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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! 78 for the High today!!!!! finally!
  2. There's a vintage store in Sugarhouse if that helps. damn i wish i had my old garb
  3. STILL gloomy! You can't plan a thing. It was super nice for several hours yesterday. Now it's back to Northern Pacific like gloom. 68 degrees. PC
  4. Sort of faded out. It hasn't left completely. I don't recall any overwhelming sense of disapointment about anything. I would say the young people moved on due to children mostly. I guess some became "yuppies" to make the all-mighty buck for their families, and some got caught up in being...Kept up with the Jones'. Yet I still know some old hippies in like Sante Fe, Eugene OR, parts of Northern Cal, still living a semi-communal lifestyle that hasn't changed all that much.
  5. I really don't remember. But it was a loooong time ago. Several "old" boards ago. This is fine by me. Sam puts up with a lot here, and keeps on truckin. Page has supported this site, which say's a lot about Sam. I don't get it when so many say " I only like the old board." What-eva.... I say Be Here Now and grow and get on with it. I kinda wish we had a Sports section, cos in the midst of all the playoffs and whatnot, the Ramble on is innundated by sports. That's fine, it just would be nice to have a forum for sports freaks.
  6. Me And My Arrow~ Harry Neilson
  7. You're either on the bus, or you're off the bus.~ Babbs I'm still on the bus too. Acid is in the past, though I've seriously thought about another dose of pure. Just to put my ego in check. I could care less about labels. Like Jaf said, it's more about ideals now. Many of my old hippie friends do still consider themselves that, and they live more like average joes now, yet hold dear their ideals. Most all are very successful. How you define success is another topic. And I myself will always question authority. I feel like I've never stopped being a rebel. Our dreams were crushed when Robert Kennedy was assassinated. You learn to have Rhino Skin , as Tom Petty puts it. To stick up for your ideals, and be happy. I'm lucky I survived though, some did not. Including our young kids to the Viet Nam War.
  8. David Letterman. G'night folks.
  9. I don't think David would take it seriously. As Palin shouldn't. I'm not saying I hate her, or that I like or don't like her looks. But the heavy make-up, yeah, I think it's distasteful. Michelle Obama is beautiful without an inch of pancake on her face. I prefer a natural look on most women.
  10. Me too. And whatshisname IS right about that part of North Carolina. Sure rich folk from the north send their kids to Duke, Wake, etc, etc. But, in the western counties, like Buncombe, the drop-out rate is one of the highest in the country. Many people didn't go beyond 8th grade. A high rate of illiterate people. That's just the way it is. My kid couldn't even take a book home for homework because they never had enough for everyone. Once she got to high school it was a little better. North Buncombe...had a lot of old money and transplants with big money. That helped. oopps... again................
  11. Actually he makes jokes about her all the time. They just barely got married, and he makes jokes about him "signing his life away." The slutty joke was about her (Palin) gawd awful make-up wasn't it?
  12. The rain made me just a wee bit un happy today. It is cool enough for a jacket too. So much for summer shorts. However, seeing the national forcast the entire mid and lower states are all getting hammered. Some very wicked, dark clouds out there.
  13. The more we get upset about it the more we have Dave on the brain. Hey, her daughter DID get knocked up folks...
  14. Really, grow up. I'm sure he didn't write the joke either. Controversy=ratings against Conan. And Palin can stay the hell out of the public eye now...doesn't she have this huge state to take care of. She should stick to her hunting for her ...family. Go home Palin.
  15. ^ yeah Black Hole Sun CC Gotta run...no time lately!!
  16. A friggen truck outside! I live close to an alley that is used for deliveries to two stores and all summer long there is very loud banging slamming etc. Truck noise. Solution... shut the nice breezy door and turn on the AC, and some loud rock and roll. Think I'll put on some CC.
  17. ^ interesting. Seeing the outside alley cat's kitten's. The mama cat brought them all over, like she always does when they're "fully baked" three orange, and one charcoal. They are so tiny and cute. oh...and on another note...Got my junk folder straightened out.......
  18. Woah... I feel like I'm back in tropical Asheville, or Oregon here. For the last TWO weeks it's been overcast, a little sun, then huge thunderstorms (which I actually love), it just got done pouring a second ago and more to come. Only 65 degrees.
  19. It is tragic. At first, I thought it might have been murder, because I did not believe he would take his life. I thought well, maybe he "ordered up an escort" widely available (and at any age) in Thailand, and it turned sour. But after hearing from two of his ex's it was plainly clear it was an accident. I've heard great things about "dental vacations" in Thailand where you can get great dental work that pays for itself with the trip. I saw the tabloids pics of him. They didn't show his head or genitals. What gawd awful taste to print that! Just curious Ev, which numbered wife was your ex related to? You don't have to say if you're uncomfortable. The wife, Gail..was so open talking about it. I thought he was a fantastic actor. RIP
  20. But guitar men don't retire, they just sit down. My thoughts are, he just isn't inspired.
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