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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. Hey RainbowElf, we will have to agree to disagree. As a 45 year old man who has followed politics going back to the Regan Mondale election of 84, I can’t think of a crazier time in our history than the one we just got out of. I’m not saying I’m a fan of the current administration. But simply in my lifetime the amount of utter bullshit and crazy wacky conspiracy theory pushing nonsense was at an all time high. I am fairly certain that I have an understanding of communism. I personally think that is a slight stretch to accuse, and compare this administration to communism. But bless you for trying. Be well RainbowElf!
  2. 👊great post. Rand needs to focus on the welfare rate in his poor white state. Rather than talking shit to his neighbor and getting the piss beat out of him for getting lippy! That neighbor by the way was sued by Rand and has to pay 500K in damages for the 6 ribs he broke. I’m embarrassed for him and his wig.
  3. Ukrainian collusion, Joe Scarborough murdered a woman, birtherism, Ted Cruz’s dad had something to do with the JFK assassination, windmills cause cancer, White Farmers in South Africa being killed by Black people. What are some other fun conspiracies that were actually talked, tweeted, and in interviews given by Lumpy. Oh the time to have personally witnessed Muslims in Jersey celebrating 9/11 but he was also in Manhattan, climate change is a Chinese made up plan to make American manufacturing non competitive. Unemployment was at 42% under his predecessor, vaccines cause autism. A funny one was the fake Sweden terrorist attack that never happened, there is a group that has those conspiracy theories on lock. Got to give it to them. Consistency is key.
  4. How’s it going RainbowElf. I think that there is a bit of this going on. Unfortunately I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I see a party of a certain leaning behaving this way. And I just can’t agree with you on who it is. The craziness we have seen has been overwhelmingly from one side. Don’t trust anyone but them, everyone is fake but them, all news is corrupt except theirs. Only they have the answer, and only they can fix the problem. Pretty alarming when you look into it. Maybe if we start looking from within, and not to one affiliation. Just a thought.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I’m vaccinated, had a personal experience with a young person seemingly with no health issues pass away from COVID, and then a host of employees who got violently ill, and one who will never be the same as a result of COVID. Those are all personal experiences. I’m not going to pretend to know all the answers. But I do believe trying to take care of our fellow man is the correct and responsible thing to do. We politicize everything in the US. Maybe if we stopped doing that and just started working together we would see different a response, and have a bit more unity in this country.
  6. Diverse indeed. And I can see the lineage. I go through phases of diving deep into early live Zeppelin, then to their middle and later parts of their career, but lately I’ve been on a real Plant kick. It’s weird getting old and watching our hero’s age and move on. What he has given to his fans is truly remarkable. The guy doesn’t and has not stopped for over 55 years. There are certainly others who have continued to perform and write/record. But as you mentioned very few who have done so, and have been as diverse as Mr. Robert Anthony Plant. Have a great week 1975NQ.
  7. This is a great book. Loving this new edition so far. The new pictures, reading what their contemporaries thought of them from the beginning. Really cool to read what Phil Collins, and Jeff Beck thought upon first hearing and seeing them. Honestly it is good to get anything new about them from people who actually know about them as a group and aren’t just trying to make money off of their past.
  8. That is a very interesting statement by Grant. When you really look at the performers, and their performances. In terms of competition, Hendrix, CSNY, Janis, Santana, Sly. And they all played on different nights/days. He certainly had his reasons. But I can’t get behind that statement. By that time they were a known quantity and act.
  9. Great post. Sometimes I wonder what Robert’s music would have been like had he not tried to distance himself from his past. Had he fully embraced it from the very beginning of his solo career. He has had some amazing albums. And continues to work. IMO no one even close to him as a rock/pop vocalist. With all his different approaches, and variations of his voice throughout the years. It’s honestly absolutely amazing.
  10. Just curious John, should we not be protecting people, not getting vaccinated, and not worrying about anything? Out of the 700k plus deaths, which I will admit is probably not entirely accurate, are we just overwhelmed, and overreacting to an overblown flu? I truly am asking and not being disrespectful, or argumentative. I have read your posts, you seem very intelligent, and well read, even if you are reading straight slanted view points such as Zerohedge and so forth. But what exactly are you communicating with your beliefs. I ask this because I have a very definitive thought as to what I believe we should be doing. It does not involve shut downs, starting it restarting anything. We should take care of those most at risk, wear masks when needed, and the vaccine, which I have never had any shot of any kind not related to school shots and the like, I believe that if we all moved in that direction it would be for the good of the people. And I am not saying I’m right. In the city’s and states that they are not doing these things, well, they are being hammered. I appreciate your thoughts, I hope to read what your response and reaction would be to this very real sickness. If you believe that it was a hoax, or to somehow manipulate the masses, or some sort of government control. What would the end game be in that, what would be the benefit of that be. If those are your thoughts, how many governments were involved. It would seem to be a massive undertaking to have one government, especially our incompetent government pull off something like that. Especially the incompetent left. I could totally be misreading all of your posts and not understanding them. cheers JohnOsbourne!
  11. Amazing Shots! Bonham at his kit, the crowd. Thank you for these.
  12. Good evening Jabe, I was in no way attacking you personally. I am very sorry if it came off that way in the slightest. You are also correct, I didn’t give the clusterfuckery examples of the failures of the previous administration. I was thinking of the handling of COVID, and all the lies told of the severity, danger, and in general just the craziness of his team. Certainly the lack of humility, or general disregard of those who didn’t think like him or his cronies. Honestly, as a 45 year old man who has paid attention to politics, we and I have never seen anything like it. The reason I didn’t explain or expand is I don’t want to derail or get any topic taken down. And I’m a policy, and issue person. Not political affiliation man. We are probably very similar, he’ll most of us are. We get sucked into our bubbles, stop caring about others and just focus on what is around us, who we listen to, who we read, and drift in that direction. Thats the issue, or a major issue as I see it. Man, truly being kind, generous, helpful, getting out of yourself and seeing what you can do to lift up others. That what life is about for me and the people I want associate with. Not that anyone cares, but I truly came from not having anything given, or handed to me, all of those life lessons as I am sure most of the people on this forum can identify with are the lessons and blueprints of my life and our lives. I’m also sorry to get sappy, or run on and talk about shit no one cares about. What I do know, we as a society need more of, is people who care about their fellow man. And I’m sick of all the political bullshit and who’s side is better. Or making crazy comparisons to some administration being like hitler, or some other sick examples. And maybe 3rd grade was a slight exaggeration. Just slight though. Have a great night, thank you for all the contributions to the site. It’s cool to be able to click onto someone and see their history of thoughts on this forum. I dig it. Having said all of that. I’m just a guy who wants to be a better person, father, employer, husband, and friend everyday. I fail miserably at one of them everyday! Just not as much as I used to. Chees Jabe!
  13. No the clusterfuck happen during 45. If we are talking economics, going back to WWII the economy has done far better under the party you are openly against. Look they both have their clusterfuckery. But Brandon, and Blackbadman, and Tomato face/orangutan man are only part of the problem or the solution. The problem is the team mentality we take when we only vote one way politically, when we fall into a tribal/party lines. When we have a majority of the country being controlled by the minority, when we do our special pageant every 4 years and the most popular person doesn’t get to be in office because of some archaic system we still follow and allow. Maybe if we had a split senate, a split down the middle congress, and if we have a democratic president, maybe having a republican Vice President and we forced these elected officials to actually work for the good of all, verses the good of themselves, or their particular party? And maybe we have outgrown the 2 party system and we should have a panel economists, scientists, environmentalists, of like 5 people that were all working together, for you and I? And I have a 3rd grade education so I really don’t know that I can be an authority on anything. Im just a small business owner, employing 15 people in California trying to leave a legacy, and trying to leave a company that the employees can take over, or any interested party can take over when I’m done. When you have a chance look at any reputable news publications, or any economic publication, and check into who the economy does better under. I’ve spent a lot of time reading about it. Studying it. You may be surprised as to what you find. And I say this as a small business owner in Cali who gets taxed beyond belief. But I also believe in contributing to those less fortunate, trying to help our community, and fellow men and woman. I’m also proud to say that not one of our 15 and growing employees makes minimum wage. All of them make a living wage and get profit sharing. When you have companies that care, and people that care, good things happen. That’s my deep thought.
  14. I would agree that we have lost a lot of the journalists who had integrity, and reported the news in an unbiased fashion. No doubt. But it is interesting that most people who compare news sites, or publications, or channels have very little knowledge of what reputable news outlets are required to do if they misreport a story and the facts of that story. It is an easy out to just say “ Fake News”. If people would investigate, and maybe read and watch outlets that are not of their beliefs we would all be able to communicate and learn from each other in a far better way. These tribal teams that most of us are on, it is just not healthy individually, or collectively. The older I get, the more I try and come from a place of compassion rather than anger and aggressiveness, the more open I am to learning and listening to other perspectives. And I like most young men was an egotistical, know it all, asshole. However, I will say that The NY Times, and the WSJ are not without fault, and I agree that the media pushes this divide and as a whole does not help with any sort of unity. But regardless of which party is in power in any branch of the government, if they fail, we fail. And to want a party to fail, and to actually have individuals go out of their way to help our elected officials fail is just down right dumb and perhaps dangerous. I have spent a lot of time thinking of the generations of the past, and what they have gone through, and how they would feel, and would react to our current circumstances. Personally I can’t help but feel that our generation has fallen short of the expectations, and has not lived up to the legacy that they set for us. For the most part. Certainly we are far better off in many ways. But as a whole, we are also way behind what I and other like minded people think we should be as a society. Cheers 1975NQ.
  15. Zerocred/Zerosense/Zerohedge is about as credible as the National Enquirer. Or slightly below it. However, I commend the commitment of the use of that site as some sort of authority, or even a source of information however silly it is. What has been making me laugh is when people try to lump the New York Times are Wall Street Journal, or some other highly credible new source in with the “Lame Stream Media”. It’s comical in some ways. If we all got vaccinated, and would just be mindful of others and show respect we would be in a much different and better place.
  16. Damn! You are one sexy, handsome? Amazingly good looking dude/women. Or LGTBQlmnop. I mean that with all do respect ✊. I don’t want to get canceled. Well, really I don’t care if I do. Either way. Steve. I’m impressed with your ability to change your look and style so effortlessly. Good job my man/women? I say thank you Sir! Or Madam? Whichever you are comfortable with.
  17. Yes we have dealt with the 15 days. We also went from “ soon it will go away” to over 44 million cases, and 700 thousand Americans dying from it. This is certainly something that a lot of people got wrong and didn’t know a whole about. I also remember a former President saying that it would go away after the election. Well it hasn’t gone away, and the country is as divided as it has been since perhaps the civil war. These are certainly some strange times we are living in.
  18. Hey RainbowElf, hope you and yours are well. I really wish that Mr. Reids and the Forum would allow us to have political and religious conversations. And I truly mean that. I have so many questions, and would love to reply to some of your posts in particular. I’m not saying any of this in a sarcastic manner. I will say that as a good Christian, we should not pass judgment on others, or presume to know who they are in their heart and head without knowing anything about them other than what we hear and or read in passing. I’m not saying that I agree or disagree with Kathy. Really I don’t have any skin in the game with respect to her or her beliefs or politics. Especially considering that outside of my In-Laws living in the state that she represents it doesn’t effect me personally too much. If you are directly effected by policy that Kathy and her team are responsible for, then I appreciate your thoughts I suppose. Having said all of that, I think that it is perhaps against your moral compass, and beliefs to take it upon yourself to determine who, and what she is considering that you most likely are not in her parish, and I would assume that you do not speak with her, or anyone that may know her. Right on RainbowElf. I hope you have a great night.
  19. Well Bobdobbs. I dig the video. I might be an idiot as a side note. Like a good intentions type of idiot. Well, my wife might have something to say about that last part of good intentions. Either way, thanks for the video. Thanks for helping me to better understand my idiocy, and you are a scholar, and a gentleman! Damn, I have some work to do as well. But, not a tinfoil hat in my house that I know of, and on top of that, I found the music to be somewhat enjoyable. Also, science is cool. I can get behind science.Those guys who study at that building, with those other people for a long time, to figure out stuff that you and I, and RainbowElf and Mr. JohnOsbourne can benefit from. Those guys are cool! Have a great night Sir.
  20. I’m interested for sure. I would love to hear your story about that night and leading up to it. I tried like crazy, my wife also tried knowing what a massive event this was in my life as well as her life with me. I wasn’t as lucky, or maybe didn’t have the right resources, or maybe I wasn’t as resourceful as I could or should have been. But the first part of your story sounds awesome. Please continue. Thanks for sharing by the way.
  21. You know what, I get it now. I do and did sound ignorant. Never mind that last post of mine.
  22. It looks like it ran from 1981-1988, what an amazing find Mark Zep. Without sounding kind of ignorant, was this a show done in America? On IMDB it doesn’t say. It mentions the host Mr. Katsura. Again awesome job on the MarkZep. Really cool. I love seeing stuff like this resolved. Have a great night.
  23. Alright man, let’s start over. It’s a shame that they didn’t invite JPJ. I also wish that would have. Here we sit 25 plus years from that time and it sucks that it didn’t go down that way. How do you feel about it Weapon2010? Hope that helps us in our new relationship moving forward. I’m being serious now Weapon. Also, what shows did you go to? What year? While you were at the show or shows, were you thinking 🤔 “ Goddamn it! These guys should have invited, and included John Paul Jones”. Or was it something that crept up on you overtime? For me I just was happy to be able to see the two of them and enjoy what we were able to witness and experience. Let me know where you stand. I’m interested in it.
  24. Thanks for the thumbs up on the name. I appreciate it. I also like WEAPON2010. That’s very original, descriptive, and says a lot about you. I’m sorry you are lashing out on everyone with the exception of SteveZ98. And yes he is a cool guy and has some real contributions to the forum for sure. Hopefully you can calm down a little bit and forget about all the tough guy routines, and the LOL’s, and the NOT, and Dbag, and Bitch, and all the other tough talk and find some interesting information in this place. Right on weepon2010 have a great night big guy.
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