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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Great story, love those roadies white legs in shorts too...
  2. Crazy!! Yesterday we had extreme high winds, up to 70mph. Huge dust storm. Couldn't see the mountains. Then wildfires started up all over, so the air was also filled with smoke. The winds also kicked out the brine shrimp stench off the Great Salt Lake. Pee-yew!! The moon looked so eerie last night. Then there were house fires all over. Several in my neighborhood. Fire Department stretched to it's limits. The weather report showed a bizarre temp difference from Elko, Nev..only 52 degrees...then Wendover...not that far was like 94 or something. Now we are only 67 today. I want a huge storm!
  3. Repeat: The Fellowship Of The Ring. Think I'll mosey on outta here and do that.
  4. Yeah, I even feel like it's "part of our woods" just from growing up, kind of like a sister city. I saw the map of the distance between and I saw a report tonight about a guy living close to the canal, who's SUV cadaver dogs hit on. He claims it was stolen two days before the boy went missing and then "reappeared" they dug up his backyard before the body was found. hmmm. I hope justice is served up for the poor kid. Yeah, Boyz is cool...(teasing!) Hell if Neil Young opened his tour there....well...*sniff, sniff*
  5. That one in the greyish sweatshirt and jeans....I missed.. ...I just typed...kissed...it's late. He is GORGEOUS in that one. I better go back since that one was from 2008. Now I just typed...I better go pack. So, I kissed the pic, and I'm gonna go pack. dang...pain pills. and hot pics of Robert makin me woosy....
  6. Hearing about the body of a little boy being found in a canal up in Boise (Mandy's neck of the woods) and it is probably the missing eight year old they've been searching for for a week. Crazy parents , not accusing, but it's sure a fishy case.
  7. WooHoo! well par-tay down girl! Happy: Some new pics of the Gdaughter. She is sooo cute! I put my fav...this week... on my desktop.
  8. I bet, Ally...you NWers aren't used to it. Humid? That sucks. I don't know how people in Arizona or Vegas (Ev ) can take it. Our two whole days of eighties are gone now and we're climbing back into the nineties.
  9. Nice to see you ZD. BTW...that pic in your avi is very pretty!
  10. Well, the US has cracked down on "welfare" since Clinton. No longer can someone just stay on any program. There are now limits on total months, anyone here in Utah must work I think it's 20 hours a week to get any benefits. So...pot smokers do have to work in the USA. And at the cost of good bud, you have to to afford it. I believe we are very close, and California will lead the way. People should be able to choose their vices and pay the taxes for it.
  11. California needs the dough. Let's do it! Could go up for a vote.
  12. Knowing it's a done deal that my son will be moving alllll the way to Germany in just another month or so. I'm happy for him, but....sad. He's the only 'man' I can count on 100% when I need man power, like moving stuff and carpenter stuff, electronic stuff.... I'm going to miss him terribly. But, he promised he'd send for me when they get settled.
  13. Quite nice for a change, temps down to the 80's. The heat just really wipes me out lately. I'm wishing I was living in San Diego again. Was watching the beach webcams wistfully the other day. Whoa, how bout the NW? 105 in Portland?
  14. Great pics all...Ev, Deborah, Virginia....nice to see you!
  15. They- Dead Weather are coming here too, I don't know, I've heard mixed reviews. BUT...I was watching PBS today...(Cuttle Fish )...and they announced next Saturday they are playing Clapton & Winwood, live at MSG! I guess everyone's PBS plays different things, but I'd check it out folks. Next best thing, since I wouldn't be able to see them this time round. I want to see Aerosmith. And the free Sonic Youth on the 30th.
  16. So sorry Charles. What a horrific thing to go through. And to Bong-Man: condolences to you too. Suicide is not painless, as the song say's, for those left behind. So sad.
  17. 86. Dry as a bone. We will get a high of 96 or so. Hot, but bearable with the right prep. Water bottle, squirt bottle of ice water..squirt, squirt, mini fan, sun screen, hat. Kind of missing those daily tropical downpours NOW!
  18. The Black Keys were really good. Enjoyed it very much. Stayed in the back for this though. No need to be up close for these guys. I'm just not a hard-core fan. But they were fab.
  19. My last session of physical therapy!
  20. I've not seen them live before, looking forward to it!
  21. Plans to go to the FREE Black Keys concert tonight.
  22. Clear, 82 now while looking at a high of 97 A "how little can I wear today day."
  23. Lovely in-the-80's day. It's when it's in the 90's that I avoid too much sun. We had a huge mudslide up north from us in Logan, that crushed a house that had a mom and two kids in it. Very sad.
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