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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. You're missing the point. Those personal opinions and ideas can (and often do) dictate a person's motives and moral character on the job.
  2. Semantics. And the law I'm referring to is a private employer's freedom to hire and fire on their own discretion. But yeah, I see what you're saying. If I did a background check and saw that someone believed in magical sky people I'd think twice about hiring them due to their mental state. Though some just call that being religious.
  3. Ok, what don't I get? You called my remark about not deserving a job based on saying and doing questionable things "fascist" and said the first amendment means you can say whatever you want. First, law is law. A private institution can and most likely will fire you for doing something in your private life that could make them look bad. In the context of social media, what you air out in public can be used against you. The Constitution DOES NOT protect you from that. That's not fascism, that's law. Edit: here it is below. Nothing about that is a "fascist social justice" statement. It's a basic, common sense fact. Your inability to understand context never ceases to blow my mind. If your employer sees you making racist remarks on a social platform, they have the right, BY LAW, to terminate your employment. The Constitution can't do a damned thing for ya. …but fascist social justice declarations such as that one are acceptable? The First Amendment of the United States Constitution establishes an American citizen's rights to say whatever they wish!
  4. I don't know about overall performance, but I listened to "How the east was won" again today and the SIBLY solo is just unreal.
  5. I'd read about it but never saw it. Holy crap is that terrible lol. Glad he didn't stick with it.
  6. No, your employer employs you. And it's their right to tell you to fuck off if they suspect you're making them look bad by association. I don't know enough about that to comment.
  7. Oh please is right. The fact that you brought up the first amendment in that context shows you don't have a clue what it actually means. I'll give you a hint; You can't be imprisoned for criticizing the government. However, it does not protect you from the repercussions of acting like an ignorant asshole. So yeah, of course you can "say whatever you wish", but good luck keeping your job.
  8. As long as it's not based on discrimination, your employer should be able to make whatever decision suits them. Kindergarten teachers can't also work a strip club on the weekend. Jesus, does that really need clarifying?
  9. You obviously don't understand how the Constitution or the law works, my friend.
  10. No, that's not true. How you act outside of work should affect how your employer treats you. Even if you're not on the clock, you are still a representation of your place of employment. This has been the case since..forever. It's called code of conduct. A kindergarten teacher who runs a cam show on the weekend shouldn't be a kindergarten teacher. And if they're dumb enough to post an advertisement of their show on social media then they deserve to lose their job. One thing you have to realize about social media; it's you choosing to put your personal life on display. It's not any type of privacy invasion for other people to look at it (even an employer). Personal responsibility is a real thing. Don't blame others for your stupid actions.
  11. Taking advantage of that baby boomer retirement fund lol. Absolutely nobody is gonna use this equipment to play live or record with. It's for those fans who simply wanna imagine they're Jimmy Page for a few minutes a day. Greta Van Fleet wouldn't even stoop that low.
  12. Yeah, when they're comfortable with their environment and not worried about posing they're actually pretty solid live. They did a radio interview where they played acoustic and it was awesome. I have a feeling their agents and record execs are pushing them in this direction and that's too bad. Just let the boys play and dress how they want.
  13. Some nerves showing on that number. Two things: Their wardrobe looks like they raided their mom's closet of "going out" clothes. Just terrible. Is he supposed to be a native American Hobbit? Freaking high water pants AND shirt? 2- Their stage movements (mostly the guitarist) are extremely forced and over exaggerated. They seriously look like kids with tennis rackets pretending they're in a rock band. So unnatural.
  14. Sharon has no soft spots. She's driven entirely by greed and power. Giving someone plaques to go on their wall when they have months to live is poor taste. "I hope you feel better" lol. How about, "I'm sorry for completely screwing you over and ruining your life". Ask Jake E Lee about Sharon. The bitch is evil and has a special place in hell reserved for her. I'm sure Ozzy had good intentions in this but the man is clueless.
  15. The quarry and the forest for No Quarter. Would've been an awesome idea to do a different setting for each song.
  16. I seriously doubt Sharon had anything to do with it. She admittedly despised Kerslake and Daisley and had their recordings removed from later pressings so they couldn't receive royalties.
  17. I think that only beats Sticky Fingers because of Brown Sugar. I can't listen to the studio version of Midnight Rambler after hearing the ya ya version.
  18. Presence had two stand out tracks (Achilles and NFBM) and Tattoo You had two (Start Me Up and Waiting On A Friend), so I think that's very plausible. Go ahead and throw in every Stones album post 1980. They basically disappeared until Voodoo Lounge spawned one decent track. Babylon also only had two radio tracks (neither of which rivals Presence). I mean, I'm not trying to purposely crap on the band, but they've been musically insignificant since "Start Me Up." All opinion of course.
  19. Lol, it's all a matter of opinion. IMO, "It's Only Rock And Roll" and "Goat's Head Soup" are weaker albums.
  20. Robert stated early last year that there was nothing left in the Zep vault. I'm starting to realize that he actually tells it like it is and Jimmy is just playing bullshit marketing games.
  21. The Stones had like ten albums worse than Presence.
  22. Those are some awesome pics of the band for such a low key publication.
  23. Must've been surreal for Page, hearing his own guitar riffs played by the opening band.
  24. Yeah, I don't think there's much hope for WIC simply because the production was bad.
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