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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    About 15 miles west of Orlando. Just north of the Magic Kingdom. The coast really took it on the chin. Hope your relatives in south Florida are alright. We have such a wide open field behind us, I wasn't sure what was going to come flying - especially with all of the existing construction going on around here. Thank you for the well wishes. Crazy beautiful evening tonight - especially for September. Tomorrow night even a little cooler. So it gives us a slight taste of Florida fall, when we need it most having the windows open. Duke is being very vague about the power, even though my brother in law is 5 miles away and has power and all of the theme parks are going to be open. Even with over 50% of residents out of power still. 😘 Thanks man. Appreciate your constant positivity on here, not just to me but everyone. Hope you've got some kick ass shows coming up! Thanks again to everyone. Losing power is nothing - hope Paul in Jacksonville is doing well. We have some flooding, but nothing like Miami, Jacksonville, Charleston, etc.
  2. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    No they are saying at least a few days and maybe weeks. The new house is staying amazingly cool-but it's not 90+ today like it will be again starting tomorrow. Back to work Wednesday. I think.
  3. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Everything is good down here. Curfews are being lifted in some counties, but not ours yet. Fierce winds this morning. Power went out around 4 am. Lost some trees, bushes, etc. Minor house damage. Overall we fared well. Better than a lot of other areas that's for sure! ✌🏻
  4. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Here's the latest. Looks like it moving towards us. Very windy/rainy.
  5. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Still going strong. Here's the latest radar:
  6. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Squally weather right now at casa de Walter.
  7. Supposed to be Adam Ant tonight at The Beachum. Postponed until February 3rd.
  8. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Thanks Rick! I hope your relatives get through fine. Here is the latest radar with my location at the blue dot:
  9. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Thanks King. It's all coming down tomorrow. Eerily calm tonight, walking home from a neighbors house. Thanks FE. I appreciate it. Gonna start the day with some shrimp and grits with champagne. Then having a neighbor over for football until the satellite or power go out. He's a Redskins fan - yuck! But during the tough times, you have to take in the less fortunate!
  10. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    We are located just to the right of the Monday 2 am point.
  11. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Walter Jr was riding his bike around the neighborhood earlier and was surprised of the winds already out there. He really is taking to meteorology, which is something I've always had a huge interest in and would've pursued if I had it all to do over again.
  12. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Thank you brotha! We're set and ready. Everything that can be done, outside of evacuation has been completed. ✌🏻 Yes, which puts us in the east side of the storm. Between 87-91 degree water temp in the Florida Straits. Fuel for the fire once she gets off the Cuban coastline, which she hugged since last night. Gonna be a 5 when she hits, in my opinion. Probably around the same place Charlie hit back in '04 as a cat 4. If it hits Tampa straight on, that will be catastrophic. They are already about under sea level. It's been so highly unpredictable that I don't doubt it'll still come this way. Prayers to everyone effected already and those still to come. I just wish it would come on already.
  13. Thinking about getting into it next, so I'm not going to read the rest of the thread. Glad you've recommended it!
  14. Walter Jr: New England - loss Buffalo Atlanta Baltimore Pittsburgh Detroit Houston Oakland Philadelphia L.A. Rams Green Bay Carolina Dallas Minnesota L.A. Chargers
  15. Mrs Walter New England - loss Buffalo Atlanta Cincinnati Pittsburgh Arizona Houston Oakland Philadelphia L.A. Rams Seattle Carolina Dallas Minnesota Denver
  16. Walter: New England - loss Buffalo Atlanta Cincinnati Pittsburgh Detroit Houston Oakland Washington L.A. Rams Seattle Carolina Dallas Minnesota Denver
  17. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Now it looks like it's going up the west coast of Florida. That's means we'll be on the east side of the storm, which is not a good thing for us. Miami will be much better off though. Could be like Charlie back in '04 and cut across the state after being projected to go up the west coast. Who knows....
  18. What's happened in response to Harvey is nothing short of amazing. So many giving so much - and not just money either.
  19. Be careful in that kinda water. A current can take your legs out quickly. That level of water can move a stationary car. Take care Kiwi and everyone else out there! ✌🏻
  20. Seems appropriate for today's current climate...
  21. Two cat 4's here folks, nothing to see - move along...
  22. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Most peculiar momma, whoa! Had to do it. Getting comfortably numb... Thank you for the kind words. Enjoy the game! ⭐️
  23. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Still waiting to hear from Paul...
  24. Walter

    Hurricane Irma

    Mrs Walter said,"You're our kinda people!". Thanks guys for the positive thoughts - and drinks!
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