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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Seen the dvd a zillion times with the headphones on.... Jeff was so fucking intense, believing every note he sang, and also incredibly funny (on one bootleg he is actually poking fun of the bootlegger..."What are you gonna do with the recording, study it?") It's a real shame he died too early, since he was one of the greatest voices in rock music EVER. Did you actually know that the last thing Jeff ever did sing was "Whole lotta love", he had that on the ghettoblaster while taking his last fatal swim and was singing along to it......what a way to go. Just one question for those who might know......is there a studio version of the song "What will you say", any possible outtake on a bootleg ???? (Since I only know many live versions, but in a documentary I actually heard something that sounded like it were a studio take)
  2. The whole "women cost money" concept is possibly the biggest KAKA I ave heard in a long time. I found my last two girlfriends while beeing UNEMPLOYED...... (and indeed, I still live together with that second woman mentioned here) (If you think that women cost money, you should not visit slave markets too often, haha......and no whorehouses either)
  3. I play vegetables, flesh and all fishlike things as well. Most of all I play the leading role in my soap opera called life. Gna.
  4. you are what you is (at least that's what Zappa told me)
  5. Well, after reading the Olaus Wormius translation of the Necronomicon which I inherited once at teatime.....a mighty long long indeed long time ago, I guess it must be (still) Cthulhu, the dreaming lord of R'lyeh. (although I must confess that Yog Sothoth is cool too)
  6. Celtic Frost, just to annoy my neighbors.
  7. Revolution, hence my daughter's name Vanima Revolution star
  8. The one I use is even smaller. What, no one plays a musical saw? at the moment I am trying to master a Mongolian throat-singing technique called Khoomei, if that is odd enough :D
  9. Ebay, there's this German manufacturer who builds them quite cheap (99 Euro) :D
  10. At the moment I am finally able to bleep a theremin like Jimmy. (oooooh I love my deaf neighbors)
  11. Huun Huur Tu and Angelite, the Bulgarian Voices: "Fly Fly my sadness"
  12. Odd that three drummers in a row just passed, Jimmy Carl Black Mitch Mitchell and now Michael Lee Rest in peace all of you and thanks to Michael for the great concert in Ahoy Rotterdam in '95.
  13. Kathmandu valley in the morning mist. The greenest green ever seen. Where the magical mystic fills the air. Enchanted me once that day I was there.
  14. reswati

    O2 Arena show

    Not much reply on this thread, Leddy......possibly everybody stayed at home. :D Anyway, I went, experienced it, partied, laughed, cried, hugged a lot of people. Strange how fast a year can pass.....
  15. How's it going "reswati?" I apologize for the late comment. Yes, your concert experience counts too. I love the picture by the way. ROCK ON!
  16. "From Rolling Stone magazine - Issue 1066 - November 27, 2008" Cool, this is news from the future, since today is November 13th :D
  17. reswati


    I had the chance to open a show for him.....he was a really funny and kind guy. Rest in Peace
  18. Well, it is a collection of songs from different concerts from all over their career, the sound quality is varying, but mostly listenable. It also has a very cool different studio version of No quarter on it and also contains the studio track "Jennings farm blues" which would later re-appear on Zeppelin 3 in an acoustic version (Bron-Y-Aur Stomp).
  19. In Europe, the Pope used soap, to clean his dope, under a microscope. oh yeah the rhyme word of this night is of course: nasopharyngolaryngoscope (An endoscope that is used to visualize the upper airways and the pharynx.) :D
  20. microscope isotope (oops those are two.....guess I got carried away)
  21. Well, I compose a lot of stuff all by myself....finally found some people now who will play it, so there is a slight amount of progress (finally) :D :D Here are two of my compositions, both in the stages of beeing demo recordings....both numbers have a completely different vibe. 1. Cosmic Caravan.....a rock song bout...indeed...space travel http://rapidshare.com/files/156181785/Cosmic_Caravan204.wav 2. State of fear......a sweet ballad bout gun craziness triggered by media etc etc http://rapidshare.com/files/156240740/enemy.WAV
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