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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. How so Sir. And more what about. I can keep sending many disturbing videos and facts. “ still worse than Biden”! Who gives a shit. Is trying to divide the country and start a war better. He is absolutely the most divisive President/Politician ever. And by far the biggest liar and he didn’t do anything with the economy. Look it up. Obama gave his team an incredible economy. All of his metrics are terrible. But that isn’t what OANN or Fox, or Brietshit tells you. Just look it up. Or we can’t trust anything, or anything. That’s an absolute joke and you sound and look silly for saying that. Again, he is the biggest RINO ever, he just became a Republican! Stop being a Red/Blood or a Blue/Crip! That’s what is destroying this country. Or stay in your little world and act like that creep was the one of the 3 worst presidents ever.
  2. You will be okay big guy. Get some fluids, and some rest. You are going to be good.
  3. Steve, again, I’ve told you that I appreciate your intellect, your knowledge on many subjects, if you want to get disrespectful, or challenge each other I’m also very up for that. It’s okay to have different view points. I’m totally up for that. I’m a registered independent. I’ve voted across party lines for many years. If people like little Jon want to get stupid as he is a young impressionable boy and posts stupid shit then I will absolutely go to that level. We can start spitting facts. Let’s look at economies under every President going back a hundred years, let’s see who has added to actually making bigger government, as well as to the reduction of government. We can have a civil discussion. I’m certainly not going to take the word of some little troll like Fake News John Osbourne who doesn’t know shit about music, life, and has no real life experiences try and tell me what is what. And if you don’t want to hear me out, cool. If Hummer doesn’t, or Blue Balls, or whatever his name is, cool. I’ll tell you that I’m not going to be bullied on this forum. If the powers that be want to kick me off, then go ahead. I’m not going to listen to some Cultist bullshit and not respond. If you would like to be able to trade a back and forth dialogue, I am with that. If people only want to look at their side, then I’ll present my side. But I’ll back it up with stats. Having said that, thank you for all of your absolutely amazing contributions to the forum as well. If you want to try and get me banned, or not listen and or have a conversation that’s okay as well.
  4. Thank you for always posting the truth, and being the voice of reason. Having followed your posts for the last 15 years all I can say is thank you Strider. Not to get off topic, I have gotten a little heated lately on some threads, I will say that I usually go back to your concert threads/memories and it is just an amazing thing to read your recollections. Unfortunately my father and mother who were watching this band as well as others at the Filmore, and Warfield as well as Kezar stadium are no longer with me to go over their concert memories. I do have the ticket stubs from the April 69 shows from my parents. As a side note, Santa played at my dads Junior Prom at Los Altos High School. It is mind blowing to think that in 1968 Santa went from that show to a year later playing in front of a couple hundred thousand people. Very sorry to all for derailing the thread. Hoodie/Cop, thank you for your memories as well. Absolutely amazing that you have found this space.
  5. So his AG, his Daughter, his son in law, his campaign lawyer, his chief of staff, his campaign general council, the head of every major national security department, all of his hand picked appointments were all out to get him. Wow, trippy. But you won’t watch any of this because it is upsetting to you. It goes against what Fox or OANN, or NewsMax, or Breitbart have to say. Okay, we shouldn’t watch anything on Facebook. It is evil. https://m.facebook.com/LateNightSeth/videos/blockbuster-jan-6-hearing-focuses-on-drunk-rudy-debunks-trumps-big-lie-a-closer-/1019697492013538/
  6. These are some of my favorites, especially when he said on national television that if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter he would be dating her. I expect you to try and say it is doctored. Which it is absolutely exactly what he said, as well as the thing he has most in common with his daughter is, well I will let you find that.
  7. Here are a couple articles and videos of his own daughter saying that he was talking absolute rubbish. Let me guess? She was lying! https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/09/ivanka-trump-election-not-stolen-testimony https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2022-06-10/ivanka-trump-says-there-was-no-election-fraud-in-2020-video
  8. Let’s all have a look at the crack team. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2020/11/giuliani-clarifies-he-didnt-mean-to-hold-press-conference-at-landscaping-company-definitely-meant-to-hold-it-at-dildo-shop-next-door/
  9. The perfect calls. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/d45acb92-4dc4-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html
  10. Listen you cult member, go look up facts. And you wouldn’t talk tough to anyone in front of you. Because you are a hide behind your screen tough guy. All your cultist whataboutism. And I do whish you and yours well Hummer. And you don’t know shit about me and how I feel about Pelosi or Schumer. I’ve said many times I am a registered Independent. You on the other hand drink the orange cool aid. Just so we are clear, did he declassify the planted evidence? Let’s all take a look at how many in his administration or people associated with him have been brought up under criminal indictments verses the current admin, or the last. And Hunter Biden. Goddamn, scary. You’re a tool. But the big lie which you love to talk about, I guess his own daughter, who has testified that she knows that there was not any mass voting irregularities, or his hand picked AG, his daughter just became a Republican in 2018 after having been a registered Democrat, he was a registered Democrat until 2009, you are just to blind to see Hummer. If Hunter Biden has done anything that warrants investigation, or prison, or anything of the sort I hope he gets it. Also, if Jared and his 2Billion dollar deal with Saudis is proven to be slightly irregular I hope that is also looked at. I remember your dear leader saying only Mobsters take the 5th, and then he proceeded to do so over 400 time. QANON has got the right by the balls, as well as the Fascist, Autocratic leadership styles of the country that the Republicans used to want to destroy. Picked up a few pointers along the way and now realized that unless they spin absolute crap they have no chance of staying in power. https://www.jan-6.com/barr-testimony?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0sWhuqPE-QIVdAytBh2k6wDlEAMYASAAEgL-AfD_BwE
  11. We all have to stop getting our news from blogs, and social media. It is clouding our judgment. It has to be fact checked. we cannot simply read something about some whack job who is posting anecdotal evidence and call it science or research. ✊to the people little john. https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/10/05/1036408/silicon-valley-millionaire-steve-kirsch-covid-vaccine-misinformation/
  12. No one is unhinged, you don’t like the truth. Let’s see how all of this plays out with your dear Leader. If it is a total nothing, I’ll be the first to say I am wrong and all involved are corrupt. However, if your cult leader declassified all the documents that were there, as well as the documents that were planted? Well that seems strange to me. I defy you to ever provide any evidence that I have said I know everything and that I could not possibly be wrong. I’m actually starting to feel bad for you and the rest of your autocratic cult members.
  13. Oh little Stevie. You and John have never won any rounds. In any combat situation. Your little rolling on the floor gif shows me that. You are a talk loud and say nothing type of guy. We are a loser family? My wife and my first date was a page and plant concert, my daughter is a singer who loves Zeppelin, and we laughed together as a family at some conspiracy theory member who posts crap off of blogs. Okay, John, you won that round. But you couldn’t win any round that had to do with any physical competition, or intellectual competition, nor could you Stephen. I’m tired of you and the people I’ve listed posting your crap and acting like you are cool and all knowing. Your stats, and facts are wrong, and you’re cult members. You won’t think for yourselves, you have to have Steven Crowder, and Alex Jones tell you how you feel. Shucks, I wish I had won that round.
  14. I know that is Leonardo. Who is the woman in that picture? Absolutely great pic. Is that Monica B? Either way. You continue to post great pics. Thank you.
  15. That is the funniest shit I’ve read in a while. My wife and daughter and I just had a good laugh. To be exact, I started a business less that 2 years ago, we had 3 employees, we now have 15 employees, I provide a service in the electrical industry. We provide power that helps all of our country. What do you do little boy. Again. Don’t just say it. Need facts. Little guy who is in a basement living off of his parents.
  16. Jack, I own a business, I have 15 employees, I started my business in the middle of the pandemic. You are a frightened little boy
  17. Thank goodness someone posted this. Of course that system only favors one party. JackOsbourne, Stephanie B Bones, Hummer69, and please Custard Pie in my face are on some other level thoughts. Not being able to listen to anyone or ever admit that they could possibly be incorrect, or even have a wrong idea and or thought just shows that. Again, great post.
  18. Again you are the one that keeps bringing this up. Of course you need us James. We do all the cool shit you use.
  19. Josh, as I’ve said, post dumb shit off of dumb right wing blogs. I would love for our state to separate from you just because. Again, how many times have you voted? What public service are you in? Have you ever done anything for anyone other then yourself? I have a sneaking suspicion you are a guy sitting in your basement talking trash. Get outside, exercise. Meet some people. I’m sorry you were not old enough to have seen Page and Plant. I’m sorry you can only post on stuff that you have not participated in. You obviously have a lot of growing to do as an individual. It’s okay little buddy.
  20. That is funny coming from a guy sitting in Japan. You have no idea what states are doing what. Blue states have athletes, boxers, MMA, gang members, and people who create everything you use. I’ve seen the hilarious videos of the truckers. Are you dumb enough to think that people who don’t vote blue are not registered to carry a gun and don’t hunt? You are out of touch and out of your mind. Sit in your tea house talk shit. You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag.
  21. I know what is front of my eyes. The states you show are not the population of the country. If we did away with the ridiculous system we are currently in, it would not run in your favor ever. And as I have said to you, I am a registered independent. How many times have you voted? We have a system that certainly helps your party. And I’m not even saying that we should do away with it. But the country is not predominantly conservative. That’s a fact. Again, hide behind your avatar, don’t let anyone know how old you are, don’t let anyone know what state you are in. That’s safe. Have some courage. All of the United States has something to be proud of. Certainly not one way thinkers who are not open to learning and growing from one another. You calling certain cities cesspools is just a funny weak saying from a weak person. Sitting on a computer talking about peoples heritage, and calling it a sick cesspool. You have not hit on any nerve, other then thinking you are a young, inexperienced kid trying to act like you have some knowledge that you do not possess. You can watch all the Joe Rogan, and Ben Shapiro you want to watch. Jordan Peterson the list goes on and on. How about having a civil discussion without stirring the pot. I will be the first to admit that I’m not right, and that I can look at things from another’s perspective. I’ve never seen you once get close to saying anything like that. Just so we are clear, there has never been any evidence of any widespread voter fraud other then some piece of shit saying so. If you are telling me that all of the people he hired, all of the offices that served him after they were hired conspired against him and it was a nation wide, world wide conspiracy? Then damn I guess I would have to check into it. But some dumb drunk lawyer sitting in some hotel lobby leaking hair dye and claiming that there was fraud doesn’t make it fraud. When the attorney General that he hired after having fired his previous AG says it is crap, then it is crap. When everyone he hired says it’s crap, except him? Well then it is crap. I would love to see any evidence that says otherwise. All we have had so far is him asking to find votes in GA, asking states to not certify, and trying to bully people into saying it is a fake election. The only widespread fraud has been from one side. Have a good night John.
  22. You are funny as shit. What are using to post? Are you on your phone perhaps? A computer? Everything cool that you have by way of tech comes from Cali. All your shows, video games, computers were created right here. All the produce you eat, the wine you drink. What state are you from. Or what state do you reside in. We are all proud of where we come from. And we all have things we don’t like about it as well. What is the number one tourist state in our country? It’s Cali.
  23. John, we were talking about if states started separating. As I explained to you earlier, 46% of California is Federally owned/operated. If for some insane reason states started to as you say “peacefully separate” all that is in California would come with it. Now as far as military members, that may be an entirely different thing. However being that I come from a military family, you are absolutely incorrect to assume that they are predominantly conservative. There are a ton of things that dictate what military members vote on and how they are identifying. Having a father that was in Vietnam, grandfather that was part of WW2, cousins that are active members of the military and California police, as well as Firemen. Reading some right wing blog about white military members doesn’t mean they are conservative. It also depends on what branch, of the military. Below is some data for you to consider, during the previous administration, the military started to heavily lean the other direction because of the actions of the that admin. I could be wrong, unlike you I won’t say that I’m right because things in life are subjective, and rather then trying to win an argument, I’m trying to learn something. I have a feeling that you are in your 20’s or early 30’s. https://www.thesoldiersproject.org/percentage-of-the-us-military-is-conservative/
  24. I’ve spent a lot of time reading, listening to interviews of Trump. I’ve said it before, he was an entertaining character on shows such as The Howard Stern Show in the 1990’s and 2000’s. I personally never watched his game show that he had. I know his organization was sued for racist accusations in the 70’s, that doesn’t mean it was accurate. He settled on it. He has certainly done and said things that are on the margins, he also is a master at playing into peoples anger, victim hood and flirting with statements that would help to fuel divisions with people. Right before writing this I went on 10 different sites and read perceived racist remarks that he has made going back to the 1970’s. Some of them I personally didn’t find to be racist, some of them I feel were to cause a reaction, and some I just feel were ignorance. He isn’t a very well spoken man. He isn’t very eloquent, he doesn’t have a very good vocabulary. But that doesn’t mean he is an outright racist individual. I suppose I shouldn’t be the judge of that, just as the people who were offended and feel that he is racist. All politicians lie, that’s a fact. I’m not going to get into a back and forth on who lies more. You are clearly in one corner and there would not be anything that anyone could show in terms of evidence or facts that would change that. That’s cool as well. We only have a short time on the planet, people decide how they want to spend it. I’m going to try and read, learn, and grow, and change as I hope all others do as well. People on the side of trying to blow up our system, or wanting there to be a split in the country, wanting there to be a clear cut separation of our United States are absolutely on the wrong side. Be well Hummingbird. Hope you and yours have a great day.
  25. Well Steven, you can talk all you want about the Red States prevailing in a Civil war. I see the funny pictures of the militias, I don’t think they are all that scary. It is crazy that you would even suggest that. Those words would have not been uttered prior to a couple years ago. We also didn’t mention that California is home to largest amount of active Military service members in the country as well as Nuclear facilities, as well as research facilities. For others to say that one group is responsible for all of the divisions and polarizations is just outrageous to me. But we can have civil conversations, and if others want to escalate them I’m good either way. The Fruits and Vegetables was a good one by the way.
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