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Everything posted by reswati

  1. typical of her, I guess one day I will sell her on Ebay!
  2. (Just discovered that the original question came from a 12 year old.....don't wanna shock him/her)
  3. That's more the spirit, Jarlaxle Hope you enjoy this one, I was lucky enough to be there too
  4. Schmickelback needs a haircut. I hate hippies! hahaha.
  5. QUOTE (danelectro @ May 5 2009, 01:40 PM) * Probably. Even Robert Plant has been the enemy of the teeth bearing Zep hoard at time. Nobody is safe but Jimmy and Bonzo. Page isn't safe either, especially when his guitar strap comes loose. Seems we are one big horde of merciless Viking villains after all. (Sorry, no time to write more, got some plundering to do)
  6. I will give the album a listen. Thankee sai, Jahfin.
  7. Coffee rules, Aquamarine, lol.
  8. Just to satisfy your curiosity, El Mago, here are two pics of randomly chosen pages from the Al Azif. Quality of pics is blurry since it's very dark here already.
  9. Oh no, there's plenty of cool goddesses, Aquamarine!
  10. Yup, to be precise, the Aklo dialect.
  11. I have my computer keyboard in my hands right now, else I could not write this stuff, now ain't it. Certain portions of the original Necronomicon were left out of the ones you can buy at every supermarket, like the Simon Necronomicon, and the Turner/Hay version. The order which I can not name protects these secrets, that is one reason why I can not possibly reveal all that is written in the book. (and even if I printed it all over the net, chances are great that you can not read it, it's written in Latin and some kind of ancient Arab writing.
  12. No grills=no thrills! (Cause some like it hot)
  13. The second link has the seals, and no, I can't upload a 2000 page thick book on the internet. Kakammu Selah.
  14. Well, good question.... yeah I like them too, Freddie was one of the greatest entertainers in rock history. I have almost all their albums on vinyl except The Works and Flash. I also have a nice collection of Queen vinyl bootlegs which I cherish very much. One thing I think is that they should have quit after freddie's death. As much as I like Paul Rodgers, it ain't Queen anymore today with only two original members in it.
  15. It's on page 733 of the book. Here is some more information about Marduk, http://www.lovecraft.ru/texts/necro/spellbook_eng/names.html http://www.lovecraft.ru/texts/necro/simon_eng/names50.html
  16. Yup, I might say that I am a slightly silly person....hahahahaha.
  17. Lol, I was just kidding you (Hence the smiley icon, that yellow round thingy with the grin on the face).....you are a tad too serious from time to time.....lighten up!
  18. Ah, the Necronomicon, the Kitab Al Azif by Abdul Alhazred......suuuure, so you worship the Great Old Ones. Well, me too. In fact my whole family worships Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath etc etc. This is a picture of our 500 year old copy of the Necronomicon, which we pass from generation to generation.
  19. We are not satanic at all.... Here is the proof, my home made gospel video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIdVj0E2-Bs
  20. Well, make a "Don't dare to post a picture of your neighbor's pet aunt" thread.
  21. Well, your writewrite was the first communication I had today.....just fell outta bed (sort of) and having breakfast.

    Always great to know talented people from all over the world.

  22. http://rapidshare.com/files/229360724/Cosmic_Caravan204.wav (Choose the free user option)
  23. Neither did I say that it was in this intervieuw that he wanted to be an MTV highlight....that was just my humble conclusion. And oooooh, you are not a rap fan.....how terribly narrow minded of you There's lots of good rap.....for instance this one (which is logical, since I made this videoclip). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5yrbmvtfJ8
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