I heard this song earlier today, I haven't heard it for a while and I can't get it out of my head. I love Roy!
  11. Black Sabbath!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JitHrPXpRYw
  12. You're the perfect audience geekfreak. You seem very open-minded. I think every musician/band does add something important to the music pot in some way.
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