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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Oh gawd, I could not stand WLOS in Asheville. Darcell Grimes made me puke daily. I was SOOOOOO happy to return to an actual CHOICE in local news. There you have ONE. Here, we have at least FIVE local stations. ^ I heard there was a lot of flooding in Polk county. Ok, off the Darcell rant...ugh *shivers at the thought* Here summer just won't stop. I am looking forward to cooler temps. 75 high today then climbing back up to the high 80's later this week. No rain. It's only 61 now but feels like 80 in my abode.
  2. Same ol crap here, nothing new. You know if you're so hung up in bashing... oops I mean "debate" there ARE other message boards just for politics. IMHO Type O is a monumental embarrassment.
  3. Well, it's a combo happy/sad. My son is gone. Germany is his new home. We had a wonderful going away party for him, we all got drunk, tried not to cry, did anyway, but had a great time. Unfortunately some kid was sick a few days prior and apparently still contagious because several of us got sick as dogs a day after the party. My daughter and I got it real bad, I don't know if it was the swine bug or what but I had a devil in my body for about five days. Fever, chills, barfo, sore, head that would not stop pounding for two days straight. So I think I at least got immunity from THAT bug. It was a bitch though. Now I'm waiting to hear from him. They arrived in the AM in Frankurt, but have a six hour drive north. (don't know why they had to do it that way) I watched the flight on "flight tracker" which was so cool, I could see in real time as they flew over Ireland, then England, and finally landed. LONG day for my grandbaby. And their dog! Poor thing, She (my daughter-in-law) had to take him though. I can't wait to hear from them. I found out it's humid as hell there, so getting me to stay very long will be hard.
  4. Funny, as I listened I was thinking..."What would the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sound like doing Black Dog?" Great to see Justin. Robert's hair? Easy on whatever the hell he put on it. Ya know ol Tom Jones doesn't look so bad for his age.
  5. Just lost my entire post again. Oh well, f it.
  6. Very colorful and unique there, sirchris. A lil spooky.
  7. Chris.. Dancing in the Moonlight. Driving to a certain spot to watch the sunset. Hot tubs and champagne. Candles. Walks on the beach. Spontaneity. Cuddling and spooning in flannel sheets on a cold night.
  8. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Them thar lemons must be squeezed.
  9. BYU ! ! Went from 20th to 9th with their win over Oklahoma. Now if they can go UNdefeated like last season. ps: I don't even watch, I just have to brag about Utah's tough dudes.
  10. Never say never. Wasn't it in the last year or so he had said he WAS thinking about it. Ok Jimmy, here's what ya do...pick up one of your recording devices and just start talking. Easy!
  11. Thoughts and prayers going out to your nephews and family, Sam. May God's angels keep them under their wings. And to a speedy trip home. Kudo's to you and LZ, for the donated items. That reel of film would be tops on my list!
  12. Happy Happy. You need love to keep you happy... And a Happy Birthday as well.
  13. Yes, that's a definite goody.
  14. Happy Birthday 59!

    You're still a puppy;)

  15. Well, I'm very happy for y'all. Rain is so wonderful after you've had none for so long. It is amazing how plants that look so dead actually spring back to life.
  16. So...walterswalk is really Justin?? Hey! Justin.
  17. Well Faaarrr Out there pardner! That's great news. I've been worried about you folks down there. Didn't some places go like 60 days with no rain?
  18. Playing and singing to my granddaughter, making her giggle and smile. Watching her drift off to slumberland. God, she's so beautiful. When she looks you in the eye she realllly looks. Like an old soul. I love her so much, and now I have a reason to start planning a trip to Germany. My cat was insanely jealous.
  19. Like a few others, just the standard drivers ed car. My own "first" was a blue Firebird. I could NOT drive a stick until just like 10 years ago or so. I was terrified at first, starting after a stop on a hill, but soon was shifting like I was all that and loved it.
  20. Good question. Only impossible for me to answer as I love them both. And, I also love the Moonrise we were discussing a second ago. <moontan
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