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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Those are cool EL. That is one BIG Bill. Crazy surfers. Love 'em. Good thing the path...so far isn't going to hit the Eastern shores. If it get's any bigger, who knows. We used to get so much flooding just from the tails of hurricanes in Western NC.
  2. Actually it's easier on my crap eyes. The lettering was never dark enough unless you changed it as a color. I can see these fine. I like the font. Seems to be running quicker now too. No complaints.
  3. give this new attachment thing a whirl... hmph...all my men are 'too big' whoaz, but if you click on the thumb he's GORGEOUS..mmm
  4. Happy Birthday Puck! 21....yay!!!

  5. Oh my, us kiddies must learn some new stuff. That's the first thing I noticed...Reputation...zero I thought ...well, at least I don't have a minus zero. Could also lead to some revenge of the nerds. Glad I wasn't stoned when I opened this new board,I'd be like....HUH? Any way of blocking the troll..s yet?? YAY! You can read previous posts while you post!!!!! I missed that. What the heck is a global quota? Also....sorry..Have you noticed that if you keep your 'interests' and it is reallllly long it takes up a huge amount of space in the post box. Like a HUGE siggy.
  6. Bill looks like a monster, but hopefully it will follow the path they predict and go back out to sea. Lot's of that good ol hot humid rain for the SE.
  7. Hotplant


    Funny, I've not heard one complaint from folks in the UK or Canada about their health care. hmmmm And even here in the great ol USA, we have to wait for appointments and tests too you know. My retina specialist is ALWAYS booked two months out at least. Same with my knee doc. MONTHS. Unless it's a dire emergengy. Hey I know! Let's cut off all vets from health care, I mean they joined knowing that their leg could be blown off....so let them pay for it. And why should we pay for their schooling? Is that why they signed up? And while we're at it...next time there's a huge hole in your street...howzabout YOU go fix it. Why should the goverment pay for your road????
  8. Congrats to you Robert! Go Wolves!!!
  9. Is this insanity universal or what? My neighbor does the same fugging thing. She goes out on her balcony and just bangs on the metal railing for no reason, then she comes in and hammers all over her house, sometimes directly above me. ARGH!!!!!!! Oh YEAH! me too on that one. 7am here. The assholes with the blower blew all this yard garbage right ON my porch! All kinds of crap from others who let stuff fall off the balconies. I got up and watched the jerks and saw that they had a huge hole in the clipping bag and it was all just blowing out of the bag. I looked at him like "one more time dude." AND...before they had a hole in the clippings bag, they would dump all the grass into an alley next to us. Sweet huh? The one guy looks like a crackhead. I've been scouting for some big rocks to toss around so they'll have to pick them up first. Not really, but it was a little fantasy of mine. These idiots somewhere above me think it's cool to "feed the birds" by throwing down MOLDY bread that lands right in front of my porch, now they've expanded to include greasy cheese, lumps of unknown origins. All it does is rot and attract flies. I've told my manager and they just can't catch who it is. Jerks! Yeah, not a happy thing either but you guys got me.
  10. I just finished No Angel. About an LA undercover cop infiltrating the Hells Angels. It was a real page turner. Yet so similar to another book about a cop infiltrating the Mongols MC. These guys get caught up in the life style and find it hard to quit. I read weird stuff sometimes.
  11. BUMP: Season 2009. Looks like Bill could get nasty. Look out NC! EL, I thought for sure you'd be on this.
  12. Too funny!! Since when has he not looked scraggly? Love him all the same.
  13. Slash is so rock n roll. Looks like a blast.
  14. First I'd never have put Homme in the "supergroup category." And, if they plan a tour they better add some more tunes because that's just not enough for a big ticket price. Hey, it's the economy man, people want their monies worth these days. That said I would LOVE to see Grohl back on the drums!!!!!
  15. Bet that cop was razzed about not knowing him.
  16. Dunno, but they sure are lookers. Regards, HP ps: not something I would be proudly defending as the inventor...YUK!
  17. Can you say...PLUG? So random......... Gotta say you're some good lookin' guys though That always helps.
  18. I saw a couple night before last. Didn't go to the mountains though. Just on coincidence though I was looking out just briefly that same night to see if there were light clouds or what and I saw a huge falling star. I don't think it was "with" the meteors but it was a huge glowing flash. Cool.
  19. Seriously overdue He deserves so much more. His music got me through some heartbreaks many times. Genius.
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