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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Nah, Manders, I think it's your leg. BTW.....Congrats!!!! Good for you!
  2. Oh awesome!!!!!! I was just yesterday watching youtube clips of TP&THB's at The Hollywood Bowl, and whoever shot it got in some excellent shots of the fine work he does. He amazes me! Thanks!
  3. Is that 'Mike Campbell' Tom Petty's Mike? If so, excellent! He is FABULOUS!
  4. Nice story.

    welcome...from another aging hippie.


    ps: you might have to defend your hippiness, some here are not very peaceful.


  5. Well...my personal feelings are, I think bunnies are cute. But they devour gardens, and my cat just wants to eat their brains. Since I no longer consider myself a Christian, the only reason I will acknowledge Easter is because of my ancestors annual egg fight held in the holler in Tennessee. Held on Easter, or there abouts. Yup, they even had their story on the AP wires one year. heh, we always had the Hardest eggs.
  6. I almost missed Leno. He was beeeeeautiful! Can't wait to see him again.
  7. ^ The sticker thing would not be a good idea. I mean for any artist, to say "this isn't what you are used to." But hey, I respect your opinion. Ok..on a different note: Chris will be on Leno Friday Mar. 20 AND: Carson Daly Mar. 24.
  8. I'm Your Man...Leonard Cohen
  9. Sorry Jahf, I didn't see this post.
  10. Who 'returned'...Levee? I never knew he'd "gone." But ...cool. WMMHT? THE SPATS THREAD IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!! damn, that's as good as having my jerkoff neighbor's toilet fixed Monday morning!!!!!! I finally slept like a baby last night!!!
  11. Ha, he really doesn't need to draw attention, his fan base worldwide is solid. He can pick and choose what he wants to do, and learn from it. Myself, I'd LOVE to see Audioslave again. But we 'can't always get what we want.' And like I told my friend, and this is from a female view: The drool factor alone is sooo worth the price, no matter what he does.
  12. Just finished The Mormon Murders, about the false documents Mark Hoffman sold to the LDS church, so they could "hide" the real Joe Smith. It just made me ill to read how low down the church can be. I remember being here when the bombings happened, everyone knew it was Hoffman, and could've cared less if he'd blown himself up.
  13. Lovely. I liked this "look" he had in that time period, way more than the dreaded mullet days.
  14. Get well soon!

    We are all thinking of you.



  15. ROCK. Immigrant Song Jesus Christ Pose Yeah, he still Rocks alright. For some... reason Immigrant Song won't pull here, but can be viewed in 7escape7's videos. Just go to the link next to Jesus Christ Pose. mmhmm.
  16. Pink Floyd thread...................
  17. Whatever you make it I'd say. As I said before, he is doing the entire Scream LP. Then...depending on audience response (from what I've read) he's up for anything. Soungarden, Temple of the Dog, Audioslave etc. Check out You tube for Immigrant Song on this current tour. I believe he sung that in Berlin. He has been adding that to his set. And his band is totally capable. Like Robert, he can't please everyone. He has to move forward, not backwards. And he is just worth seeing. Period. Unless you are in Chile, his ticket prices are for small venues (extra nice) like 35 bucks! worth every single cent. ps: timbaland won't be there...I know...thank gawd.
  18. Go Your Own Way>> Fleetwood Mac
  19. Horses turning left all day. How boring.
  20. Do not forget to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight on ABC. Mr. Gorgeous will be performing. He will also be on Leno on Mar. 20th. Don't miss his show either! All tour dates on his website, Facebook, and MySpace. Scream the LP, comes out today! *finally!* Never heard of postponing a release for so long, but whatever. He has been doing the entire LP on tour, and if you are nice...unlike the stoned out Amsterdammed crowd...he will be nice back, and even take requests from the audience, doing 13 extra songs in Berlin. They were nice and he returned with songs from his entire career.
  21. Getting some more baby stuff for my son's baby coming. Above normal temps, and beautiful clear air. The wind is crazy though, almost 50 mph. Whew! A little too much for my butterfly kite I want to fly. Speaking of those machines....I had a CT w/contrast last week, never had one. They said...ok we'll inject the dye and you will feel very warm all over, and feel like you have to pee. They were right. They bruised the crap out of my arm though. Happy for ya Dz!!! Finding 10 bucks in a reciept pile.
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