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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Jealous, for sure. Did you get a chance to see them at Knebworth?
  2. So were the Knebworth shows multi tracked? I'm watching the EVSD "Definitive" version of the first show and the recording/sound is as good as it gets. Almost too good to just be a soundboard. Bonham's drums have depth and Page's guitars actually have the overdrive coming through clearly.
  3. This is exactly why I made a case for Southampton being the most important bootleg for the band. The sound quality, the small audience, the loose, imperfect but inspired playing, the set list. I like to put it on and pretend the band is playing in my garage lol. If only Plant would've warmed up pre-show.
  4. Underrated- Montreal 75. This show is marred by Plant's voice and annoying loudmouths in the audience, but Page is playing quite well for a broken finger. Providence 73- Incredible performance with a murky recording. Overrated- I'll agree on 5/24/75. I recently watched these shows again and the band is definitely more "on" on the 25th. The 73 European shows on average. They certainly had some highlights, but really aren't a lot better than the rest of the tour. They just seemed to be a lot more experimental. Obviously, Southampton 73. I personally love the show because of the intimate, multitracked recording. But they play a little too loosely and Plant's voice is really rough.
  5. I agree, but were those ever rated highly? You should be careful of criticizing Zep on a Zep forum, you might get called a troll lol.
  6. Soundboard, probably. Official release by Jimmy? Not necessarily. I find it hard to believe he'd release a 72 show officially, then re-release it, then release a 71 show with a lot of the same songs. I'd put my money on a post 73 show.
  7. Remember this is the double neck he's playing. The angle for playing with a slide might've been more difficult if the six string sat too low. I'm willing to bet that's why he played it on the twelve.
  8. Thank you. I knew I had seen pics of the screen before, but didn't realize it was up that high. Too bad they didn't go with a wider, theatrical screen.
  9. If the recording is from the live video feed from a screen behind the band, why can't you see the screen on the video footage? The screen is very clear in photographs of the stage, but not seen in the videos. Maybe it was above the camera angles?
  10. I'm glad to see that Providence version get some love, Page is on another level. Shame those 73 versions were so short when he was playing this well.
  11. I liked the introduction to Moby Dick on 5/24/75. "Somewhere out there watching is an eight year old kid. So Jason Bonham, here's your dad."
  12. I've actually not seen these pics before. Thanks.
  13. I've only seen pics of Jimmy when he already had an inch of facial hair. Are there any pics of him in the early stages? What's the first pic after he shaved?
  14. Also Heartbreaker, maybe more than any other. I don't care for the studio version or the live versions (Except for maybe the West Coast 72 versions). As far as enduring no matter what, Rock And Roll, because I keep waiting to hear a version that matches the studio version. Still waiting lol. OTHAFA. Jimmy mixes that solo up so much it makes each version a treat. And the studio version might be my all time fav Zep tune. The Rain Song. I know this might be the least varied song Zep ever played live, but I listen every time. Maybe it's because I play guitar and each time I hear it, I'm in awe of how sophisticated and intricate the structure is. Achilles. Hell, I'll take the Tempe 77 version over just about any Heartbreaker.
  15. Depends on which tour. Dazed after 73 has never really interested me. Same with WLL after 72. SIBLY after 73 is hard to swallow just because it was so played out. To me, this was a showoff song for Page and Plant and neither could top anything they did after 73. I do like the 4/28/77 version though (or 27, whichever was the audience source). I've never really enjoyed Misty Mountain Hop live. For me, that song simply has to have Rob's higher octave to sound good, otherwise he's got that straining on the toilet thing going. Like a user stated above, Moby Dick only gets played if I'm purposely listening to the entire show. Trampled Underfoot has me yawning after ten seconds. Page's solos for it were too forced and erratic and swamped in wah effect. Another track where I prefer the studio track. We're Gonna Groove in the early days. One of my least favorite Zep songs.
  16. I caught the EV "Heavy Metal Kids" on eBay. Why they included half of the 25th is confusing though. Why not add a disc and have a complete set? But then again, maybe this means it's a lower gen copy.
  17. The Stones were great at catering to the mainstream. The mainstream came to Zep. Zep played blues rock with integrity and passion and the people who respected that integrity showed up to the shows. Meanwhile, the Stones were trying to convince teenage girls they were bad boys by singing songs from the "devils" point of view. Is this a Stones bashing thread, because it seems like it lol. Honestly though, who in their right mind would compare the two? I love the Stones and think Sticky Fingers is a top five must have classic rock album, but let's be real, they're a bunch of preschoolers in the shadow of Zep University. Albeit very marketable preschoolers in the 60s.
  18. Thank you! This was my first attempt with it on the 12. Took me thirty minutes to retune it. I'd ways thought this was an electric song, so it kinda blew my mind when I read Page used an acoustic 12 for the main guitar.
  19. So I did a comparison with the two versions (Supersonic vs TYOTD) and recorded it with my phone (which looks crappy but at least you can see the difference). The Supersonic show has the contrast/brightness cranked up a little, which seems like the better result at first, but I noticed whenever the camera pointed towards the stage light the picture became extremely faded. The EV version was darker overall, but maintained a better picture during the brighter parts. As far as quality of the video, I couldn't tell a difference. As far as audio, the EV version seemed to have a little more bass and clarity. So in the end, I'd choose the EV TYOTD version.
  20. From what I've read, the Supersonic Seattle DVD is an upgrade over The Year Of The Dragon. Is this correct? It's frustrating because I can't find any type of full reviews or comoarisons anywhere. Maybe I'll download a couple clips of each and compare them before making a purchase.
  21. Bath 1970 is the absolute limit of my "bootleg ears". I just try to imagine being at the back of the field. In a tent. While frying some bacon.
  22. Any update as to what the superior versions are? Have there been any more releases since the EV "King James" version?
  23. Can't find it anywhere. It's available for download, but I'd rather have a physical copy. Is it the lowest gen transfer?
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