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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. ^^ He had to hold IT down..... (re: his hands)
  2. Hotplant

    Robert's Hair

    Damn, those nips deserve a thread of their own....
  3. Sir Chris is the most creative, cool musician on this forum.

  4. Blasting Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd. after being very annoyed w/neighbors.
  5. Been out of the loop EL, but glad to hear your father is ok.
  6. Hmm..same ol same ol round here. Gotta love it. SAJ, looks really photo-shopped, take those shades off! Noora looks stunning as always.
  7. Sailing by Christopher Cross. I watched/listened to it the other day on you tube and now I can NOT get it out of my head. But thank Gawd it took the place of Passion by Rod Stewart.
  8. Thanks you guys for your kind words, Manders, LedZepChick, and Virginia. I just had to show her off, with permission of course.
  9. Zombiehood, I know. But it's worth every second of lost sleep.
  10. ^ Yes I am very proud. Being my firstborn's first baby. What a trip. 3 months eh? Congratulations! Getting any sleep yet?
  11. Thanks Nine! Thank you too BD. Yes, that's what they're doing.
  12. Thanks Mandy, here are two, a bit blury but still...
  13. New pics of my sweet baby granddaughter.
  14. Niiice....his goatee has quite the tickler point to it.........
  15. I kinda want to go see Train in a couple of days, just have to see how my back will be after they finally give me the nerve block.
  16. Wild!!! The calm before the storm. It was cold earlier, and now...1am-ish it's 53 degrees, and windy. Tomorrow it is going to snow in the valley. Can't say I'm thrilled this year. The thrill is gone... ..after a few years back here. I dig the warm wind though. note: this is not cut and paste.
  17. That's a great way of spelling Repubes! hahahaha!!!


  18. Dang!! When I saw Sam's name in this thread, I jumped on it hoping for a pic. Oh well.
  19. Sorry for your loss, Ally.

  20. Your courage and strength through difficult times is an inspiration. Here's to continued health and happiness!

  21. Thanks for the info Mandy. But after checking out the prices, even used on Amazon...like 200 -300 bucks used. Forget that! So I found "Babbel.com" it is pretty cool. It's visual also, which is how I learn so I've been doing that. I like the features they have. Like when a picture pops up with the German word or phrase you can change the picture until it's one that will stick in your mind. It doesn't have a speak back function...maybe it does, I've only started last week or so. But, it's a start and it's free. I'll be happy if I can just get 'travelers conversation' down. I just read In Her Wake, a true story about a daughters search for answers to her mother's suicide. By Nancy Rappaport. Kinda creepy.
  22. Happy Birthday ya old goat!

    J/K!!!!!! I'm one year up on ya.

    And congrats on being a Papa. You never announced it, but how wonderful!

  23. Hey Manders, yep, our region gets similar weather. I guess it's time to pack up the tank-tops and haul out some sweaters. It is warming up today too, so a week or so of high 50's to low 60's. It's sunny and bright today.
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