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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Thank you very much. The 97-98 catalogs were the ones I had. Funny, I don't even know how I ended up getting one in the first place. Must've been in the back of a Hit Parader or something. Also funny that they were $2 but I ways got them in the mail for free. Also, what exactly is a "Handbill"?
  2. A pet peeve of mine is a product for a certain show that has photos from different shows lol. And it's so prominent on bootleg material. Why not try to get that right?
  3. I found this on ebay. I'll get it unless someone mentions a better version.
  4. Gonna get one of these because I'm tired of navigating youtube for the content. What's the differences between the two?
  5. This, to me, is the coolest riff Page ever put down on guitar. Is it a traditional blues progression? Sure, but the way Page combines this acoustic riff with electric guitar and turns it into a blues rock masterpiece still astounds me today. He was a little over twenty when he recorded this. The swagger of this song is still unmatched in my opinion. You can bring up Beck, Clapton, Richards, Townsend, or Steve Vai, but none of them put anything down that sounded as confident and cool as this song.
  6. I appreciate you looking at this from both sides, but I'd have to remind you that phrasing is about how well you put those "stock" licks together to make the puzzle into a picture. Maybe opinion, but I'd argue he was much better at that press 75. Where in post 75 he tried to improvise too long and frequently got lost.
  7. Absolutely wrong. You are now trying to bend this argument in a different direction just to save face. I have said up front many times already that the likely reason for his change in playing and technique was either due to his finger or the drugs he was taking for pain. Stop trying to make me sound ignorant of that because I'm not. Now you are missing the point. I originally commented that Page wasn't great on 3/21. People said I was wrong and he was. I did a detailed assessment to see if I was mistaken. In the end, I'm willing to meet in the middle; 3/21 wasn't quite as sloppy as I thought, but it definitely wasn't Page at his best (for whatever reason). Now stop trying to make this something it isn't and move on.
  8. Ok, let me also break this down for you. I said Page wasn't great for 3/21 and someone said I was "Nitpicking". To make sure I wasn't mistaken, I listen to the show again and found numerous, obvious examples of Page being off. I put "Nitpicking" in the title as sarcasm, because, it's not really nitpicking when there are several obvious examples. Get it? If your level of comprehension can't go higher than this then just stop commenting on this post. You were obviously upset by the post or you wouldn't have bothered to make a childish comment. Or continue to. It's a Led Zeppelin forum. If you don't like seeing people talk about Led Zeppelin, then stop visiting the Led Zeppelin forum. Or keep making comments like you're butthurt, your choice. But don't jump into a post like an over emotional child then hint at someone being a troll. Why is my critiquing Page's playing on different shows any different than someone critiquing the production or mix of an album? Or JPJ's hair?
  9. Ok, how did I "Go about it"? I simply did an examination of Page's playing for an entire show and people couldn't handle their idol being under a microscope. I'll probably do another show. It may be a completely different outcome.
  10. Good. Now look up "Sarcasm". Also "Butthurt".
  11. If I'd titled this post "A Guide To Jimmy's Playing On 3/21" instead of "Nitpicking" there probably wouldn't have been half the hostile comments. It's just an examination. "Aarrgghh how dare you criticize my favorite band!"
  12. I actually didn't do this to take a crap on Page, I just thought it would be interesting to break down his playing throughout an entire show. The 75 shows are fun to examine because sometimes he does amazing stuff and sometimes he bottoms out. I guess I'm the type of fan that accepts the good with the bad, but obviously a lot of others think saying anything negative is blasphemy. Page will always be my favorite guitarist.
  13. I don't have that much time on my hands lol. Apart from Achilles, I really don't think that show was too bad, though. Definitely worse than 3/21/75.
  14. I apologize for inflicting such grandiose butthurt on you.
  15. And I also said the reason was a combination of the sound, the set list, and the overall good performance. I never said Page played flawless. Do you want me to nitpick South Hampton and compare?
  16. I had to be sure I wasn't mistaken on my view on this show, so I listened again paying close attention to Page. The show is good for 75, but there's no way I'd say his phrasing is as good as the majority of 71, 72 or 73. It definitely has some good moments, but like so much of the post 73 stuff, there are a lot of moments where Page seems to lose his fire when improvising and wander aimlessly a little. Regardless, I still tried to point out the parts that were exceptional as well. I used the matrix version so the articulation would be a little more masked (so the time posts will be off a little depending on which version you listen too). I don't think he hits one note on the opening run on the Rock and Roll solo, though that part is usually intentionally sloppy (Jimmy Page smear). The rest is ok. Missed notes at 3:21. Sick Again- 1:54-2:02 strains to hit notes. 4:01-4:05, yikes. 4:26-4:29, straining. 4:44-4:50, straining. OTHAFA- :16, missed note (He commonly scrogs this part though). The solo- Not necessarily any missed notes, but the phrasing is a nightmare. Doesn't go anywhere until 3:40, then he finally takes off. 4:14-4:19, that signature 1975 lack of articulation where his syncopation is off (sounds like a turkey gobbling because his picking is out of sync with his fret hand). 4:40 on is pretty good. 5:41-5:48, barely survived that last run. IMTOD- Pretty good. TSRTS- Not bad. A little sluggish and the solo is lacking some articulation, but not too bad. I've heard worse in 72/73 versions. Rain Song- Missed note at 4:55, but that's nitpicking. Pretty good version. Kashmir- It's Kashmir. No Quarter- Solo- Page gets into a groove on this and his phrasing is good, can't complain too much. Though the end of it has that "kid jamming in his bedroom with his wah pedal" feel. The sweeping pattern he "attempts" at14:47-15:08 sounds a little rough, but it usually does on other versions. SIBLY- I'd have to nitpick here. Page would have to be braindead to play this song badly. TUF- This solo is the classic post 73 "You guys jam for a while and I'll run through the same pentatonic lines again".4:07, syncopation issues (gobble, gobble).5:34-50, running out of ideas for phrasing. 6:23-6:33, holy shit, where did this come from? Very nice ending there. Dazed- 4:31-4:40, syncopation problems. I've noticed whenever he does this he usually switches from a single note lead pattern to a funky, chorded riff until he gets back into it. Which he does here. 5:15-5:25, repetition of a lick which shows he has lost some ability to phrase well, so he just repeats the same three or four note runs.5:35, either his hand gets tired or he runs out of ideas, but he gives up on playing fast for a while. The flamenco-esque lead in to the "Stardust" interlude is really quite perfect. 23:05, some very sloppy lead playing. 25:15-25:50, now that's the phrasing and articulation from the days of old. Should have been playing like this the whole show. 28:00-28:33, not bad. 28:35, I despise this "sweep" lick Page does because not only does he almost never do it cleanly, it's obviously a fall back riff when he just throws in whenever. He uses it in No Quarter as well. 29:28, repetition much? Then straight back to the sweep pattern. That's slightly embarrasing (Bonzo actually sounds like he's throwing in extra patterns to take some attention off Jimmy). 31:50, the band takes off and leaves him. 33:38, disaster. Jimmy ends the song once again trying to improvise whatever he can, although the final few runs are quite nice. Stairway- This solo is a good blend of fluidity, intensity, and phrasing, so no major complaints. 10:38 sounds a little off though. Whole Lotta Love- Adequate version. Excellent Crunge with nice funky riffs throughout. Black Dog- The solo for this song is a perfect meter for Page's playing for a show. It's full of blinding fast blues runs and giant string bends that you have to hit perfect, else it sounds like shit. Starts off a little rough, but not too bad. Good bending. 4:50 is what I think Page does when his hand starts cramping a little. Fortunately Bonzo matches him here and it sounds awesome. Ending runs sound good, pretty smooth sailing thoughout. Which is strange considering how he played earlier in the show. Communication Breakdown- Not too bad, but he's using a heavy wah effect here. I think it's probably because this is his fastest solo and he needs a little smokescreen. Heartbreaker- The Heartbreaker solo has always been an intentional "Jamming in my bedroom" solo, so it would be unfair to call it that here. All in all it's an entertaining run, with most parts sounding much more inspired than other solos from the show. If you guys like this I might "Nitpick" some other shows (even the best ones to highlight Jimmy at his peak), or if you think I'm being way too anal then I'll shut up.
  17. U.S., although I watched the British version years ago and actually enjoyed it more. Gervais' character was much more cringe worthy.
  18. That's the first thing I thought as well and went back to watch earlier versions of the same songs. He's keeping that pinky out of the way for the most part and relying heavily on the ring finger for the bends, unlike the EC footage where he's bending with his middle finger and playing his pinky basically underneath his ring finger. He's still uses the ring finger for some quicker runs, but not much. I noticed it on the solos from OTHAFA, Black Dog, and Stairway. I also check Seattle 77 and Knebworth. He's back to normal on those shows, using his ring finger exclusively. That doesn't account for struggling to play the same solos he'd been nailing for years (i.e. Black Dog). I would excuse it because of the finger, but I think he was more fluid in the beginning of the tour and at EC. For some reason the middle has him struggling to play fluidly and remember what he's doing (drugs?). I think 2/7 is the first show where I can hear him lose some ability to solo smoothly and phrase on a high level. By 2/12 he's hit that sub par level where he struggles with syncopation. As a result, I think he changes his soloing from fast legato runs to more noodling and doing repetitive bends. The 2/13 OTHAFA solo shows this perfectly, and that's the rut he kind of gets stuck in for the remainder of 75.
  19. Doing a marathon on The Office. I've avoided it for so long, so it's my first time watching.
  20. Plant's voice may have been...nonexistent on 1/25/75, but I thought the band was on fire, with Jimmy playing great to have a broken finger. 7/6/73 is the worst 73 show I've heard yet. Even Jones is erratic.
  21. So this is 71? Edit: Yes, it is.
  22. I retract my statement on 3/21. It's certainly not a "disaster". But there's some major issues with his playing which I will P.M. to you guys later, since it's off topic here.
  23. Ah, that explains the Japanese knock off guitars lol. Thanks.
  24. Interview disc and book by Chris Welch. Can't remember what the interview is from, but it's very long. Good Times, Bad Times. Photobook with a biography by Eddie McSquare. Pretty sure I worshiped this thing back in the nineties.
  25. An untitled pic from a photobook featuring their 1972 tour in Japan. Any more information on this?
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