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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. My family and I just got back from there. Yes it is crazy expensive. I recently purchased a Hybrid Ford Truck. So we are getting 600 plus miles to a tank. It saved us considering we live in the Bay Area and this was less than a 600 mile round trip. But yes it was crazy was absolutely outrageous.
  2. This is absolutely brilliant. So amazing to listen to Robert talk about his journey, his perspective of that time, and to hear him talk about his mates/brothers and to listen to him give them praise and minimize his contributions is absolutely incredible. It’s probably never going to happen, or maybe the 79 interview with Randy Jackson is going to be all we get with the a couple of them sitting down and going over their journey together. This is absolutely fantastic, what a great interview, I’ve listened a few times now and have gotten something new out of it each time. I hope that before it is too late we can get the 3 of them together and have them share in this vein. Certainly we had the 2012 Celebration Day promotion, but this is on another level. Love it. Thanks for posting this!
  3. That is a +1 Sir. And why have not seen that before. That is genius! And I might add delicious! I need to do that pronto! Good call.
  4. Do you think that guy could actually tell time? And his twin, wow. That’s some crazy shit. Poor bastards. I’m sure they didn’t want their Aunt, and their Dad to be their Mom and Dad. And just a guess, but they are probably from one of the Virginia states. Or maybe somewhere in the Mountains of Kentucky.
  5. I was as well. Especially considering the year this was done in. They still do this in the Bay Area. I also believe they do it on one of the classic rock stations on Sirius radio. Or at least I think I remember them doing that last year? There are several interesting placements of songs on this particular countdown. Thanks for this, cool to see what was up in 82.
  6. No doubt about that. Worthy of a book perhaps. It is one of my favorite things to go back and read on this forum. I hope we get to read about the 72 concerts.
  7. All great movies. Jagged Edge was awesome. Ninja III with Ms Dickey. Every kid who grew up in the late 70’s through the early 1980’s loved Sho Kusiji. I always wanted a Ninja outfit. Eastern Promises is a great slightly weird movie. And Charles B. That guy was rad. A great early 1990’s movie with Viggo directed by Sean Penn is the Indian Runner. That as well is a great and strange movie with Charles Bronson.
  8. Great movie. Both Segal and Elizondo were also great comediac actors.
  9. Right. Men and women who come out of the military and have tactical training for these situations, then become police and receive more training are hesitant to go in under these terrible, terrifying situations. And I am hearing/reading that we need to arm and train these under-paid teachers so they can be the ones to confront these maniacs and save the day. Crazy. Teachers who would possess weapons in class would only end up with more dead teenagers and children. I thought that is why we have the police and swat teams. I have several people in my family who became and are teachers, they don’t want to have to train with firearms to get through their day.
  10. That is a tough one. He did say it was free, but gave you a fist 👊 bump for saying that “you couldn’t do that as you had no money and did not want him to do anything for free”. Those Kiosks are set up to lure people in and then buy shit that we don’t need. If it was a white dude, or an Asian dude would you have let him? And if the answer is yes, that isn’t racist, it’s just not wanting to look racist is a thing people are dealing with. Who would have thought that a Kiosk at a mall could be so goddamn complicated. 2022 I guess. Maybe he thought you had some sick kicks on and didn’t want you walking around with them dirty. Dirty shoes is a big deal to me. I’m obsessive about them. I put them back in their boxes with the stuffing in them when I’m not wearing them.
  11. Peter was amazing. That dude could play, had a great sound.
  12. That’s a really good cover. Dig it.
  13. This has to be a joke. Right? And yes, that is the only ring he will get to wear in the NBA. I’m excited to see who my Warriors will be facing. I have to watch this again or try and find some information on this. Crazy.
  14. That is true, and we have roughly doubled our population since 1960. We were at a 180 million I believe. The United Kingdom also has 21% of their children being raised by a single parent which is predominantly women. They don’t have the amount of mass shootings we have here in the states. Russia isn’t that far behind with 19%. I don’t have the answers, I also don’t know how the Texas shooter was able to purchase the weapon that he used. I do know that the background loophole of buying guns at gun shows and online absolutely effects the tracking and actual background checks. In a major way. There are a ton of statistics we can all look at. You live in a country where mass shootings are almost nonexistent. They have very strict laws there. I’m a gun owner, I hunt, as well as have them for protection of my person and properties. But thoughts and prayers, and black, or white, Republican or Democrat, things are not changing. I just watched a montage of Ted Cruz interviews. He has to be a SNL character. The amount of shit he talks out of both sides of his mouth is just incredible. He is very bright. Just happens to be the biggest suck ass on the face of the planet. And he has a face and voice that you just want to punch! Hope all is well Steve.
  15. I recently watched a couple of my childhood favorite movies that my Pops and older brother and I used to watch. Sadly they both left this earth way to young, but Police Academy 1 and 2. Great movies. And then Stripes. What a funny movie that is. And all of the nudity that those 80’s movies had. What the hell happened to that. Now it is all so safe. Im going to throw on the Big Lebowski. I remember seeing that in the movie theater. Shorline amphitheater. Great place to see movies 🎥 Cheers to you all.
  16. Who doesn’t Love George Segal, and Rip Torn? All those wonderful actors from the 70’s with substance. Stacy Keach. What a different time. Gary Busey in the Buddy Holly story. Amazing movie.
  17. I guess that is one way of looking at it. Going by mass shootings in the US we have had 248 of them so far in 2022. I imagine that the people who woke up and went to work and took their kids to school that day probably felt the same way. I can’t say that I think much about it for my teenage daughter at school as well. But we certainly have an issue here in the states. Be it with gangbangers, and then the very troubled young adults and adults who walk into schools, bars, clubs, churches, grocery stores and start spraying people with bullets. It does seem to be progressing as well. Growing up in the 1980’s we had drive by shootings, but these mass shootings I don’t remember reading about or watching at the rate we have now. I don’t know what to blame it on. I just know that when people run to their political/tribal corners and start placing blame on the other side it is not helpful or respectful to the people and families that are living through the tragedy. I certainly don’t have the answers, but something has to change. It is heartbreaking, and embarrassing. And as much as the heartbreak and embarrassment it is also so very angering to hear these jackass politicians say “ thoughts and prayers”! I don’t think anyone gives a shit about their thoughts and prayers. And we elect these people. Damn.
  18. Robert’s vocals are outstanding. In particular on Four Sticks. It’s incredible that shows keep popping up. Thanks to all that invest their time and efforts in making that happen.
  19. Great job. Blood, Sweat & Tears is one of my favorite bands. My parents who grew up in the Bay Area loved them and Cold Blood. That sounded great. I don’t hear a squeak, I hear maybe a slight hiss, but it sounds like an album to me. Killer Red.
  20. Something very similar to my Oakland A’s. They traded away most of their team, or let them go via free agency. I was actually surprised at how much all of the attention was paid to my A’s and their dismantling of the team compared to the Reds. The Reds let pretty much everyone go except a few players. They have a couple of guys in their staff that are going to be amazing in a few years. But, that is a start to a season that is rough for any fan base. The A’s owner has got to go. He is a classless jackass. I’ve resigned myself to thinking that they are moving. Which would be sad. One of the most storied franchises in the history of baseball. I guess it is better than the Reds. Marginally. Have a great night Strider.
  21. Is that Kym K? I know she has had a rough couple months. But that Butt. Damn!
  22. Man, Red, that is sounding good. I hope you string together a 2-3 minute complete song. I’m impressed man. I dig it for sure. As a guy who picked up Guitar a few years ago, what you are doing with your recording and other instruments is really cool. The sound you get/create is very unique. Keep that up. This is one Zeppelin fan that looks forward to it. Thanks for posting that, also, I don’t hear any squeaking at all. I have a decent system I can listen through as well. Awesome man.
  23. They are both interesting comps. Drysdale started his career at 19, Keyshawn did at 20. Drysdale ended at 32, and Kershaw is 34. Clayton has a slightly lower ERA at 2.48 compared to 2.90, and Drysdale pitched with the mounds higher and in an era where pitchers dominated. The win percentage for Clayton is better, 189 wins and 84 losses compared to Don at 209 wins and 166 losses. Don had far, far more complete games, but that is a generation thing. But they are very equal. There is a very good website where you can compare era’s of players. Baseball Reference is my bible. Now as far as Koufax, he had a dominant 5-6 year run, but he was pedestrian before and retired after that run because of his arm troubles. But for Sandy, he was 165-87 for wins and losses, Kershaw still has him in ERA, his era is 2.48 as mentioned compared to Sandy at 2.76 he also had more complete games, but if anything I don’t think people appreciate Clayton enough. That guy is as good as it gets. And again, Drysdale and Sandy both pitched in a time where pitching was dominating, and because of those two and Bob Gibson MLB actually changed the rules and lowered the mounds. I could argue that Clayton is as good as any of them considering the era he has played in. I say all of that with all due respect Because I know you know your Baseball. When you have a chance if you haven’t checked out Baseball Reference check it out. Pre 2005 my wife would buy that for me every year and the book was just amazing. We can get it all at the touch of our fingers now, but I still miss the book. It was cool to flip around it to look stats up. Be well Paul. Your Mets look like they are for real this year. Plus they took Bassitt, and Mark Cahna from my A’s. One of my staff played with Mark for years in High School and college. That guy is a great all around player.
  24. Could be because he is busy reading a far right blog from some dude from the proud boys who happens to know far more than any of the MSM.
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