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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I feel for you all. I think I had H1N1 already, but they didn't have the fast swab test to see if that is what it is then. I just toughed it out. No Tamilflu. Now it's running rampant here. One of my grandkids has it, a neice, a bunch of my kid's friends. I never ever get flu shots don't trust them. And I figure if I get it I'll have a stronger immunity to it. I may be wrong about that, but it's always been my gut feeling. We are OUT of the vaccine here, hundreds line up and only a fraction get it. Speedy recovery to all of you suffering.
  2. Almost everyone gets laid sometimes too, but...oh oops,nevermind. I think Americans are to hung up on "getting drunk" and not just enjoying drink. Trust me, I was one of those who drank JUST to get drunk, as a teen and sometimes as "revenge" against whatever I was hurt/pissed about. Totally wrong. It never solves a thing. Used it as a sleep aid at one point too. Again...wrong. As Redrum said, I too lost my only brother to alcohol. As well as almost an entire band who were my buddies. Moderation, moderation, moderation and eat something before, and during. I had an entire "formula" worked out so I could go get drunk...vitamins, aspirin, small meal before. Coffee after, then lot's of water, some kind of juice or soup, crackers. Sheesh! I'm so glad I've stopped that silliness.
  3. Newbie thread alert.... Of couse you're entitled to your opinion, but it sounds like a thread to shit-stir. Just my 2cents.
  4. That's a great way of spelling Repubes! hahahaha!!!


  5. Feds and Obama !! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
  6. Dang!! When I saw Sam's name in this thread, I jumped on it hoping for a pic. Oh well.
  7. He should have stuck around period. Even if he had to do time, it would've been over by now. Fleeing is the cowardly way out. "You can run but you can not hide." I'm GLAD his old ass is sitting in a cell right now, and I have not one drop of sympathy. If it were my daughter, he'd be looking at street justice...like a baseball bat up where the sun don't shine. What a creep.
  8. Rock stars have a free pass. Bottom line is....Men are pervs, period. Men cheat, so do women. The main squeeze involved was also shacked up with someone. Big deal. And most women involved with powerful, or famous men know they might cheat. It's part of the deal. Some can take it others can't.
  9. Oh, thank you lil one for your "explanation" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many here say awful, hateful things about him. And some are clearly racist. I'm sick of it. I had to speak MY mind. Got a problem with that? HP
  10. Sorry for your loss, Ally.

  11. Your courage and strength through difficult times is an inspiration. Here's to continued health and happiness!

  12. You guys should just make a permanent "Let's bash the President thread."
  13. Thanks for the info Mandy. But after checking out the prices, even used on Amazon...like 200 -300 bucks used. Forget that! So I found "Babbel.com" it is pretty cool. It's visual also, which is how I learn so I've been doing that. I like the features they have. Like when a picture pops up with the German word or phrase you can change the picture until it's one that will stick in your mind. It doesn't have a speak back function...maybe it does, I've only started last week or so. But, it's a start and it's free. I'll be happy if I can just get 'travelers conversation' down. I just read In Her Wake, a true story about a daughters search for answers to her mother's suicide. By Nancy Rappaport. Kinda creepy.
  14. Happy Birthday ya old goat!

    J/K!!!!!! I'm one year up on ya.

    And congrats on being a Papa. You never announced it, but how wonderful!

  15. ^ Yes. There are studies showing sex, orgasms, release chemicals that can stop a headache. I'm a migraine sufferer so I can attest to the fact it is true, if you "do it" just as the headache is coming on. Anyway...back to the topic. I read they are not going to give him bail, house arrest or any chummy deals. GOOD!
  16. Hey Manders, yep, our region gets similar weather. I guess it's time to pack up the tank-tops and haul out some sweaters. It is warming up today too, so a week or so of high 50's to low 60's. It's sunny and bright today.
  17. Life...fair I'd say. Missing my son, and a bit of the pre-winter blues, but that's par for the course.
  18. Cold We went from hot to this. 35 degrees as I type. It rained, sleet, hailed and snowed.( And they are making our postal carriers walk, not drive house to house anymore...) None stuck in the valley, but the mountains have powdered sugar on them. Brrrrrr.
  19. Hey. At least he didn't cause any bleeding, broken bones, or reconstructive surgery required.
  20. That's a lovely description Chris. They sometimes bring me to tears actually.
  21. OMG that's the cutest pic of Robert I've seen in some time!! Love it! Thanks Glicine!
  22. Grohl. Since his early days in the Seattle scene, not many can do it like Grohl. If I get a chance to see TCV, it will be because I've wanted to see him back in the drumseat for many, many years now. I think it's where he rules. I LOVE that pounding drive. Brad Wilkes does it like that too. I love Jason, his daddy's son. He is the sentimental favorite.
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