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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Janis Joni Bonnie Raitt I'm hard on female rockers. Not many do anything for me. I like Joss Stone too.
  2. LOL. True. So good for Green Day. Our country used to stand for freedom of speech, and artists should be allowed to express themselves any friggen way they please. Where is Frank Zappa when ya need him? He'd be rollin' in in his grave.
  3. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I was just being a smart-ass. I just wish/hope everyone can stop picking on people. We need to call a truce to all mindless nit-picking, and I don't mean you Aqua. EVERYONE has some redeeming qualities.
  4. Wow. Cool story. I was here, on the board. Black Crowe called my cell from the show...Thanks again. I cried during Stairway.
  5. But at least a shot in the ass took care of things, then AIDS raised it's ugly head and scared everyone.
  6. Indeed, as I attended many demonstrations here. We had a pretty good turnout of people at all the rallies. Country Joe and The Fish also summed things up nicely.
  7. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Gosh, there are sooo many sweeties here, I do not believe I could possibly name all of them.
  8. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Don't feel bad EL, kiss-ups are way too sickening.
  9. ....I don't remember.... The air was filled with .... It was a great time to be a teenager. Seeing all the great bands, being carefree, wanderlust, and some trips that opened my mind.
  10. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Mercury is in retrograde....always brings out the knive 'em factor. I will be so happy when May is over. Peace be with you....ya'all.
  11. Now you get it boy! ps: where are all your threads? You sound like your good buddy. The jokers. Oh, and you're "done" with me. hahahahahahahaha
  12. Hey! it was just a place to vent ...OUT of the pics thread. When I DO get a chance to come on board, I like to get caught up with the pics...not three, four pages of back and forth that has nothing to do with peoples pics. ps: It's not nice to play favorites with people (IMHO), but I'm pleased someone choose "Robert's Jeans"
  13. ^ That combo could be deadly! In a very good way. Chris's son...Christopher. What a cute little boy. Got it off Twitter, which Chris is addicted to.
  14. The truth and nothing but the truth...will never be told. But, that's ok. Best left to the people who were there.
  15. Unseasonably HOT. 87, may hit 90. I have the AC going so it's hot. But nice and dry.
  16. I'm sooo happy my son and his lady are one to two weeks away from having their first baby, a girl. I've probably already mentioned it, but it is getting close and I'm so excited! At one point I thought my son would never have kids...he was such a "free-bird" but now here it is. This little girl is going to be soooo cute!
  17. Calling all those who want to meet and beat...here ya go...... Or meet and bash, bitch, you name it. Personally I think ragging on people in a public way isn't cool, but, hey....a lot seem to thrive on it. *cough cough....I won't mention names..yet.*
  18. Don't miss tonight's David Letterman. CC knocks his guitar into Dave's hand by accident. Chris is now back over the pond, tweeting around in France.
  19. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Ditto, even some professional journalists say that. Mandy could probably remember what it is called. There is a term used for some of the black dialect in the south that at one point, they were going to teach this...language, I think it was in Florida. Slips my mind. But then again, listening to any southern dialect can drive me crazy. For instance, the word LIKE...they say Yike, and THAT...at. "Yike at." Or OIL...oal. I'm so glad I got out of the south.
  20. Been gone a while, but I see some great pics here, as usual
  21. ^There it is..one of my favs of Carlo. Damned I forgot the other guys name, he was really nice.
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