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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Uhh....no please not, Coverdale was playbacking half of the last concert I saw him do.
  2. Dune-Frank Herbert Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever-Stephen Donaldson Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy-Douglas Adams Kitab Al Azif-Abdul Alhazred
  3. Steve Hillage-Live Herald (one of the forgotten space-guitar heroes of the seventies)
  4. Who cares, or do you now jack off on numbers?
  5. Well, discussing with Spast is impossible, he is a miser, a coward, and possibly the only person in the world with a football sized scrotum
  6. This very inspired son of Satan and his immense talents sometimes cross my path (and yeah, at my former job I heard his entire oevre at least a thousand times too many played at 160 decibel) Ladies and gents..... Enjoy possibly the worst product of the Netherlands (even suckier if he sings in German) (Forgive me for doing this to anyone who reads this.....aaarrrgggh....it's from the 4th Reich's greatest hits album) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GauZeY2fDk8
  7. The next picture was inspired by The Old Absinthe Bar, or some weird meeting with a certain green faerie: (As you may notice....too much absinthe makes one look a little bit cross-eyed from time to time....haha) Anyway....cheers!
  8. Cool, a South African lady here......A good friend of mine used to live in Durban, so I heard lots of amazing stories bout your country (lol sometimes over and over again) No need to feel silly, I am 40 years old and there are even older people on this board.....good musical taste has no boundaries. Welcome to the greatest community of people in the world.
  9. There is one site that has more info bout background noises and sound anomalies in Zep songs... http://www.oldbuckeye.com/ifmtl1.html#1.3 http://www.oldbuckeye.com/ifmtl1.html#1.4
  10. Some more delicacies: http://www.cracked.com/article_14979_6-mos...s-in-world.html
  11. 1. Jonesy played some "Chim Chim Cheree" during No Quarter in one of the 1977 concerts (Madison Square Garden June 13th). 2. Actress Glynis Johns (Mrs Banks) appears on the cover of Led Zeppelin 2.
  12. Perfectly said, Ninelives. as for myself I have about 1100 vinyl albums and I never counted cd's (several hundreds), still there are so many good records that I have never listened, so many things to be discovered.......it would take me a thousand of lifetimes to listen to all beautiful music ever made!
  13. That's what pissed me off most......I have the non-picture disk version of that album (which sounds better than a pic disk to begin with). The quality is not bad, but it is just the vinyl version of the first source of that show. The Ebay seller is also a big liar by claiming this to be a promotional record......to promote what???? The next Zeppelin tour?
  14. Amazing footage indeed, also the psychedelic background makes it very cool to look at. Thanks a lot for posting this!!!!
  15. This is the most idiotically priced bootleg I have ever seen.......call the spirit of Peter Grant please to kick this seller's ass! (postscriptum: since Grant's spirit could not be evoked by some sinister rites described on page 476 of the Necronomicon I reported this hypermoron to ebay myself......I have nothing against bootlegs but I hate people who try to rip off fans. The seller should be forced to ram this record up his holio )
  16. :D Funny that you have KREATOR in your logo Jarlaxle. They are kind of youth sentiment to me from a mighty long time ago when I was very metalminded. Just to relive some of that vibe I went to see them in Amsterdam last month, which was indeed as energizing as drinking 10 cans of black coffee at once. Here is a vid of part of the performance, seems they really never mellowed down too much...
  17. Cool, a kindred spirit here, feel free to vibe my mind with some good recommendations too... if everything goes right I can see Huun Huur Tu (the Mongolian band) in June very near here. If you haven't heard their album " Fly fly away my sadness" , please go get it, it is otherworldly... it is a combined effort of Mongolian throat singers and a female orchestra from Bulgaria, goes beyond any boundary!!!!
  18. Bought Mighty Rearranger on vinyl, and it's still a killer album.
  19. First Circle by Pat Metheny is also one of my all time favs. Also forgot this guy, forgive me Nusrat, whereever you may be.... (for all the people who read the discussion bout qawwali music on another thread here ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXQz1yTSGA4
  20. Listening to Zep even broadened my taste for music, without them I might have possibly never listened to Robert Johnson, or Tinariwen. there is a magazine called "Songlines" which comes out monthly, very inexpensive too, and it also features a free cd of different world music, from anywhere on this planet. They already featured a cd compiled by Robert Plant himself with his favorites in world music. here are some things I have discovered while listening to these free cd's.....might sometimes sound strange, but try to feel the vibe open minded.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFPzDguv9gM...re=channel_page
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