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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. Thanks for posting the ELP stuff Amstel! I will listen to that next!
  2. My arsenal: I had to get this after a surgery on my knee, now I can't live without this stuff! Nothing cleans like Paul Mitchell! And when my locks need the extra moisture:
  3. I've heard 'A Song for Jeffrey' before but not 'Driving Song'! Two great songs. Thank you so much for posting them for me!
  4. Thanks Maaike! That's a great photo! No worries about the spelling Maaike! I like to go off course in the mornings with some Jimmy hotties anyways.
  5. Sounds like something Wavy Gravy would eat! What does hemp milk taste like?
  6. Very cool. Locomotive Breath used to be one of the only JT songs I liked until I heard the early stuff just recently.
  7. That sounds delicious! Salmon is my favorite fish. I'm having a ham sandwich. Simple yet delicious.
  8. I heard when Queen Elizabeth I died they scraped something like 4 inches of makeup off her face. This is a random thought but it really belongs in this thread I think. Thoughts ladies? Random thought sparked by SozoZoso's paint art, which was lovely by the way.
  9. That was really well done. He has a nice voice. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks again for posting Charles J. White!
  10. I was listening to this album this afternoon. I enjoyed it very much!
  11. Awesome! Great message, great vibe and the fact that they are musicians from around the world is very cool. Thanks for posting Charles J. White!
  12. Amstel thank you so much for turning me onto RL Burnside. Where have I been without him? And you! He's f*cking great!
  13. I agree. Geekfreak has a wonderful way with words.
  14. Which classical masters do you enjoy the most geekfreak? You will find inner peace soon geekfreak I just know it.
  15. I want you, I need you, I love you - Elvis
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