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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. The execution of drug dealers may have worked. But, who would I have purchased my shrooms through? And Acid, and all the cocaine that I did as a young man. I don’t currently participate in ecstasy, or Molly, but I used too. I never smoked crack or did Heroine. But who am I to judge if someone did? I had a tremendous amount of fun with all the drugs that I mentioned above. Smoke lots of weed, took many hits of acid, did lots of shrooms, did several hits of ecstasy, and had some fun, and funny times with doing lines of coke. And I’m being completely honest. And I met a lot of interesting people in the meantime. To think that all the rich white kids that I purchased all that shit from would have been executed for selling that to me is kind of insane. And I lived in the worst parts of the Bay Area. And we drove to Palo Alto to get all of the above from.
  2. My daughter purchased the most recent edition of Evenings With Led Zeppelin, and then Bob Spitz Led Zeppelin Bio. I love the new Edition from Dave. I got the hard back. It’s awesome. I got 3/4 of the way through Bob Spitz book and started getting irritated. I’ll have to finish it though.
  3. Wow, these sound like Tucker/Sean talking points. I would suggest you fact check at least half of this. Stop sticking up for that Jack ass as well. He was and is a disgrace to the office. I would vote for John M. Ronald R, Bush 1 and 2 a million times and be happy with that choice over that lying, conniving, shit bag of a human. And we don’t know that it is bullshit as you say. What we do know is that most of his actions are very suspect. I love how the right loves to throw out all their talking points and scare tactics. It’s a gas. His economy just so we are clear was a lot of hold over from his predecessor. We all did see what he accomplished. Not a bunch to be thankful or grateful of. Just the gas prices alone that you refer to is a joke. Gas prices were really low because of supply and demand. No one was on the road. We had that Covid thing going on. Meaning no one was driving. Oh, then Russia went to war, and everyone returned to work and the demand is really high. As for the Russian asset. I don’t think he was a knowingly participant per say. But he was and is and continues to be a real dumb shit bag who is not above putting himself above the country for his own personal gain. This ass literally just asked Putin to release any information on Hunter Biden. The entire world is watching the shit show, the utter destruction, inhalation of a country at the hands of the worst human since Adolf and Stalin. And this guy is asking for favors that don’t exist. Can we all imagine if Biden was doing the same thing. How about we all look at things for what they really are. You want your side to win. The Democrats want their side to win. Where we should be, and hopefully we can get there is that we as Americans want all of us to win. A majority of the country doesn’t want to have some autocratic leader who is implementing bible studies in school, or overriding womens issues. Those are facts. While we are at it, let’s take a real hard look at the economy under Drump, his predecessor, Bush, his Predecessor, and continue this as far back as Roosevelt. We will see very clearly that one party has done far better with that economy that you love to credit to the shit bag before this old Jack ass we have now. Good day Sir. Stay off Fox, OAN, Breitbart, and for gods QANON. He was actually impeached twice. And the perfect call was pretty bad. Not perfect. Not even good. I’ll certainly take what you have to offer after this post. But then we can actually start posting Fact checks against everything you vomited up as truth. The funny thing was you actually had the nerve to say that LedZep77 believed all the leftist bullshit, and then you spouted all the Trump Jr puppet talking points.
  4. I drove home from up in Northern Ca. today. It was about a 250 mile drive. We had to take 101 from beyond SF, and the. Go to the 580/880 interchange. It was possibly the most frustrating drive I’ve had in a few years. Then 880 south to Highway 17. When did people forget that those who are slower should be in the right hand lane. Damn. I understand you don’t know the road like I do, and perhaps you are not as good a driver. But staying in the fast lane and creating tons of traffic is actually dangerous. I also understand that my complaint is 1st world problems, and that I sound slightly dickish. But for the love of God move the F$c& over and get in the slow lane you total jackass. Okay, I really do now sound like a creep, and know that this is the least of the problems going on. But it was 4 hours of insane people doing insane shit.
  5. No Steve, not Liberal. Libertarian. The war on drugs has sure saved us. Old Nancy Regans “just say no” worked well. I am saying that maybe we need to go another way with it. The last 50 years have worked wonders on the prison system and families throughout the country. Or let’s just make this country white again. I mean great again. Alright, I’m going to go watch Seinfeld. You have a great day Steve.
  6. Right on Jabe. We can go round and round. Yes Biden has been in public service as an elected official for a very long time. As I stated I am all for term limits. Power is something that a lot of people take advantage of. As far as news feeds, I don’t get it from the sources that I can watch on TV very often Sir. I read, and try and fact check the stories I read. As far as Tucker, he is a total asshat. I have no place for him in my world. He is an opinion mouthpiece. There have been a few things I’ve seen him do on UAP’s and I found him charming and interesting in those specific topics. It’s laughable to blame the drugs coming across the border/borders on Biden or democrats. I would suggest never watching Fox News or reading Breitbart, or OAN, or whatever other terrible source that is so lopsided and just throws stuff at the wall hoping that it sticks with their demographic. As I stated above, teams are not the way we are ever going to get anything done for anyone. That’s why we are where we are. It has gotten progressively worse over the last 20 years. The vitriol that I personally see and read and experience from both sides is just outrageous. I would argue that no administration did more harm for our country certainly in my life time than the one we just got out of. And I fear that a major portion of the right wants to go back to that. I would like to check on all the border drug related deaths and just compare them to alcohol deaths. I think all of it should be legal. People can make up their own minds and determine if they would like to waste it away doing drugs, or if they would like to not participate in that. Certainly in the countries that have a open policy and have spaces for people to make that choice they have far less addiction, and far less crime than we have. And maybe I’m wrong on that. That’s the point. I don’t claim to be right. I also may change my mind and feel different about my convictions and thoughts as I continue to try and grow as man, father, husband, and person in this great country we live in. I don’t know, I have had a few Blue Labels tonight and may not be making any sense. You have a great night and I hope that you and yours are good. By the way, Evangelina is a total keeper.
  7. Well since you quoted me I will be your huckleberry. What in gods name do you mean “ dudes with a dicks can compete with women with vaginas”? When have women in the great USA or anywhere in the world had it better than Men? I really would like to know. Who is bringing in the Chinese Fentanyl? Is that a liberal cause that I am not aware of. I know for a fact that my mother in law who is a Dr and runs several drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs constantly has her budget cut under one administration. And has for years. Let’s keep the war on drugs and continue to jail non violent pot dealers. As far as all the other scare tactics that the right takes, such as taking away our guns which has never happened, certainly we could have some honest discussions on that. Being that I’m an avid Hunter, from a military family and I happen to own several I would be willing to talk about what should and shouldn’t be legal. As for electric cars, no one will ever be made to drive one. Thats an absolute horse shit scare tactic. I would imagine at some point that all manufacturers will go to making electric cars only, way down the line. Probably far after you and are gone. I certainly have never heard that all gas stations will cease to exist, and that you and I will have to drive a electric car or be jailed, and have to walk. I am not trying to be rude, certainly some of my reply seems snarky, and perhaps disrespectful. But to toss out Fox News headlines and not have any substance seems a bit misleading. Fun fact about Fucked Fox News, they do not fall under the FCC guidelines so they do not have to retract any of their bullshit stories or headlines because they don’t have journalists working for them. They are all opinion based. Same for all the other shit news programs that the right religiously follow. For me socially liberal means you don’t get to tell my wife and daughter what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Nor would any other old decrepit white man who was elected by some backwards county/state. As for illegals which the right loves to talk about, what happened to “ bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breath free. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”? Unless you are 100% Native American we all came from somewhere else. I got one for you, how about we have a test to be allowed to vote. We have to pass one to get to drive, we have to pass tests to get into college, we have to pass a test for any civil servant job etc. I personally believe that a great portion of the country shouldn’t be able to vote unless they can pass the test to be a United States Citizen. It’s easy for Bow Tie suck ass Tucker Carlson to tell us that minorities have it easy. As a man with minorities in their immediate family, and as a man that grew up in a minority area, I say that he and most of that kind are mistaken and have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes. Socially liberal means that you look out for you, and your neighbors. That you do not think that you are above and know better as a result of race, religion, or economical, or any sort of privilege. Which the guy we just shed like a snake skin was maybe the most privileged, whinny little brat I have ever personally witnessed in office. Talk all you want about the current President, and I’m not happy with it either, at least he made his way in life. He didn’t rely on rich daddy to do his bidding and get him into the best schools, and the best jobs and surround him with every opportunity. Plus Joe would whip the shit out of the Fat Don. That’s a reference to my dad is tougher than your dad. And we all know that Dump is whimpy little bitch. So I say to you, what does conservative look like. How does that help out all of us. How does help the kids who have nothing, that have a mom that has to work minimum wage jobs to support her children, in the absolute worst conditions. And we act like they can all pull themselves up by their boot straps and make it happen. I admire the right, I look at the SCOTUS, and how they have managed to bully their pics, draw county lines, make voting harder for the poor and disenfranchised. It’s impressive.
  8. I agree with all above Sir. On every point you made. Broken system, women’s issues. I’m sick of the cancel culture, and the woke crowd as well. Is it broke beyond repair? That is a scary thought. Or maybe it is just change that needs to happen and it would be good to have something different/better. Term limits are a must. For SOCOTUS, and certainly for elected officials. Have a great night BobDobbs.
  9. RIP Bobby and Estelle. Man, all of the people I grew up with are dying. What the hell. Godbless their families.
  10. Paul and Greengrass have this Beautiful women thing wrapped up. Consistently amazing choices. I want to know where they are finding these.
  11. In Sunny Santa Cruz it is 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. We did not get nearly enough rain this year. Where I live in the Santa Cruz mountains, we got about 30” less than we normally get. I’m not complaining, I’m going to look forward to good weather and enjoy the sun.
  12. The point that Mr. BobDobbs is making is that of course not everyone agrees with what you are saying. And a bunch of us think it is nonsense. It’s the equivalent of one a person posting what an inept, retarded, embarrassing POS the former administration was. You wouldn’t like it. Perhaps it would make you angry or strike a chord. And that fact is a bunch of us feel that way. As a matter of fact a majority of the country is liberal/democratically leaning. Those are facts. My point is, by you posting what you posted you are looking for a reaction, maybe it is someone to agree with you, or maybe it is for a bunch of people to not agree with you. Are things awesome right now? No a lot of things suck. Is this administration cleaning up the shit pile that the previous administration left. Yes. If you are not able to understand that then we can’t have an honest intelligent conversation. The Let’s Go Brandon memes and all the horse shit has got to stop. Or don’t stop it, and it shows that the right has the dumb meme game on lock. There are several independent voters in this country. I am one of them. The more I look at it, if you vote for one party all the time it shows me how intellectually stunted a person is. How about vote on issues as opposed to the team mentality. For argument sake, look at any national pole that has been done. The guy you are so ready to go back to. The guy that wants to be Autocratic leader, the guy who has routinely praised the worst human since Adolf and Stalin has routinely been voted the absolute worst President in modern times. I’m 45 going on 50. I personally can’t think of a more embarrassing President in our history. And since I’ve been able to vote I’ve voted for a Democrat 3 times, a Republican 3 times and Independent. I’ll gladly tell you who I voted for as well. The Audacity to act like what we had before isn’t the cause of a lot of the utter shit we are cleaning up now is just ludicrous. They say don’t talk politics and religion. I say I’ll talk both. But don’t spout your shit out, and not expect others to sling theirs as well. Or we can have an intellectual discussion and try and learn from each other’s perspectives. Not everything that the former administration did was terrible. I wouldn’t claim that. But in my shitty opinion, which is the same as your shitty opinion he was an utter disgrace to the country. As a matter of fact, I think that the Republican leadership secretly wants an autocratic leader/leaders to take the country over so they do not have to worry about the majority of the country ever having a chance to have their say again. So I would say that you shot your shot and I am sure that there are those on this site that agree with you. No doubt. But like most of America there are more who don’t. Just as it was in the 2000 election, or the 2016 and then overwhelmingly in the 2020 election. And in one of those I voted Republican. Here is another fun fact, and we can debate it all day with anyone. The economy has done far better, not just better under the party you are so quick to slam. Go all the way back to WWII. We can look at any graph or anything that you want to look at. One party has been involved in less wars/conflicts, and has been a group that has tried to look out for everyone. In closing, I have voted evenly my entire life, I don’t see party lines. I see us as Americans who all want to win and be proud. Some of us see each other as the enemy. That is not good for anyone. As a side note. I’m socially liberal, and fiscally conservative. But the idea of fiscally conservative. Not what conservatives have actually done the last 30 years. And as a small business owner in Cali, they can all do a better job, and help all Americans more. And not be for big industry, tax breaks for the rich, or cater to the big tech industry. That’s something that I wish both parties would do better at and with. And maybe BobDobbs doesn’t agree with anything I said. Hope you and yours are well. Good day.
  13. Yes it could certainly mean that. But in several articles, as well as interviews he has said many times that he still creates and comes up with material. I’m completely content with all that Jimmy has provided us with. However if he has something left to say that would be amazing as well. I wouldn’t care if it was older material, or something new. Have a great day Stryder.
  14. He is an amazing photographer. That picture of Bonham with his hands clasped says a lot. Great photos.
  15. Funny enough that is why I think Jimmy can still play. Aside from him stating that he still creates and had been creating under quarantine. He has been telling us that he will have an album for about 15-17 years or so. But if it were a case of not being able to play anymore, I think we would have heard it through some channels. Also, if it were a case of not being able to play, why continue to say you are working on something. It would be strange to me for a man of his stature, and reputation to lie about his ability. Maybe that is just me hoping the man can still do something that he devoted his entire life to. If it is a case of truly not being able to physically do it anymore, that would be very sad. Either way, I hope we get that unexpected, very different album of his.
  16. Man that is tragic. I have been doing some reading on it. What a terrible disease. Getting old sucks. I woke up this morning, I feel like I have a torn ACL. And I work out, eat healthy try as hard as I can to stay on top of things. There are just things out of our control. Have a great day Red.
  17. That’s perfect. From the ATL coming at you from the dirty south! And she has a dirty mouth! Everybody welcome to the stage! Apashia! I had to look up what it does to you. Not the black stripper, but what that disease does. Man, that is just strange. Our brains are so complex. That could explain a lot of his actions, and his appearances on talk shows the last few years. God bless him. Hopefully he can make a recovery. From what I have read it seems possible depending on how advanced it is.
  18. That’s the thing about time and travel. For an advanced species that may have millions of years on us, I don’t think we can understand their laws of physics. Our laws and theory’s would t apply to an advanced species. As BobDobbs was saying with wormholes, etc. it could be as easy as that, or perhaps easier. It could also be that they are inhabiting our oceans? Who knows. For myself I think it is almost naive to think we are the only intelligent creatures in our galaxy, or any galaxy.
  19. Yes, perhaps the best in his prime. I was just reading his 2020 interview in Rolling stone magazine. I think he still plays. He did give a short snippet of playing at the Play it Loud museum. Maybe he didn’t want to associate with that style, and that music. It was actually surprising that Clapton was on it really. When I read that 6 months ago or whatever it was, I remember thinking how odd it was that he participated, as well as Mr. Beck. But awesome for them. I have resigned myself to possibly never hearing him play again. I was lucky enough to get to see him 4 times. And of the 100’s of bootlegs I have, his 98 performances were some of the most inspired, and greatest playing of his career. He was on it. Just brilliant. Having said all of that, even though I’m not a huge fan of solo Ozzy, I appreciate him as a character, maybe even a treasure. It would have been cool to hear Jimmy on his album. We didn’t get that, I’m good with all that we have. Stacked up next to anyone else, I can’t think of anyone with a better body of work. For me there isn’t anyone who even comes close. Whether that is on albums, or live. Jimmy will always be the most creative, inventive, and studious player I’ve ever heard. When I hear people say he is sloppy it is laughable. He was a studio musician in perhaps the demanding time in history. He had to be more perfect and match fit. When he went out on his own, he took chances. And they were spectacular! Amazing!
  20. I was wondering if he had been asked to participate. If it is a case of that he cannot play that is sad. Going from being in my opinion the best to ever do it, to not being able too. Having said that, we are fortunate to have all of the music he did play, and produce over and with the best group/band in history.
  21. Yeah, that is all true. And BobDobbs line of being a ”Cuckold” was spectacular and made me spit out my drink. I said the same think you said when I saw it. What if that had been a white guy like Nick Nolte or Mel Gibson who had smacked the shit out of him. I also wonder what would have happened if Will had walked on stage and smacked Ricky Gervaise. What a Cuckold.
  22. He is also one of my favorite of all time. Everything you just said, says it all. He was amazing. He went way to young and it was shitty how went. I also really dig his iso vocals. That guy had pipes. I believe you are not a huge fan of Scott W, but he had range. He has a few cool ISO videos on him as well. I tried searching out new music lately. I’m having a hard time. The music scene has changed a lot. Or maybe I’m just not looking in the right places. I don’t know. Cheers BobDobbs.
  23. Live Jane Said is amazing. There are some great performances over the years. My favorite version of that song is 1997 NY with Flee at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Just an awesome show. On your latest clip that you posted. I’m digging it. I may have said it before, but it has a real soundtrack feel to it. Hopefully you keep putting them on there. Sounds cool.
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